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Posts posted by read52

  1. Southwest is our favorite airline even after a strange flight at Thanksgiving time. We got a 6:00 am flight to Chicago on the Saturday before Thanksgiving. They had a snow storm so on Friday night we were able to change the flight to 12 noon. Thought we would miss the snow. Well, the flight was still delayed. We finally took off about 1 hour later. We were in the air about 30 minutes when the pilot announced that we had turned back to Baltimore because we were losing fuel (but they said we had enough to get back). Back at BWI and greeted by fire trucks but they did not see anything so back to gate. We had to get off the plane and were told to meet at gate 13 to get on new plane. A few more delays. Then we are taxing on the runway when a fight breaks out in the back of the plane. A large military guy across the aisle from us stops the fight as the stewardess has the pilot stop the plane. Back to the gate, police take off fighters. An hour later we finally leave getting to Chicago at 6:30 pm. Our flight was $41 per person and they refunded each of us $150.

  2. Shirley...I would have given it back too. What an uncaring teacher, in MHO. I don't miss that common core math at all!!!


    On a better note, I just got back from a 14 day repo with Janice. It was really relaxing and we saw new islands we had never been to before!!!!:) Retirement is nice!!! (There were only 17 kids on the whole ship.)


    I see you and Janice have quite a few cruises under your belt and a few more to come. Glad that you are enjoying retirement. It will happen some day for me. We are going back to WI for Thanksgiving break because my brother-in-law found out about 7 weeks ago that he has stage 4 lung cancer. He is 59.

  3. Read52, some of my grandsons are in the gifted area too, and are in some higher area classes for some of the subjects.


    I heard a couple people here recently where their children/grandchildren were going to school, that the math is nothing like it used to be, and it is harder for parents to work with the children on it. I'm glad I'm through that stage. :)


    Yes, math is being explained in a different way. They want kids to understand how and why they got an answer not just a memorized answer. If you can't remember a math fact they want you to be able to find the answer in another way. I think it can work both ways. But I know if frustrates my other son when his daughter brings home some math papers. She is in second grade. She brought home a paper that said 0/17 because although she had to right answers for each simple addition problem, she did not circle the right number of sticks to solve each problem. I would have given the paper back to her to finish not mark it all wrong.

  4. Everyone on this site must be enjoying retirement because it has been a month since anyone has posted.


    Debbie, I have been enjoying the younger students but I have to keep thinking about what they can do at this level.


    My grandson is doing great in third grade. He loves the work and comes home each day works on his homework right after school. He will be turning 8 in two weeks. The school is having his brother tested for the gifted program at their school.


    My daughter now needs to look at schools for my granddaughter. My daughter lives here so now is the time to fill out paperwork for tuition grants (like scholarships in college).


    Going on a cruise in July out of Galveston with my son and his family that live in Texas.

  5. I have off today, not to see the Pope but to go to some preplanned doctors appointments with my husband. There has been a lot of excitement of the Pope's arrival and activities in DC. Several students from my school were able to attend the mass and other events. I was offered tickets to see the Pope today outside of Congress but we have waited for these two doctor appointments for a while plus we would have to be leaving now to get there.

    I have also had to pick up my two grandchildren from daycare because mommy and daddy work downtown where everything is happening. Such is balancing work and other activities.

  6. Kudos to you for enjoying teaching at this point in your life. You must be working at a wonderful school with great kids. DW was able to retire when she hit 63 and did not even wait to finish out the school year. Of course, she was in an inner city school with a terribly unprincipled principal. Actually, the last of a series of incompetent principals.


    I am in a private school but like I said there have been a lot of changes recently. We have had several principals in the time that I have been there, some good and some not so good. Being in a private school, we always have to worry about enrollment which has been shaky in the last couple of years so of course they want to cut corners. They have been encouraging the older teachers to retire. Financially I need a couple of more years then I can work part time.

  7. I don't think about the counting or number of days I have left I just tried to think about when our home will be paid for a new car since what we have is 8 years old now. We have some money set aside and have traditional old school retirement checks that will be coming in. Don't look at retiring as a date but when can you have sufficient savings and your retirement to give you the life you want to live.

    But since you asked I am looking at about 2036 days (1march 2021).

    I can go now if they piss me off but think

    I would be in better shape in 2036 days. Your health also might play into this that is another reason I want to hang around for a while got a lot going on medically and like the doctors and hospital


    Hope my comments help. Ask yourself when will you be ready to live as you want to. That's the date. Start counting but don't carve it into stone unless you have everything lauded out as you dreamed it would be


    A log can happen between now and then. I can go now but would be better off later rather than sooner


    I agree with everything that you just said. I want to work for 3 years more years because then our house will be paid off. My husband has had a lot of health problems so right now insurance is cheap. Once we go on Medicare we also need a supplement which will be more expensive. Plus working until 66 will give me the full amount from SS and then I am not limited to how much I can earn. Right now I am making good money. But the most important reason is that I still enjoy teaching.

  8. We were on the Quantum this past April. The service was lacking but that was because in a few weeks they were headed to China and many, many of the people were new. The ship has so many great things to see and do that it can't be done in 7 days. The bumper cars were great. I did ifly but my husband did not because he just had a hernia operation. I am a 63 year old woman and that minute was long and fun. The operator did let go of me but I did not do a loop. We loved the dining and the fact that you could try different food. We meet great people from around the world.

  9. You will do great! You already know what they need for fifth grade so you will just push them in that direction. And at that age they are really sweet! Let me know how it goes !




    I did teach 3rd grade for two years but that was a while ago (my 4th year of teaching and 18 years ago) so I know that I can do it for a couple of years. I love teaching but there has been a lot of change in my school in the last couple of years. There is only one other teacher now that has been there as long as I have (27 years), three teachers that have been there for about 15 years, 3 teachers that have 8 years. The rest of the faculty has been there 5 or less years with 5 new teachers.


    Also we booked a cruise with my son's family out of Galveston for next July on the Liberty. My daughter-in-law's parents are coming too. My daughter is trying to figure out if they can afford it (they have two kids). It is awhile to wait but other things got in the way of cruising. We will be going out to Texas in a couple of weeks to visit this son and see the new baby.

  10. Happy to hear you will be retiring soon. I've been retired 6 months and it is wonderful! If it makes you feel better, I was a teacher and unbelievably tired. Sometimes I would go straight to bed when I got home, then wake up early to finish any school work I needed that day.I thought something was wrong with me but I was just going to wait for retirement to check it out. One month after retirement, I had all my energy back!! I think it was stress and Common Core kicking my butt!!! November will be here before you know it!!!:)




    Hey Debbie,


    I just finished an online course about technology so that I can renew my state certification which is good for 5 years. I think this is the last class I will take. This class was only $30 and I did learn quite a bit. Now I just have to gear myself down for 8 years instead of 10 year olds.

  11. We've stayed at the Renaissance in the Inner Harbor, and loved the fact it was very easy walking distance from the National Aquarium and their mall, as well as a water taxi pick-up to see Fort McHenry. It's also right next door to a mall! So, we were able to eat at McDonalds instead of the Renaissance high priced fare.


    Keep in mind, that right now Baltimore is a war zone.

    We've reluctantly crossed off Baltimore from our list until their get things better under control. We hope this happens soon, since we REALLY want another visit to their National Aquarium.


    One of the comments from a man that lives in Washington and commutes to Baltimore after the firing of the police commissioner on Fox News, mentioned the Inner Harbor and Little Italy was still relatively unscathed.



    I live about 40 miles from Baltimore near DC. The disturbance that happened a few months ago is far away from the downtown area and the harbor. That area has had problems for many years. My husband worked in Baltimore for a number of years in sales so he knows the areas. Baltimore has no more problems than any large city so don't cancel a cruise or a visit to the city for that reason. We take field trips to Fort McHenry, Science Museum, and the Aquarium from my school.

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