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Posts posted by 2Okies

  1. Thank you for getting back with me, and how to get to that area. Unfortunately we will not be on Carnival. The reason I say this, I "do" like Carnival, but we are doing RCCL, because of the dates of the time I could take vacation.


    When you said you walked along the beach and checked out the shops, is there beach area there where we can lay on the beach, or do we need to go to another area for laying on the beach?



    There would be places you could stop and sit in the beach, and even get in the water, but not really any sandy walk in type places, and no where with chairs. You would have to sit on the rocks, or bring your towel. Personally, I wouldn't want to carry those heavy Carnival towels all day if I were shopping, though.

    There would be places like the little restaurant that had tables out on the beach, and they would probably let you hang put there a while - if you bought something.


    Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app

  2. Thanks so much for the review. The photos are great! We have our own gear too and are really looking forward to going.mmwe just want to be able to stay as long as possible.


    Was there more than 1 ferry coming back?


    Were you the only ship in port that day? There are a couple of ships in Roatan that day so that might impact our travel.


    We were on Magic, and the Dream was also at our port. As far as I know, passengers from those two ships were all that were at Maya Key. I think only Carnival ships go to Maya Key. Like I said, it started raining really hard about 1pm, so the ferry came about 1:30 instead of 2, but we didn't catch the first one. Then the next ferry came, and they let all the remaining Dream passengers get on first, because they had to get back to their ship before we did (they were on a different time zone). Then, what Magic passengers that could get on were allowed on. There were still some waiting when we left on that 2nd ferry. So...yes, there is more than 1 ferry. BUT, I think you are supposed to be in line to go when your ferry time is scheduled. (They will tell you that when you first get on the island) You can't stay longer, even if the ship is in port longer. They were really good about making sure all those Dream passengers got on the ferry so they could make it back on time, so I'm sure they would be hustling you along if you didn't get to the dock.


    We got to snorkel about an hour two different times, and that really does make you tired. (Even though it was the most awesome snorkeling ever!) So, we were pooped by then. Plus, my husband had done the shark snorkel too. We got to do plenty of stuff while we were there. It would have been nice to stay longer, but you have to get on the ferry and go back. :(


    We enjoyed our time looking around the shops at the port by the ship later, also. They had a lot of little "market" type shops that looked like they were run by the locals. We got a few really nice wood things. I bought a beautiful salad bowl that came w/the forks & 6 little bowls for $35. My husband got a beautifully carved rose-wood cane for his step dad for $23. They have some really beautiful wood items.

  3. When you signed up what time was your excursion? Did you sign up for Maya Key with lunch or the higher priced with snorkel? We signed up for the one with lunch because we have our own snorkel gear.


    How was the snorkeling itself?


    Also, when returning to the ship, how was that handled? Did you have to meet at certain time or was it flexible?



    Wantocruisemore: I have pictures of Maya Key in my signature line below - in my review of the Magic, and the review of Maya Key. The snorkeling is AWESOME! The best I've ever experienced. And, it was so easy to do it too. They have a long pier built that you walk out on (a picture of it is in my Magic review I believe) and you enter the water there, and you are in the reef. It is just gorgeous.


    We also have our own snorkel gear, so we just paid for the beach & lunch. When our ship docked, we walked up the ramp into the shopping area, and there were guys everywhere with signs for the different Carnival excursions. We found the Maya Key sign quickly, and he put a paper bracelet on us & told us to meet him at the center fountain in about 30 minutes. We shopped around the port until we met him. Then he walked us up the ramp that also leads to Mahogany Beach, and then we went off trail a little to where a little ferry was docked & boarded it. Our ride over to the island was about 10-15 minutes. Once on Maya Key we were met by an employee who told us about all the things we could do on the island. They have the beach, snorkeling, nature walk to see the rescued animals, the faux Mayan ruins, the shark snorkel, and where lunch will be etc. (I have pictures in my reviews).


    We immediately went to snorkel first. Then we got out for lunch. My DH decided to do the shark snorkel after that, and I walked around and looked at the animals. Then we snorkeled again. By then, it was about time to go back to the ship - and it had started raining really hard too. So, our ferry came about 30 minutes early to start taking passengers back to the port. But, we had a very good time on Maya Key, and did not feel like we had not got to do all we wanted.


    Once back at the port, we went back aboard ship to clean up a little and wash the salt water off of us and change clothes. Then we went back to the shopping area and shopped until almost boarding time. It was a very nice, relaxing day. We enjoyed Roatan a LOT. I would love to go down there sometime and just stay at Roatan for a week or so. The snorkeling was just awesome, and it would be great to see more!


    Be sure to look at my pictures in my review. There is a lot more information about things in those reviews also. Just click on the links below in my signature line. And feel free to ask questions!

  4. Last year when we went to Cozumel, our ship had to wait on the Carnival excursion ferry returning from Tulum, and we didn't leave on time. I remember thinking how they would NOT have waited on a private excursion. I think going over to the mainland at Cozumel is just too big a risk to take - to many variables, if you aren't on a Carnival excursion. Just my $.02.

  5. Huh, she couldn't leave the ship, but Mexican authorities said she was an illegal immigrant and was going to prison?? Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. If you lose your S&S, they will replace it, that is a given. You can disembark and re-board with only your S&S. So why the illegal immigrant scenario?? OMG, if you're going to make up a story, at least make I half way believable!


    I totally agree. None of this makes sense. And she said that someone (I assume a Carnival employee?) came to her room and said the needed to clean it. I've NEVER had a steward tell me that! They always wait until you are out of the room so they are not any inconvenience to you. And, if you leave anything valuable out in your room - its your own stupidity. I would trust the stewards more than I would trust some random passenger going down the hall and seeing a room door open & money laying on the counter.


    But, that being said - we ALWAYS keep our valuables in the safe if we are not in the room - money, passports, phones, ipads, cameras, jewelry - etc.


    Her story just doesn't add up on many levels.

  6. 2Okies, I really liked your pictures.:) Were the pictures all taken in a certain area, and if so, what is the name, and how do we get there by Taxi, or what?


    I really liked the picture of the Quintana Roo Lighthouse. It looks like a small one, but I love any kinds of lighthouses, and if available, I love to walk to the top. :)


    Beshears - I'm glad you liked the pictures. Thank you.


    Our ship (Carnival) docked at the Puerto Maya Pier (which is Carnivals), and we caught a taxi from there for $8 and asked to be taken to the far side of town where the shops start - which happen to be just about 4 blocks or so past the City square. We wanted to walk the entire length of town back to the ship.


    We mainly stayed on the road that runs along the beach - it is shop, after shop, after shop - with a few restaurants thrown in. When we got to the square, we walked around it, and then came up one of the side roads back to the road along the beach & stayed on it until we got back to the ship. When the shops started getting farther apart as we got closer to the ship, we crossed over to the side that is closest to the ocean, and just walked on that sidewalk. There are still a few things on that side, but you see beach every now & then, and we would walk down to the water, etc., and just enjoy the scenery. Along there is where the lighthouse is. I don't imagine you can go to the top of this one. I think it is military based. Then just past it is where we stopped in for a light lunch at the little place on the beach.


    If you aren't on Carnival, you may or may not walk down this far. Carnival's port & the International port are very close together, but the one in town is called Puerto Langosta (I think - or something like that). When you get off at that port, you have to go up an escalator, and cross a bridge to get to the other side of the road. That is the nearest port to town. When Carnival used to port there, we would just cross & walk through the town & then walk back to the ship. No taxi needed.


    Anyway - that's how we did it. We just mostly walked the main road that runs along the beach - on the store side when we were in the town, and then on the beach side when we were past most of the stores.


    However, we did pass the big Mega Store. Its like a big Walmart. I wanted to go in it, but my husband didn't. I still wish we had went in. I would have liked to see what kind of food, etc they had. Might have found something we don't see here in Oklahoma! Next time! But, when we went past it, we were really running short on time and needed to get back to our port so we would board on time. We were on board right about the time they said to be on board - so we did good.


    Have fun if you decide to do this. We liked exploring the stores and just doing our own thing that day.

  7. We took the Sergeant Caye snorkel through Carnival. We have a few pictures, but we didn't think it was anywhere as beautiful as Roatan. My camera decided to quit on me during this excursion, so we didn't get as many pictures. (I got it working later that night - thankfully!)

    This excursion is out in the middle of the ocean - near a break. We were in about 10-15' of water. The current was pretty strong here. They do make you wear the snorkel vests.

    Anyway, we weren't that impressed with the reef. It just wasn't as pretty, the snorkeling was more difficult because of the current, and the water wasn't as clear.


    As we were coming into Belize, and before our ship anchored. You see a lot of these small islands - or Caye's as they are called. I looked for Gilligan, but never saw him. :)




    The Carnival Dream was already anchored.



    Another island. They are everywhere!



    Our excursion boat picked us right up at the ship - which was very convenient. In Belize, the ships have to anchor quite a distance from shore to protect the reefs.


    Next up - the snorkeling pictures.

  8. This was more my speed! I loved seeing some of the rescued animals they had around the island....


    These two were a pair. They didn't seem to like me watching them, and were really fussing at me. I kept my hands away & a safe distance from them! The sure were beautiful though!



    I can't remember for sure what kind of cat this was.



    This was a roadrunner! A lot bigger than the ones we have in Oklahoma!



    Friendly little guy.


  9. My DH decided he wanted to do the Shark Encounter at Maya Key. The cost was only $35, which we thought was reasonable. They have about 13 nurse sharks in a very large penned area. When you enter the water, it is about 5'. Some of the pen is deeper than that though. There are also a few stingrays in the pen. Here are some of the pictures he took.


    They feed the sharks right after you enter the water & get in place. They advised them to keep their hands in close (they could take their own cameras into the water to take all the pictures they wanted. They said the sharks were not aggressive, but advised not putting your hands out, or touching them, as they could think you were lunch, and you could get bit. My DH said they rubbed up against him many times. They were over 6' long.








    A flounder he saw in the shark tank



    I'm glad DH got to do it - but it just wasn't something I could have done!


    I toured the island looking at the animals.....

  10. If you want GREAT snorkeling - this is THE place in Roatan!


    You will want to go to the end of this pier, where you can put on your snorkel equipment, and enter the 5' water via a couple of ladders. There are red buoys out in the water to show you where to swim to, and then you will follow the water bottles tied to anchors under the water to maneuver through the reef and out to the "drop off" - which is awesome!! Most of the water is probably 10-15' in most places until you get to the drop off, and then - who knows? But this is where you will see some incredible reef. We wish our day had been more sunny, and the reef would have really sparkled. But, it was the most beautiful we had ever seen - regardless of the weather!



    You can see the anchored water bottles in this picture.









    Next - my DH swims with the sharks!

  11. Ok - I decided to post a few of our excursion pictures here as well.


    We took the Maya Key Snorkel & Beach excursion through Carnival. I think it was about $150 for the 2 of us, but WELL worth the money. We don't usually do Carnival excursions, but I had read many good reviews on this excursion here on CC, and how good the snorkeling was, so that is why we chose it.


    When we got off the ship in Roatan, we walked up the boardwalk & into the Carnival shopping area where there were many guys standing there w/signs w/the excursion names on them. We just had to find our excursion, which wasn't difficult. He marked our names off his list and put a paper wrist band on us. He told us we had about 30 minutes, and then to meet him back at the fountain. We browsed some of the shops until that time.


    The Magic & Dream docked at the Carnival port. We walked up the boardwalk here in front of the ships into the Carnival shopping area to the left.



    A picture of the port from our balcony. You walk up that winding path into the shopping area, and where the excursion people w/signs are waiting to greet you. The fountain is in the center of the shops.




    More of the shops




    Inside the shopping plaza




    Great Picture opportunity!



    Next - Maya Key

  12. If you have time while you are in Galveston, go visit the Bishop's Palace. This place is gorgeous!




    It was built in the 1800's, and is one of the few homes on Galveston that has withstood the hurricanes. You can tour the 2nd & 3rd floors for $10. My daughter & I did, and here are just a few pictures of the inside. It is just beautiful!


    Built in buffet in the dining room - the woodwork is just massive & gorgeous.




    Just one of the MANY lovely fireplaces throughout the home.




    You just don't see this kind of stuff done anymore!



    The Bishop's prayer room




    More in the next post

  13. Thanks for the review. We go in April and need to find a hotel and parking. So appreciate the hints and advice!!


    I would highly recommend Galveston Park N Cruise for the convenience, the covered parking (if that is what you want - they have uncovered also) and the price. But the convenience is the best, especially if you pack where you can handle your own bags.


    But, even if you feel you have too many bags to roll across the street, you could easily drive through in front of the terminal, drop the bags off with the porter, and then go park, and walk back across. Its a very short walk - Maybe 2-3 blocks total from the garage to the terminal.


    We've kind of learned over the years of cruising to pack lighter, and not take so many clothes, and still leave enough room to bring back small souvenirs. We would much rather the do the self-debarkation if possible because we have a 7 hour drive home.


    We had 2 large rolling suitcases & 1 medium size - and we still had clothes we didn't wear! I always pack the lightweight backpacks too (the kind you get as freebies many times - that just have the draw string top & straps), so we could put any souvenirs in them to wear off the ship when we get home if we have to. (They also come in handy as beach-bags to the pool or on excursions). This time, I just packed all our dirty clothes in one suitcase, and packed our breakable or fragile purchases in the dirty clothes! Worked perfectly!

  14. First, I’ll tell you about our stay in Galveston. We used Priceline, and ended up with Galveston Beach Hotel which is right on the Seawall & 17th, and is an EXCELLENT hotel! We were so pleased, and we only had to pay $70/night! We had a balcony that looked right out on the ocean. I believe all their rooms have balconies. It does not serve free breakfast, but does have a dining room where you can buy breakfast. We went to Denny’s about a block East of the hotel which was a lot cheaper. I believe this hotel does offer free cruise parking to guests that stay at the hotel, and their parking is behind hotel in locked fence area. You have to have a code to enter the gate. We had already made previous parking arrangements or we might have considered it.


    How far out did you book your room ? Right now prices are 199 for our cruise



    I had been getting on different websites to see the prices of the hotels, and were a little shocked how expensive they were in January! We had stayed a Inn of Waterpark in September 2012, and I got a really nice room there for $50/night, but when I was looking last fall for our room for January, the rooms at Waterpark were $150, and all the other hotels were just as high.


    So, about 2 weeks before our cruise, we knew we had to figure out something. My daughter and my son both had used Priceline before, and both had always been very happy with what they got. My daughter & son-in-law were going to be traveling with us, because they were cruising on the Triumph that went out the day before the Magic. So, we were going to share a room one night, and we would pay for the next night ourselves. I had her come over & show me exactly how she did it. She just picked the star rating & the amount we wanted to pay, and then after you put in your card info, etc., it tells you what you got. When we looked up the reviews of the hotel, we were happy - and even happier once we actually got there.


    To be truthful - I don't think any place to stay in Galveston is going to be that bad (if you choose 3 star or above) and nothing is going to be that far from the port - the island just isn't that big. I saw a lot of nice hotels all over the island that I wouldn't have minded staying in. So, if you decide to try Priceline, I bet you will be okay in Galveston.

  15. Great review! I have a question about the Cove. We're considering booking one in 2015. Is there too much sea spray/salt on the balcony to hang a beach towel (clipped to a chair of course) to dry? That's what I did on our balcony on the Triumph this summer and it worked really well.


    If you are in a Cove that is mid-ship, I would say it probably wouldn't have too much spray. If you are anywhere near the front though, you probably would get a lot more spray.


    However, you really aren't supposed to put things out there on your balcony. We did put a towel out on ours one day (clipped to a chair) - only while we were in the room to try & get it to dry. But, they advise against it for safety. Of course, in the Cove balcony's its not going to blow down into someone else's room.... but, still they don't want you to do it.


    If its a Carnival towel - you can easily trade it in for a dry one.


    Our balcony was mid-ship, and we did have quite a bit of salt build-up on our balcony banister. Our balcony floor was also salty. But, I think that is because our steward never cleaned it!

  16. Great start!!! Thanks for doing a review:D:D

    Our last room steward on the Breeze, was awful. Same types of things and we had never run into these issues before, but like you, it didn't ruin our cruise, by any means.



    Thank you! Yes, I guess sometimes you just get a "newby" steward or something. This was the first time we've ever had any problems. Last year we called our steward the "Ninja Steward" because he seemed to have radar of when we were out of our room. We could leave for just a few minutes & come back and things were cleaned, etc. He was awesome. And, he knew are names, and was always nearby to check on us, and help us if we needed it. This one definitely wasn't that way. But - it didn't ruin our trip. Its all good.

  17. That's what I was thinking. The priceline booking for the hotel made much more sense in my head than for the parking, but I wasn't sure and wanted to pass the info along just in case. I am really enjoying your review and pictures, however. We will be on the Magic in September of this year for our best friend's 20th wedding anniversary and our 17th! :)


    Congratulations! Have fun!

  18. Here is what it says on Galveston Park N Cruise - not sure why you would go through Priceline and pay $70 when you can get it for much cheaper.


    No, you misunderstood. We went through Priceline for the HOTEL, not for our parking. We went online to Park N Cruise's website & made reservations for our parking.


    Thanks for posting your information regarding the parking though. That is certainly helpful for future cruisers! We've used another parking area for our other 3 cruises, but we enjoyed the convenience of Park N Cruise, AND the covered parking, so we will probably always use them for any future cruises.

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