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Posts posted by MB9999

  1. 18 minutes ago, sushraya said:

    They are applying for a Schengen visa sometime next month.   From the MSC website, it looks like they will need a multiple entry Schengen visa - they have the itinerary and will be taking that to the appointment, so hopefully they get what they will need.

    👍  👍  👍

  2. On 5/14/2024 at 6:52 AM, sushraya said:

    I have friends who are Indian citizens joining us on a cruise in the mediterranean.   We are likely going to Slovenia from Italy on one of the cruise ports and I looked around to make sure that the Schengen visa is sufficient.   There are so many possibilities, that I see why Celebrity just makes it the cruiser's problem.


    I read a thread where a cruise line ended up having to stay a day longer in Barcelona (I think it was MSC cruises) because a lot of the passengers were supposed to disembark in Barcelona but they didn't have valid visas.   Apparently, in this case, they had gotten visas - but they were fake?   Feel bad for the other passengers on this ship that were affected by this ...

    @sushraya - Curious what did you end up finding out regarding your friends? 

  3. Thanks everyone for your suggestions and comments. I was able to find this email address on Celebrity website and have written to it: celebrity@visacentral.com. Again, I have already checked with the consulates, but wanted to know if there was anyone else who had a similar experience. Thanks again for sharing! 


    For those interested, MSC Cruises who does a similar cruise actually has very specific and detailed instructions on their website. So there are some cruise companies that provide immigration / visa information. https://www.msccruisesusa.com/-/media/global-contents/visa-and-documents-pdf/english/summer/document-visa-est-mediterranean-summer.pdf      and      https://www.msccruisesusa.com/manage-booking/before-you-go/travel-documents-visas 

  4. Thanks @Northern Aurora! I find that surprising too. I have been obsessing over this for months - lol. I think it would help if Celebrity offered some concrete direction on what is needed. I saw something like this on the MSC Cruises website. They had listed out in detail all the visas that were needed in the various sailings. But Celebrity, like I said, just asked me to look it up myself. 

  5. Hi there! We are traveling on the Celebrity Ascent Med Cruise (Departing from Greece, then going to Turkey and finally Italy). My mom (Indian Citizen, Green Card Holder) will be on the cruise with us.

    • I looked up the Consulates for the various ports of call and got her a multiple entry Schengen Visa.
    • For Turkey, it appears she does not need a visa as she is visiting on a Cruise ship but I may get her one just in case.
    • I also called up Celebrity to ask them what visas she will need and they told me that it was my responsibility to find out and they do not advise on such matters. 


    I am just curious if anyone else has been in a similar situation and what was their experience like? I realize that in immigration matters, it is better to consult official sources rather than cruise review boards. And I have done that. Just wondering what others' experience has been. 




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