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Posts posted by goose30

  1. Pablo222; I agree completely that, just like in the case of the Dallas patient who lied on his form to return to the US. One thing I can see coming for the future is a requirement that all passengers produce a passport which would be checked for government stamps. Now this obviously won't stop someone from within the US who has been around someone here from attempting to board, so the next best thing would be temperature screening and making the health form a "sworn statement" punishable by criminal charges. Will this stop it completely, absolutely not, but could it prevent a potential problem, absolutely could.


    What countries stamp passports these days?

  2. Oh for crypes' sake. We're talking about a stinking 2 hours here.

    If you prefer to vacate by 8 am or so, go for it. I prefer not to.

    Your 2 hours on the front is my 2 hours on the back.

    Get over yourself.


    Where is the like button?


    Hey Max why don't you agree to disagree and let it be. We understand what you would like. It just ain't so.

  3. The concept is right, the prices aren't.

    We were on the Eclipse both on the TA (US prices) and immediately thereafter, sailing from Southampton (UK prices). Don't recall anything raised by 15%--the least was around 25% and some considerably more than that. Even soft drinks jumped (here is an example, the menu is in my hand: Coke $2.50 before, $3.50 after--40% increase). A beer and wine that we had been paying a tab of around $16 with grat went to over $20 with the new pricing. A 15% increase should have pegged it around $18.50


    But, but, but I don't want to pay a tip they should add it into the price. Looks like they did and even with the price increase it's a lot more than 15%.


    Looks like you can't have your cake and eat it without a price.

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