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Posts posted by kellor

  1. It sounds like you two are having a great time! We did the canal last year and just loved the whole thing! I want to do it again to see everything I missed. I have to tell you our worlds are similar....I actually own and operate 5 farmers markets here in Washington State! Keep having a great time and looking forward to hearing more about your adventures! Lori


    Day 6 - Lewie's Musings from the Panama Canal


    Today we decided to stay on the ship to experience the operation of the locks as we pass through. The weather is sunny, hot and humid, about 92 degrees F. Later today, my Aunt Sue will write our report of the partial transit of the canal.


    Today, I want to talk about my occupation at home. My cousin Mark and I have a coffee business called Lew's Brews Coffee. We sell El Salvadorian coffee at a Farmer's market in Palatine, IL. We get a lot of help from family including my Uncle Jack, my parents, and friends of the family. Without them I wouldn't be making it in the business world. If you ever make it to Palatine during the summer, I invite you for a cup of coffee.


    This trip is renewing my spunk for Lew's Brews. Yesterday I bought Columbian coffee for Mark. This lush rain forest we are traveling through is inspiring me. I anxiously await writing to you from Costa Rica because our tour will go through coffee country and I will buy Costa Rican coffee for friends and family.


    Sun City - Ours said 5:45 also but it actually is 5:15. Bill - Thanks


    Stay tuned for tomorrow's musings from the ship at sea.


    Over and Out, Lewie

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