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Posts posted by Oldgables

  1. We went in the dry season so the river level was very low. This meant a long climb up the bank at some locations; sometimes there was a rail but mostly we were reliant on the very helpful staff who formed a line to help you but we found it quite tiring.


    There were also lots of steps to the various temples and monasteries, but a lot of them had hand rails. There were steps to get into the tuk tuks and horse carts but they were quite high and, being short, I was glad of the drivers helping hand.


    However, we thoroughly enjoyed the trip but found it very tiring and not good for our aching joints. I don't want to put you off, but you should consider very carefully whether you will be able to cope.

  2. Minglabar from a much better day in Saltash. Still cold (41F) but dry with a little sun and no wind - long may it last.


    Many thanks yet again. It is always so useful to get information from someone who has actually been on the same ship. We are so looking forward to our cruise but am also getting a little panicky as it is less than 5 weeks away.



  3. Hello from Cornwall

    Thank you very much for this most useful information.

    We also got our e-visa online from the myanmar government site and it cost us 50 USD each.

    I see from my original note that queries 1 and 3 are there but number 2 has vanished. I asked whether the men wore long sleeved shirts, ties and a jacket for the evening meal.


    We try to keep our luggage as light as possible but it gets more difficult with what I call "hardware" - medicines, toiletries, etc.


    Thanks very much for your help. It is cold here in Saltash but the worst thing is the strong wind making it very uncomfortable.


    Minglabar (probably the only Burmese word I will ever remember)

  4. Good Afternoon from Cornwall.

    A wonderful review of your cruise and beautiful photos. My husband and I will be on this cruise in March so found it all very interesting. I should be grateful if you would answer a couple of questions.

    1) Were most of the toilets ashore western or asian style?

    3) Did you use much local currency? We are wondering whether to change $50 at the airport and whether this will be sufficient? Travel Marvel told us that there isn't any currency exchange on the boat - is this correct?

    Thank you once again for such an interesting review and hope that you won't mind answering these questions for me.

  5. Hi Janet & Dave,


    What commitment are you making over 12 months ahead?

    Will there be any commitment more than your cruise deposit?

    Whilst that deposit will be forfeit if you cancel (nb - the OP is booking from the UK), it's usually only about £150 per person - the sort of money no-one likes to throw away, but small-beer if something happens in the next 4 months to prevent you from taking that cruise.


    I can't imagine the cruise selling out 12 months ahead, but if you want to book now to secure a particular cabin or promotional offer your risk is only about £150 pp for a few months if you don't take out insurance until January.


    I'd be inclined to use other criteria to compare & choose an insurer.


    Just MHO as always

    JB :)

    We have booked for a cruise of Mauritius, Maldives and Seychelles. The ship only has 270 cabins and the majority are already booked. I wouldn't normally worry about travel insurance for just the deposit but, this booking, it is £1150 so would be a substantial amount to lose.

  6. I am not sure about the UK, but here we use Princess cruise for some cruises and for others we use travel guard. Both have been great for us.

    Try Travel guard and see what they say.

    Unfortunately, Travel Guard do not offer insurance for UK residents. Thanks for the suggestion.

  7. How warm is the dining room on Midnatsol - do I wear short sleeves or will I need a jumper?

    Also, do you take your outdoor clothes with you to the dining room in the evening in case you get the call for the Northern Lights?

    We're on the Midnatsol on 2nd March and have decided on our outdoor clothes but are confused. Should we wear our warm clothes in the lounge during the day ready to go on deck for the next port of call? Perhaps there are hangers or lockers to put outdoor clothes in?

    Thanks for your help and advice.

  8. I understand that Hurtigruten produce a sheet every day with details of the ports to be visited that day. Hopefully that will be sufficient as I don't want to use up valuable packing space with a guide book.

  9. Hi all

    Good News. I have just this minute received notice from my credit card company that they have initiated a chargeback for the 272 CAD owed by Cuba Cruise.

    Hopefully that is the end of the matter.

    Janet and Dave

  10. Hi all

    We have been waiting for nearly 2 months for our 272 CAD refund from Cuba Cruise for the Tropicana Show which we were unable to take. We have a refund voucher from the Louis Cristal and have sent this by email to the company via their website. Since we had no response we sent it to Caroline Modolo and then to Julia Freeman, whose name I was given by someone on this forum. All I get is that they will pass my claim to their accounts department. I tried Facebook but got the same response.


    In England we have a journalist in one of the national newspapers who takes up consumer problems and tries to sort them out with the company concerned. Do you have a similar person with any of the Canadian newspapers who might be able to put pressure on Cuba Cruise?




  11. Hi all, Thanks for your advice.


    Jo, retiring soon.

    No we didn't go to the doctor and it is now 4 weeks since I sent off the claim so I'm still hoping.

    The weather is about 51F but dry with a cold wind. The daffodils and Camellias are now in full bloom and the countryside is looking beautiful. In May the Azaleas will be in full flower and in June the wild flowers will be lovely and the late flowering Rhododendrons will still be showing some colour plus the roses will be blooming.

    Are you coming to Cornwall on a coach tour?


    ONT-CA cool cruiser

    Thanks for your help and I will contact Julia Freeman.

    If you are still having problems with British Airways I suggest you contact the People's Champions at the Daily Mail or the Mail on Sunday Newspaper. They are very good at holding firms to account and sorting out problems.

    Tony Hazell: asktoney@dailmail.co.uk


    Send them details of your problem together with any relevant paperwork plus your name, postal address and telephone number and a separate note addressed to British Airways giving them permission to talk to either Tony Hazell or Tony Hetherington.


    Best of luck


  12. David and I had a very enjoyable cruise leaving Havana on 16th Cruise. Unfortunately we were unable to take our paid for tour to the Tropicana Cabaret. We have a refund voucher issued on the Louis Cristal and were told that, since we had paid for the tour via the web site, we would have to apply to them for the refund. I sent an email and a copy of the refund voucher via the website to the reservations email but have never received a reply. Then I emailed Caroline Modolo who had actually arranged the booking for us and she replied that she would send the accounting department a follow up message and sent her apologies on their behalf. This happened twice but I have still not received my refund.


    I have tried putting a message on Facebook and Twitter and the only reply was to ask me to telephone Canada for further assistance. Since we live in England, I replied that the cost of a long-winded phone call would be very expensive, so it appears that I am back to square one.


    Have any of you had dealings with the accounts department in Calgary and can give me an email contact or, better still, an email address for the Director of Sales or Accounts or the President himself.


    I really don't understand how Cuba Cruise can be so dismissive of a customer and it makes me wonder whether they have any intention of refunding our 272 CAD unless I take out court action against them.


    Any help or advice would be most welcome.


    Cornwall, England

  13. I've just completed the survey and noticed that there is a new itinerary posted on the website. It seems that the ship will stay in Havana for two days and then sail down the west coast to Maria La Gorda, then Cienfuegos, Jamaica, Santiago de Cuba then a day at sea on the way back to Havana.


    I'm not sure whether that will be better, personally I liked the idea of sailing all the way around Cuba. What does anyone else think.


  14. I understand that internet access on the ship is slow and expensive. Have any of you found free or reasonably priced internet access in any of the ports on this cruise? I only want to check my emails occasionally and send a holiday blog to friends in the UK and USA.


    Thanks, Janet

  15. Kerri and Cam - We arrive from London, England on the previous Thursday so have 3 full days in Havana before boarding the ship. There is only one direct flight a week from England so that was the best option and gives us plenty of time to see the sights in Havana and the local area. It would be great to meet up on the sea day.


    Retiring Soon - Thanks for the info regarding Tropicana. We are hoping to see the cabaret on the Friday prior to sailing so were hoping that someone had booked independently. I understand that we can book through our hotel on arrival, but that seems rather late during the busy season in Cuba.


    ONT-CA - You're right, the cabin on day of departure for CAD 50 is a very good offer. I assume that it depends on how busy the ship is whether it is offered on every sailing.


    I've been reading all about your weather in Canada. Here in the south west of England we have a lot of wet and windy weather but snow is very rare and, in our little town, only lasts a couple of hours before it becomes slush.


    Janet and David

  16. We are proposing to go to the Tropicana Cabaret and probably have a meal there. Has anyone been to this show? If so, how did you book it and arrange transport to and from the venue.

    ONT-CA said that in the departure documentation a cabin for CAD50 was offered for the day. Do you know whether that was last year when the ship was quite empty or whether the offer is still open this year?

    David and I are on the 16th February cruise from Havana so hope to see some of you then.


  17. Our flight back to London doesn't leave Havana until 8 pm so I am wondering what we can do during the day. The information from the ship says that we have to leave by 10:30 am, but I'm sure that I read somewhere that you could leave your luggage somewhere safe on the dock and use the facilities of the ship during the day. However, I assume that if you left the ship your card would be cancelled and you wouldn't be able to get back on. Has anyone else had this problem?

    Janet and David

  18. We are just looking at excursions and cannot find a booking form. Can anyone tell me how to book. I am from England so obviously do not want to telephone the booking. Is there a form or do I have to send them an email?


    Thanks for your help.

  19. I have started a new roll call: Louis Cristal Cuba Cruise - Havana 16th Feb 2015


    If anyone else is sailing on this date, please read my message there.



  20. Hello Jo


    I live in Cornwall and would recommend the June date. The weather can be changeable at any time of the year and April can be lovely, especially with the spring flowers, camellias and rhododendrons. However, June has the advantage of lighter evenings making sight seeing so much easier.

    Hope you enjoy your trip.


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