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Everything posted by Princessscrewedme

  1. I will say that I'm grateful for this and I'm happy with this level of compensation. I still would have done things differently, but I'm satisfied. Thank you princess. It's time to change my username to something a tad less aggressive.
  2. I talked to the front desk people today. I've been worried about them because people are so mad right now, but the desk people seemed to be in good spirits, despite the challenging customers (I'm furious myself, I'm just not taking it out on the crew like others are), and they said compensation has been determined and that it would be explained in the letters delivered to our rooms tonight. I hope it's something good. If anyone gets the letter please share a copy of it here!
  3. Just know they departed without telling us anything is wrong, just know they may do the same thing to you.
  4. Thanks mom! I just want to cry! But I appreciate your support! There isn't anyone offering any support here on the cruise so it means a lot!
  5. I agree, fixing their broken ship would cost money. Makes much more sense to screw their customers instead. 👍
  6. If it meant a refund and compensation, then yes. Cruising the open ocean as we drive by the ports I could have seen is not a good use of my time.
  7. Exactly! They knew the ship had problems but didn't say anything until it was too late. I never would have agreed to this kind of trip if I had access to the information they withheld. In terms of the May 11th cruise, this was a preexisting issue in which they withheld key information. It's criminal.
  8. Love the positivity! I allowed myself to be angry yesterday, but today and forward I'm making the most of it! I'm sharing updates as I have them, and while I'm not thrilled with the situation, my time to be angry is over and I'm practicing positivity as much as I can.
  9. Hey, I just want to say that your comments and insights have been extremely helpful and validating, I really appreciate everything you've shared. Thanks for all the helpful info! I've gotten a lot from these
  10. I'm glad you guys can afford to take dozens of cruises, that must be great! I'm also glad you've been completely desensitized to the shortcomings of cruise companies. You sound like really ideal passengers for these cruise companies. But I'm not like that. And many other people aren't either. We don't have your privilege. I saved for years to take my husband on this cruise because it's been his dream. So maybe consider the perspective of the average individual instead of your own highly privileged viewpoint?
  11. That really is a sad story. I'm sorry that the other passengers weren't more respectful of such a terrible situation. Things can always be worse, thanks for sharing
  12. No it doesn't, because I maintain it and replace it when it needs to be upgraded. The ship is almost 20 years old. If they're running it too hard and too long that's on them. This issue isn't the equivalent of a flat tire, it's the equivalent of a busted head gasket of a dying vehicle. I don't know why you're defending them so hard?
  13. They didn't do it on purpose, but they failed to maintain their ship, so they're completely guilty and responsible for this failure. But yes I agree the crew is great, and I absolutely don't want anyone to disrespect the crew. It's not their fault personally
  14. I'm glad you think they'll be more generous, because it really is their fault for not maintaining their ship well enough. The crew is great, but the company can never be redeemed in my eyes for this. Haha I wish the number of cruise days could be reduced if it meant a refund. I'm here for an Alaska experience, and instead I'm being given a tour of the open ocean with a pitstop in Alaska. Not a good use of my time.
  15. I'll provide updates as they come, especially about compensation. I doubt it'll be anything that satisfies. It better be a cash refund. I'm going to be very upset if they offer any sort of discount on a future cruise because I'll never sail with princess again. I just want a refund
  16. The ship is constantly lurching forward, then seemingly losing momentum. I'm no cruise expert, but this doesn't seem normal. Especially for how flat the water is. It's just concerning that so much has been cancelled within the first 24 hours, so I just wonder how long it'll be until they cancel something else. I have a speedometer app that I check periodically and we're only moving 16-18 mph most of the time. I just feel like more cancelations are coming.
  17. Can you share the Reddit post? I didn't know glacier bay was cancelled. Communication has been abysmal here
  18. They've cancelled college fjord. At this point I'd rather just get off and go home. This trip is a waste of my money and vacation time. It's been nothing like what I expected. I haven't been able to afford a cruise until now, so this is the first one since I was a kid. This trip is a really big deal for me financially. This is my first princess cruise, and I feel I have been treated so poorly through this whole experience. I'm just so sad that things have worked out this way.
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