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Everything posted by contom

  1. Correction to email address and thank you! I called Holland America to voice our displeasure...I was given this email address by customer service. According to the customer service representative there still may be time to change that decision. For those interested the email address is: officeofthepresident@hollandamerica.com. I just sent my email 🙂
  2. I called Holland America to voice our displeasure...I was given this email address by customer service. According to the customer service representative there still may be time to change that decision. For those interested the email address is: theofficeofthepresdident@hollandamerica.com. I just sent my email 🙂
  3. Khlela contrary to your comment, other religions are represented, as per Holland's Website: An interdenominational service is held Sunday mornings, led by the congregation. A Jewish Shabbat Service is held Friday evenings, led by the congregation. I am glad that other religions are represented, I am not glad that they have removed representation on my faith on certain cruises. "LouChamp" has captured my intent perfectly. We sail multiple times per year, and this is a big factor on who we select as our cruise provider.
  4. We have been almost exclusively sailing Holland because of the Catholic Priests on board. This is a game changer, and we will have to begin looking at other options. They have all types of other entertainment and special interest groups that they cater to and will not cut but have decided to target the dedicated Catholics on their cruises. The Masses during the cruises that we have been on can have over 100 people in attendance...and they cut this option??? This is a recent change that we were just made aware of as of June 2024.
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