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Mr. IT

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Everything posted by Mr. IT

  1. I believe..... I have fixed the drunken ghosted garage door. A 2nd manual reset and it hasn't moved without my permission in over an hour now. All I do is fix things
  2. @Denversail this is where your new vlog should have started, LIGHTS.... CAMERA..... ACTION..... Next stop: Viral cruiser vlog
  3. My soon to be SOUSED SAILOR nudged me to respond to another one of her future cruising posts of a cruise that I don't get to go on. SO!!!, Here it is.... If you're over a certain age, surviving everything life throws at you, you should automatically receive 4 weeks PTO regardless of employment status. This is the end of my public service announcement (promised SS I wouldn't rage). SOOOOO, back to work I go.
  4. We've all heard that confession from you, SS is the girl who cried wolf, don't feel sorry for her for 1 millisecond... stacked PTO
  5. My soon to be SOUSED SAILOR nudged me to respond to another one of her future cruising posts of a cruise that I don't get to go on. SO!!!, Here it is.... If you're over a certain age, surviving everything life throws at you, you should automatically receive 4 weeks PTO regardless of employment status. This is the end of my public service announcement (promised SS I wouldn't rage). Back to work, what really sucks is that I kept thinking today was Friday
  6. Thank you @Mom*3 We both loved the weekend version just as much as the week long cruises, maybe even more. I was thinking that just as I'm going to start getting into the cruise, it'll be time to disembark, but that wasn't the case, it was a great time, we didn't try to cram in a bunch of activities, just took our time and enjoyed the beach. We did spend more $$ than normal but that was due to our last second decision of booking the cruise/flights. I do believe another weekend cruise is in my near future and certain that it's in @Denversail's next couple of months.
  7. Always good to be back home in Colorful Colorado. A fun filled extended weekend, Thank you @Denversail
  8. Leu Gardens in Winter Park, FL Pretty cool property, wish we had more time to look around and it wasn't high noon, difficult time to shoot
  9. Folks, fire up the popcorn machine again. The show will begin as soon as my salty sailor unpacks this gem. I showed her a quick preview and all she did was shake her head and mumble oh I got something for her. Front row seat: CHECK Popcorn: CHECK Just waiting for the lights to lower and the show to start, gonna be juicy
  10. @perfect match Thank you!! Sorry, no food pics this time. We both went into the ocean and the pool. Both were nice, the pool was heated and wonderful. The ocean was brisk at first but a nice cool down. I would definitely go back especially with the tram from ship to beach and back, that saved my back and feet quite a bit allowing me to enjoy the beach even more
  11. LOL, I was watching the game at the bar while @Denversail gets her hairs done
  12. The grumpy in the chair started the night cursing "Where's the F'ng smoking section? To your Roger kind sir, out that door and to the elevator, what floor are you staying on?
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