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Posts posted by cruisemama5

  1. Just wondering if there are any passengers currently on the Crown with news of how the ship is doing in regards to the Noro outbreak. I know they would be on the strict protocol in the food areas for the first few days, but wondering if there is any word on how it is going now.


    We are going on the Crown on April 26th. Not too worried as we try and do what we can to prevent it, lots of hand washing, etc. Wondering about getting the wipes mentioned on other threads for the room.

  2. I have saved all my cruise cards, except for the first two cruises I went on. DH keeps asking my what I'm going to do with them. I tell him I just like to look at them and think of all the fun I've had.

  3. We get it all the time from neighbors, family and coworkers. Some ask why we don't just wait till we retire. My husband says "I work hard and I am going to enjoy it while I can. No guarantees on how long I will be on this earth, so I'm going to go whenever I can!"

  4. rene194215 - I am so sorry you are having trouble with your weightloss. You have been through a lot and it is hard to get back into working out and eating right. I also lost a lot of weight, 70 pounds and I was where I wanted to be. I was so excited. I bought all new clothes. I kept it off for quite a while. But then I went on a trip and gained a little and instead of getting right at taking it off, I procrastinated and thought it would be okay, it wasn't that much. Little by little the pounds started coming back on. I started loving sugar and breads again. Not a good thing for me. So now, over the last 18 months, I put about 40 pounds back on. I look in the mirror and am disgusted with myself, and I have been for a while now. I think I put the majority on this last holiday time because I figured I was already gaining, so why watch what I was doing.


    Now, I am trying very hard to loose again. We are going on a cruise soon, and I know I can't loose the weight by then, I am hoping to loose what ever I can. I started 2 weeks ago and I am down 7 lbs. Every little bit helps.


    I can say that I have thought constantly about getting back on the diet wagon since I started gaining. I just wasn't in the mindset to want to do it. Even having trips that I wanted to look good on, didn't give me the motivation. I think it has to come from somewhere deep inside of you. I think I have it back now. I have totally given up sweets and breads and am really watching what I am eating. I need to get into some form of exercise to help me also. I can't do the program I did last time to loose weight, as it was making me sick this time when I tried to start it. So I am just going to try eating healthy and no sweets and really counting calories and being very conscience of what I am putting into my body.


    I hope you can find your motivation again. You will feel better when you do. The things Anita Latte said in the previous posts are very good. I think I will look at some of those books she mentioned to see what they have to say. Good luck to you in your journey!!


    Can I ask a question of you? I noticed in another thread that you asked for a copy of a diet from auskercam (I think) and they said they would send it to you. If you got that from them, could you send it to me? I asked a few days ago also, but haven't gotten it yet. If you do send it, please put something in the subject so I will know what it is when I watch for it. Thanks. my email is shellyjdavis at yahoo dot com.

  5. I have read your stories (both threads) from the beginning. I agree with the others that it is a wonderful love story and you have no need to explain why you wrote what you did. It is your story and others can choose not to read it if they think there is TMI. I personally think you did a fine job of telling your story, even the TMI. Have loved it!


    We have slept in our car several times on the way to cruises. I don't mind because it enables us to get to the port in the time we had available. You and your wife have a very special bond with each other.


    Can't wait for the rest of the story!!

  6. Terrific, Many of us have enjoyed and lived this time thru your posts and hope that you don't stop telling this Fabulous story. I and many others only wish we could have husbands as thoughtful as you!!!! Keep up the good work and God Bless.



    I agree!! I think this is a great idea and a great build up to this cruise. Different people like different places Articcat, and different people enjoy different things about cruising. I LOVE sea days, my husband not so much.


    I think this is a very romantic gesture to the cruise. She knows that it is a cruise, probably pretty sure where she's going. I personally would love this. Even if I had it all figured out, if my DH had was doing this and he ahd a year's worth of clues planned, I would want him to do the WHOLE thing. I absolutely love this idea.


    I think the OP is a very romantic man doing this for his wife! WAY TO GO and keep it up!!

  7. She gets sick easily. I was hoping this would be less motion. I'm sure she will be taking that with her!


    On her last cruise she got very sick on the evening of our first day at sea. So the next day in port, we saw a place advertising a bracelet to wear for motion sickness so she bought it hoping it would help. It was one of those balance bracelets that are advertised on TV and sold by several companies. Anyway, it worked until the last formal night. She wanted a picture and took it off for a picture and forgot it at one of the picture places or dropped it. She started feeling ill and discovered then that she didn't put it back on. She bought her another one, and has worn it on car rides and airplane rides since and has been fine. Not sure if it is just the power of suggestion or not, but it has helped so I'm sure she will be wearing that as well.

  8. Thanks for all the great info on this thread. Counting down the days!


    Going on the Dream in December with my husband, sister-in-law, oldest daughter, and youngest daughter and her husband. My Dad might be coming to. We have to look into how much extra a room is that he would book as a solo cruiser and see if we can talk him into coming.


    Have not sailed on a ship this big before. Am a little concerned about how crowded it will feel in the public areas and how long it will take to tender.


    Also, concerned about the comments of this ship rocking a lot. Two of the people going with us have never cruised before, and one of my daughters gets motion sickness fairly easy. Was hoping this large ship would be more stable. Will just remind her to bring Bonine.

  9. When your husband gave you the itinerary and the cards, how much time did you have to prepare for the cruise?


    After my experience (so far) I'm thinking that three months would be the ideal amount of time, and that a year might be too long. But the final word on that will come from my DW after this is all history!


    I did get a chance to give her another clue last night as we watched fireworks. Hopefully I'll get a chance to tell more about that later.



    It was three months for the first one and about 3 1/2 months for the second one. He gave them to me for our anniversaries.

  10. I am loving this thread. You are a great guy going to all this work to make this fun and special for your wife! My husband has surprised me twice with cruises for our anniversaries. I was really surprised that he was able to surprise me the second time. He didn't spread it out with clues. Just gave me the itinerary as a gift along with lovely cards talking about the cruises.


    Can't wait to see how the rest of this story goes.

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