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Everything posted by samcraig

  1. Just wanted to give props to the customer care team at Carnival. I submitted my expenses for change in travel last night after 10pm, and just before 5pm today received a nice note and confirmation that the amount was being processed and should be here within 2-4 weeks. I had heard that sometimes emailing them was a "black hole" but I clearly did not find that at all.
  2. Looks like the cruise that got cut short are on their way! I hope they have the best time.
  3. Unless I misheard, I believe everyone on this cruise is getting +1 points for the extra day. But do not quote me on that.
  4. The latest. We just hear we will be arriving in Baltimore Monday at 6am. But wait for official word if you are on the next cruise.
  5. Latest: There was a medical evac in Florida. We are now en route to Baltimore. The captain said they would update us with new arrival time in a couple of hours. Engine was fixed. We're not currently traveling and full speed yet.
  6. It will be interesting how this affects pricing in the future for cruises overall, and when on the private islands. http://www.tribune242.com/news/2024/feb/06/private-cruise-islands-set-vat-reform-hit/
  7. Ok. Thanks. So it sounds like we can definitely use it.
  8. In reading some threads, I am not sure this is accurate as others have reported their kids being able to use it. But those posts were a bit older.
  9. Hey all - I see that the Carnival Hub App has a chat feature. I understand you can only use it if you pay $5 per person. The Carnival website seems to indicate that it's for ages 13+. Does anyone know if that restriction is in general, or tied specifically to cruise documentation. Asking because my child will be under 13, but have a phone and we wanted to know if we would all be able to chat. Thanks!
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