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Posts posted by rebeccalouiseagain

  1. Well, well, well.  For those "experts" that said I didn't know what I was talking about yesterday- about the speed of the ship 9 knots as it sailed back to the shipyard.  A resident took a photo of the ship - being towed into the harbor yesterday.  So it obviously was having issues!


  2. 42 minutes ago, Travel_Around_The_World said:

    Couldn't edit this post anymore:
    Johan responded to my comment on YT. The typical "We really don’t owe anyone an explanation but here goes. " and then going into a lengthy explanation.

    Now I have two choices: respond to it appropriately with proof which would expose myself and some of my friends or just let it sit and wait until the end and then do a complete rundown with pics.

    So you have the inside scoop cool.  The fact that Johan and Lanette have answered every question (from both cheerleader and naysayers) but just can't answer a simple question "Are you founders" tells me that yes- they are.  Another source said they are founders but was looking for confirmation.  So Johan and Mike are buddies- maybe didn't know each other until this venture but they are buddies- and I'm sure Mike used the "hey, we are both Swedish" thing to cultivate the relationship.  Johan and Lanette- if founders have spent a lot on this venture and have a vested interest to make sure it succeeds.  So they have to protect this investment and definitely signed some sort of NDA.  First rule of VVR is don't say anything "proprietary" about VVR.

  3. 1 hour ago, chengkp75 said:

    No, just like any condo association, they will have to go to the owners eventually and ask for more money, or the ship will stop sailing, and the owners will lose their investment.  It's probably a combination of both overcharging now (which many condo associations do to build a contingency fund), and planning on rate increases regardless of any guarantee.  As I've said, a maritime lien (for unpaid fuel bill, for instance) can be "in rem", in other words, against the ship, and even if VVR went bankrupt, the residents, as owners of the ship would be liable, as the debt stays with the ship no matter who owns it, and they could see their investment seized and sold.


    In my professional opinion, this whole mess, both Life at Sea and VVR, stink just about as bad as  the time share fiasco. 

    You are right

  4. Yeah- if they get the certifications and sign off by the insurance company and public health by the end of next week (the 27th)- they could sail from Belfast to the Caribbean at 17 knots and would arrive in roughly 8 days.  So the earliest would be around October 6.  For the sake of these long suffering passengers- I hope their dreams come true.

  5. If the vessel sails at 12 knots (22 km per hour) for 24 hours a day- to sail from Portugal to Bermuda (5004 kilometers)- at that rate it would take 9 days to sail to Bermuda.  If they pick up speed to their maximum speed of 17 knots- the journey will take 6.7 days

  6. Just seems odd that a ship larger than VVR is sailing faster and they are both in the same area- near the shipyard.  The Stena Ferry is going 15 knots and VVR is sailing 9 knots.  Time will tell if they are ready for rough conditions.  They plan to do the Atlantic first- so they better be ready for that.

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  7. Interesting.  Average speed appears to be around 16 knots- 20 knots with cruise ships.  Top speed (which is one of the things done during trials) should be closer to 24 knots. This ship is sailing in the most pristine conditions as well.  They have yet to take it out to the Atlantic.  For instance, the Borealis (smaller than Braemar) is in similar conditions sailing at 17 knots.

  8. 6 hours ago, chengkp75 said:

    Just curious, but why would you expect the company to reply to you about this?

    Just odd that no one seems to know the Captain of the vessel.  Reason I asked is because they are still in Belfast and the first Captain- Jozo Glavic left in May and is working for Disney as a Staff Captain.  Then Valentin Giuglea took his place.  Since there has been such a long delay- I wondered if that Captain left as well.  They have interviewed the Chef (Panos) and the housekeeping guy.  I'm curious as to why the leader of the vessel, which is always the Captain isn't interviewed by VVR.

  9. 3 minutes ago, chengkp75 said:

    It all depends on the repair contract VVR signed with H&W.  If H&W bid on a specific repair, they will either use their own workers, or hire sub-contractors on their dime.  If H&W did not bid on the repair (something like renovating the hotel side, which most shipyards don't do for cruise ships), then VVR would hire their own sub-contractors, and pay them directly.

    Yeah- there's been no work on the hotel side LOL.

  10. There have been a lot of comments made about Residential Cruise Ships being the wave of the future.  I'm trying to get a gage as to whether people honestly want to live on a cruise ship.  If it wouldn't cost you any more than it costs for you to live how your are living now- would you sell your home to live on a cruise ship for say the next 10 years.


    My answer is no.   I like cruising but would miss my family too much.  


    How about you?

  11. 35 minutes ago, chengkp75 said:

    I believe it is similar, but if the company has stated it won't have any money in a few weeks (obviously no accounts receivable by then), then even with layoffs they may not be able to continue to pay their workers.


    Not sure what you mean by "funny business" with H&W?  Who hasn't paid their suppliers,etc?  H&W or VVR?  If you mean that VVR has not paid their employees or suppliers, then those debts go to the top of the receivership list, and they can also, any one of them, file for a bailiff's warrant and seize the ship.

    What I was getting at (funny business) is that if VVR was paying directly to H&W- then H&W would in turn pay the suppliers and the employees.  Normally, contractors are just paid and they hire local plumbers, electricians, welders, etc.  Because H&W has had financial issues for many months- who knows if those employees and suppliers were paid by H&W.  Time will tell- but since VVR and H&W are both having financial issues- there may be some buck passing or blaming. 

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  12. One has to wonder if VVR has been current paying for the repairs.  Even if they were- there may be some funny business with H & W- ie. they were paid but haven't paid their suppliers, employees, or shipyard fees.  The plot thickens and there is bound to be some buck passing.

  13. Yeah- The World was designed for people with disposable income.  The cabins won't be worth much in the next decade- as they become dated and the ship becomes a money pit. If The World had been "successful" there would be a fleet of Residential Cruise Ships.  I don't think they are a money maker.

  14. 8 minutes ago, Travel_Around_The_World said:

    Told ya. They are buddies. 

    Yeah- they did seem to be "high 5-ing" each other. I know that Johan and Lanette invested in Life At Sea as well.  It seems quite a few former LAS passengers have purchased on VVR, which was pretty dumb IMO.

  15. 1 hour ago, Travel_Around_The_World said:

    And just like clockwork. Bad comments under one video (midlifecruising) and some bad news in the press and here comes his personal buddy Johan....🤣



    I was wondering what Johan's relationship is to Mike.  They are both from Sweden.

  16. 2 hours ago, Travel_Around_The_World said:

    Dang, there is a super long post under this video. Long but I couldn't have said it better. Wonder how long it will stay up.


    I read it and I did think it was you LOL.  Same type of name.  Angela and Steve don't delete comments, which I appreciate.  They are pretty cool people and I'd love to sail with them sometime- just not on VVO.

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