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Posts posted by jemrtt

  1. Yes they are provided. They are not the cheapy kind either.

    The one problem I came across was, I needed a diffuser attachment to my curls wont frizz all over the place.

    I left my universal attachment, so I was never able to see if it would fit.

    Enjoy you cruise!

  2. We just got off the Gem on the 4th of Dec.


    We had our balcony door cracked. We were both jolted out of bed by shrieking screams! I looked at DH... he looked at me... obviously we were thinking the worst. :eek:

    He ran to the balcony to see if he could hear where the screams were coming from!


    (Sigh) Our neighbors had their balcony door open, and the TV was on some movie/tv show, extra loud!!!!!!!!!!!!! AUGHHHH!!!

    my heart was pounding! THANKS NEIGHBOR!!!!


    Please, pretty please, try not to have your TV on while the balcony door is open. We have been subjected to the volume of other peoples TV before...but usually it was the news or a cartoon - nothing that would make my heart jump out of my chest.

  3. I had a PVP that called quite a bit during the course of a year. I finally asked him not to call back unless he was offering a free cruise. I really don't need to be coerced to spend money. He never called again.


    I had a PCC with NCL that did the same thing. But he stopped calling on his own. When I was ready to book this year, I called & I found out he was no longer with the company.

  4. Same thing happened with our sailing. We were given a letter and told the previous sailing had an outbreak. They left all the public restroom doors open.

    We were not able to serve ourselves in the buffet for the entire voyage. (Even water, coffee, ect.) lines all over the place.

    They even removed the coffe makers from our staterooms. (???) I'm not certain about the suites.


    We finally sailed away at approximately 6pm or so.


    But I hope you have a great time.

  5. One thing I learned in health care is to take dry paper towel to open bathroom doors after washing and drying your hands. The wet towel can actually transfer germs. Crazy right?


    Good for all of you proper hand washers out there! Btw the I've seen doctors go from one patient to the next without washing hands!!!! Sickening, for real. Then they wonder why MRSA has spread!?! Good grief!

  6. This is exactly why we carry our Lysol spray, Clorox wipes, and hand sanitizer...I will be adding antibacterial hand soap to my luggage. Germiphobic? Nah! I just don't want to be sick if I could have prevented it. :)


    I certainly hope it's only a precaution. But I plan to have a blast come Monday anyway.


    Actually, I prefer to have the staff use the tongs. Then I know the "non-handwashing" person in line before me can't give me their germies!


    Everyone, stay well, seriously.

  7. I agree with other posters. Although its free technically, its just nice to give a few dollars. I have not seen it in print that you have to you. (maybe someone can help with this?)

    I just think of I this way. If I ordered room service in a hotel, I would tip. Same goes for an all inclusive resort. So we also come prepared with singles for this purpose.

  8. The luggage tags for disembarkation will be available alongside Guest Services a day or two prior. You go and select the color based upon the time that you wish to depart. Instructions will be in the Freestyle Daily.



    so can I skip the whole luggage tag thing and do the self-walk off...(only later) or will we be "in trouble."

    we try hard not to be rule breakers. But in essence we would like to keep our 2 bags with us...exit the room by 8-8:30...and leave at last call, without being frowned upon for not disembarking with all the other early walk off pax.

  9. We do this all the time. We take the C train to 50th & walk to the Westside hwy. If you are used to walking, and if you

    pack one rolling bag, its not an issue. But if you are a heavy packer...I don't suggest it. Perhaps a cab to the pier would be better.

    We love to walk & pack light, so this works for us. When you get back, you will exit the terminal on Westside hwy @ 48th st. And cabs are waiting across the street.

  10. I found this on NCL's site. it helps me to answer part of the question...as did Kcwingwalker. thank you



    Freestyle Disembarkation:



    Norwegian’s guest-friendly disembarkation system allows guests to enjoy the final morning of the cruise and depart the ship at their leisure;


    • Guests may stay in their cabins and enjoy continental breakfast, eat breakfast in one of the main restaurants or eat at the buffet or casual restaurant until their colored luggage tag is called or until the last and final call, which is normally around 10 a.m.




    But I'm wondering if I have to put my luggage out the night before to enjoy the freestyle disembarkation or if I'm allowed to walk off with it...

  11. So, normally during disembarkation we choose early walk off, so that we don't have to put our luggage out the night before. But my questions are:


    Can we stay on until all the luggage tags are called and then walk off with our bags at the final call? Will anyone be there checking to see if we pick up our luggage in the holding area?


    They make it sound like you cannot do this without breaking some of the rules?

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