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Posts posted by CruzinScotty

  1. CruzinScotty, do you remember if the MDR is open for lunch on embarkation day or just Lido?



    Short answer: Just the Lido.


    Long answer:


    The MDR is not open for lunch on any Carnival ship any day that I know of.


    On Sea Days, they have the Sea Day Brunch that goes from 8:30(ish) - 1PM - double check those times. So you can have "lunch" if you go at the end.


    On Port Days, I believe the MDR is open for breakfast, but not lunch.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing. Adore Charleston and need to get back soon on the Ecstasy! :)



    Yes, come on back - Charleston is beautiful and so is the Ecstasy!


    WOW - you've got a lot of cruises under your belt and planned. I've been on 8 of the ships you've been on (including the Carnivale and Celebration), and add the Valor in September.


    I'm glad you are enjoying the review.

  3. So, when I mention the Fantasy becoming the Ecstasy, you might think I'm making a connection to the fact that the Fantasy just left Charleston and was replaced by the Ecstasy.


    Nope, I have a story:


    This is a real event; the name has been changed to protect the person involved.



    The Story of Moped-Marty


    Flash-back to yesterday after we were back on ship in Nassau: we noticed a guy by himself sitting on the stairs. He seemed to be fixing a large bandage on his arm and he had fresh scrapes on his face. He didn't seem to be in need of help. I wondered if he had slipped on the ship; but didn't want to bother him in such a public place with so many people around.


    So today, as we were outside on Deck 10 for Sail Away from Freeport, I saw the guy again, sitting by himself, on one of the white benches. I think they may have extra life preservers in them? Anyways, I asked him what happened, had he fallen on the Lido? It turns out he had been on a moped in Nassau. He had trouble with a curve and hit a wall. He had a compound fracture to his arm and wrist.


    This gentleman was not on his first cruise. As adults, we all make our own choices. I'm not trying to start a controversy – if I did, I would have started a new thread, “and gotten out the popcorn”. ;)


    I'm just sharing information about his plight. And, I'm not talking about him being on a moped at all.


    In addition to his injuries, he had two problems: he did not purchase trip insurance and he did not have a passport. You see, Moped-Marty started his cruise on the Fantasy from Miami. He knew at the hospital he would not make it back to the ship on time.


    With no passport, the government really IS strict about their policy – you can NOT fly into the US without one. So no flight from Nassau to Miami for Marty.


    He told his family to stay on board and enjoy the rest of their cruise. With no insurance, he was already paying for his way home, plus what medical bills he had in Nassau. He didn’t need to add to the cost by adding his family. Though Carnival was under no obligation, free of charge, they put him on the next ship arriving in Nassau that returned to the US - that would be us; the Ecstasy! Transportation from Charleston to his home was still on him and not completely decided upon when we spoke.


    My, oh my, what an unfortunate situation.


    And that, my friends, is how a Passenger on the Fantasy became a Passenger on the Ecstasy.


    Marty did talk about the Fantasy, he did mentioned that the entire floor on the Lido has been replaced; it is all carpeting now. Maybe there's hope for the Ecstasy yet with a dry dock coming in January.





    Now, let’s see those Freeport Sail Away pics.


    Pulling away:




    The thrusters pushed us way out. You can see the container ships are being unloaded. We watched this when we weren’t napping. LOL




    A good view of the entire shopping area:




    Now we have a straight shot to the ocean:




    And we finish where we began:




    I didn’t realize these were refueling stations on my last trip, or even when we went by this morning. I found out at breakfast.


    Coming soon: Dinner for 2? Or was that 10?

  4. Loving the reviews and pictures!!! August 6th can't come soon enough!


    They say anticipation is half the fun! I know I sure do. And as much as you take in every moment; it always flies by so fast.


    As I said, there hasn't been a long Ecstasy review - I don't think - since it got to Charleston. This one is perfect timing for you. :) I'm glad you are enjoying it.

  5. Should be interesting in Charleston. Will they let you park your car whenever you get there?


    This was my question given the unique parking situation.


    You can park whenever you want. You can arrive at the port whenever you want. You can hand luggage over to the porters whenever you want. What you may not do is enter the terminal to check in until your check in window starts. The Carnival web site spells all of this out in great detail. And if Carnival has sent you the email PDF advising you need to select a check-in window, it also spells out the process in great detail.


    This new policy, currently only in use at certain ports of embarkation ONLY impacts check in time. Has nothing to do with arrivals. boarding or anything else. And does not apply if you are Platinum, Diamond, FTTF or arriving on a Carnival transfer.


    Thanks for this explanation. After reading basically the same information in many formats - I think it's finally "sticking".


    My question/concern in Charleston is if you arrive to park early, will they make you leave and drive the streets and then come back. Hopefully, you are correct and they will still let you park whenever you get there.


    My next concern is if you park early, you can't catch the shuttle to the terminal until it's your time. You have no place to wait except your car. Then, I finally compared it to other ports. If I arrive at Port Canaveral an hour early, I would still end up waiting in my car (unless the weather was nice enough to want to wait outside of the terminal).


    So, as long as they do let you park anytime in Charleston, then it's not really different than arriving early at other ports.


    You just need to learn how to not arrive early at any of the ever-expanding number of ports with staggered embarkation.


    Now my concern is how quickly they did the Charleston/Baltimore roll out - less than 2 weeks notice. We leave from Port Canaveral in Sept and want to get on early. Am checking the e-mails to grab an early time since the ship is pretty well sold out. LOL

  6. Anyone with a mobility problem will find the ports staff to be extremely helpful. Love the general attitude of that crew in Charleston.:)


    Happy sails.





    Thanks for the info.


    Charleston is usually at or near the top of most polls or travel magazine rankings as far as destinations and friendliest people; but I didn't want to brag too much. ;)


    I'm glad to have more first hand accounts of our hospitality in this review!


    Thanks for reading.

  7. I cruised to Freeport and Nassau on my honeymoon in 1995. Hoping to go back at the end of 2017. I'm sure I won't recognize it at all.


    Enjoying your review!


    I know what you mean about Freeport. In 1997, it seems you walked off a small pier and the UNEXSCO building was there. But that's all I remember being there. No shops of any kind. The ship didn't even dock inside the inlet. It seems it was a pier off the shore - you could see all the industrials building close, but you definitely didn't dock right in the middle of it


    Thanks for reading.

  8. We ate outside on the Lido, again. I think the place had our name on it. LOL


    Hey, here comes a small container ship:




    I kid you not.



    After lunch, we headed to Serenity. Luckily we found loungers in the shade again; because we could see it coming.


    And the rain, rain, rain:




    Came down, down down:




    It was a quick passing shower and soon the sun was out.


    I told you I wasn’t kidding with the picture above, here comes “Big Daddy”!




    You might think I’m crazy, and it’s not quite the view we had yesterday; but we found all of the container ships fascinating.




    I counted 19 containers wide and 9 containers high (in the middle). We talked and talked about what in the world was in them, where they came from and where might be going next.


    So, let’s compare the two:




    Time for the boring stuff: hot tub, nap, relax. I could get used to this. I already have!


    All too soon, it was time to get cleaned up for Sail Away.



    Coming soon: How the Fantasy becomes the Ecstacy

  9. Back on board, Pierre has been hard at work again:





    This is the view on the starboard side:




    Are we refueling? Were they painting like the port side by the pier and we just couldn’t see them? Anyone know for sure?


    With so many people off the ship; this sight sure looks enticing:




    This was the only time we got in the pool. It was very refreshing. One thing we do miss on this ship is having a 2nd pool in the aft. Next time, we’ll have to make sure we get up here more often.


    Then, it’s time for lunch. It was just turning noon; things were slowly opening. I saw two officers standing at the Mongolian Wok. So, I got in line and said to them, “If you are here, they must be ready to open”. They said it would be a few minutes, but started fixing their veggies and I followed suit.


    Today they had mussels and clams, yum!




    In case you couldn’t tell, Pineapple upside down cake is one of my favorites.


    Next: You might think I’m crazy – but hey – you’ve stuck around this long. ;)

  10. I believe you totally misread Badfinger's post which was a response to your suggestion that people pick an early time even if they knew they wouldn't arrive then.


    If you know you won't be there at 11 am, why would you select that time, taking if away from someone else? The slot times are limited, you know.


    That's my concern with this - people will take an early slot even though they know they won't be there and then show up two hours later (so they can walk right on).


    Select the time you believe you'll arrive. Simple enough, really. Of course things might happen and you might be delayed, but don't pick an early time just because you can.


    That is EXACTLY my concern!



    A search on this subject didn't help me find anything.


    This month Carnival's new policy (already in effect on some ships) about requiring us to select our embarkation time goes into effect on the Ecstasy. No problem for us - we have already signed up for our preferred (earliest) time to board; however, the policy as stated is very strict. I wonder if anyone has experienced any problems.


    (Interesting that our travel agent did not alert us to this - I discovered it quite by accident.)


    Happy sails.:)




    Getting back to OP, embarkation at Charleston is a different beast. People confuse "check-in time" with "boarding time" - BUT - at Charleston, they are much, MUCH closer to being the same thing. At this time, they can't even BEGIN the check in process until they are READY to start boarding.


    So, for this port in particular - picking a time earlier than you KNOW you need will really, REALLY fowl things up. Tomorrow is the Charleston 2nd embarkation with the staggered check-in times. I'm curious to see what the responses are from the first few cruises.

  11. CruisinScotty, I didn't solve the mystery of the "Walking People" but I did just call to inquire about the port embarkation process via taxi/shuttle/etc. It is still the same as it always has been: dropoff, luggage tent, shuttle to terminal. They provide a brochure giving all of the details perfectly here for anyone that needs it. All of that info still applies.




    The saga continues. zabaco started a separate thread about this subject. Another local, cruzelover, boarded the ship in May by walking over the pier; she was one of the "walking people" on her cruise. ;)


    I think since it is new, the Ports Authority staff may not be aware and the website needs to be updated as well (it still show pics of and specifically mentioned the Fantasy).




    I also found this document on the Port of Charleston website specifically regarding Carnival Ecstasy Jul - Dec 2016.


    "Only carry-on luggage will be allowed on the shuttle buses. Carry-on luggage should be no larger than 22" x 14" x 9" (approximately). The luggage size limits are the same as for airline travel. Any luggage larger than the dimensions noted for carry-on luggage is considered to be check-through luggage and must be left at the Union Pier luggage collection site. If larger, oversized luggage is brought over to the Passenger Terminal Building, the cruise guest will be asked to take it back to the luggage collection tent site. Only smaller carry-on luggage will be screened at the Passenger Terminal Building."


    I wanted to make sure you saw this because I'd hate for you to get to the terminal & have to go all the way back to the parking lot!


    I saw this when I looked the link. I didn't mention anything because I zoomed in on the pictures I posted and it looked like all normal luggage that people would use as carry-on. And, while it was busy in the terminal, I don't remember anyone being told their luggage was too big. (I'd hate to have to go back to check my luggage; I would think there would be a little commotion if it had happened. LOL).

  12. This actually has changed as of the middle of May. Now you have the option of taking the shuttle into the terminal or you may just walk in. It was great, made getting into the terminal much faster if you do not need the shuttle for mobility or other reasons.


    cruzeluver, THANKS so much for this information.


    I'm also a local that just took my first trip from Charleston. I'm doing a trip review, but parked there.


    I saw and posted pictures of people walking to the terminal and thought it was what you said. But someone posted on the review that they just called the Ports Authority, they are giving out the old information.


    Can you tell me:


    1. I you are having Carnival take deliver your luggage, you have to go to the same check in area to drop it off. Then, the person dropping you off takes you to the white tent where you either wait until it's time or just go into the terminal. Is this correct?


    2. If you are doing all carry-on luggage - do you have to check-in at the same area as everyone else (inside the gates at that white tent)? Or, do you go directly to the area you would board? (I saw a smaller white tent it appeared people might be using to check in, and then walking over to the large white tent to wait until they could walk on.)

  13. Fabulous! Thank you!


    Maybe we need to figure out how to be those walking people. :-)


    Yes, I want to be a walking person, too. ;) Next time, it's possible we might be dropped off and carry our own luggage on. I was looking forward to being dropped off at the small white tent to check in and then wait under white tent if too early, or just walk on in.


    But, the other info posted earlier says that's not the answer.


    I'm very curious.......

  14. We were planning to carry on our luggage (sailing Thursday!) and have been following the dimensions on the Carnival website. However, I noticed on the link you posted, the luggage dimensions are different.


    Are their luggage scanners smaller than those at other ports?


    Are they sticklers about the carry on size?


    Thursday! How exciting. Have a great time!


    Our security line was so fast I really don't remember it. But, I don't think it was any smaller than at other ports. I went back and enlarged my copy of the two photos of the "walking people" with luggage. It all looked to be about the normal roll on carry-on size I've seen at other ports.


    The picture area is on the same level as check-in. We were there a few minutes. I don't recall seeing anyone being turned away because their luggage was too big.

  15. Thanks for the Freeport photos! I like Nassau there is plenty to do very close to the ship or you can always run over to Atlantis, my issue with Freeport was it was an industrial port and there was nothing at the port, at least they have added something at the port now or are attempting to.


    Yes, with the number of ships Carnival alone sends to Freeport, I think they finally realize the sizeable number of people that have already done excursions or just care to get off the ship for a bit and have something right at the dock.


    Depending on your likes, in addition to Senor Frog is Fat Tuesday next door. And, there's a small local bar by the water in the old section. There are a lot of small huts to look thru. Most have the same things, but if you like to look it's nice. And this is where you get a chance to speak with the locals who are so friendly.


    I wish there was a way to add a Amber Cove or Grand Turk Margarittaville pool in the area. That would be a great addition, if done right.

  16. Here are some pictures from Freeport’s Straw Market:










    I wanted to mention just how personable and friendly the people of Freeport are. You don’t feel pressured and it’s a much more open and relaxed atmosphere.


    It was VERY hot here as well. We were always ducking into shade and looking for air-conditioning.


    Let me tell you about this place:




    This is a joint store for Del Sol and Cariloha. The building doesn’t look big, but inside it was very nice and much larger than it appears. We’ve been looking at the Cariloha bamboo sheets for a while. We still haven’t bought any, but this store was very nice. In fact, to show that Freeport is making an effort to update things: the Cariloha part of the store alone was bigger than the entire store in St. Kitts. It seems they may have had lower prices, but I can’t say for sure.


    I told you they are constantly cleaning the Ecstasy. That goes for the outside as well:





    Soon we’re heading back on board; and it’s not even time for lunch yet………

  17. Here’s a nice fountain in the middle of the older buildings:





    The bow of the ship:






    This is from September:





    A few posts ago, I said to remember the seawall – it’s done!






    Last September, this sign was definitely on "island time" and needed some love:





    It got some!





  18. Freeport really doesn’t get much love on CC. I think it even gets less than Nassau. :confused:


    But, this “any day on a ship, in any port, is better than any day at work” guy says – it’s all what you make of it.


    I mentioned earlier that I was here when there was nothing, I was also here last September on the Sunshine. They are working hard to update the port shopping area. I have a few comparison photos to show what’s been happening.


    Here is Senior Frogs. Behind it is a row of new shopping huts that were built in September, but weren’t open.




    There’s a lot of grass behind Senior Frogs. I’m guessing they own the land, who know's if they plan on expanding in the future.



    Here’s a set of before/after pics. Here is the port last September. Notice the building under construction and the one just getting starting with plywood:




    And now:




    The bright blue building is complete and the other is well on its way.


    Also notice the container ship heading out to sea.


    It looks like Sharkeez is having their Grand Opening:




    They don’t have air-conditioning, so we didn’t stay long. LOL

  19. CruisinScotty, I didn't solve the mystery of the "Walking People" but I did just call to inquire about the port embarkation process via taxi/shuttle/etc. It is still the same as it always has been: dropoff, luggage tent, shuttle to terminal. They provide a brochure giving all of the details perfectly here for anyone that needs it. All of that info still applies.


    I tell ya, I love talking with the folks at the Port of Charleston...or anyone we've encountered during our trips to Charleston for that matter. They are just the sweetest most helpful people. No wonder it was voted #1. :)


    Thanks for sharing the link.


    The mystery of the "walking people" continues. LOL


    And thanks for the shout out to the folks of Charleston. We are nice and we're proud of it. :)

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