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Posts posted by LynnAB

  1. Hayley is precious! MY babies are Candee (the toy poodle) and Taffy (a mini). Aren't they just the BEST little babies???


    As far as book recommendations, I like Debbie Macomber, Jennifer Crusie, and Janet Evanovich for light, happy reads.


    I'm always looking for great reads that put me in a good mood. I don't like heavy and/or depressing books. I'm a court reporter and hear enough bad/sad stuff all day long. I like to escape into a HAPPY book.



  2. Hi, Plumeria,


    I'm glad you mentioned The Far Pavilions. I've never read the book, yet have had it reommended to me a few times over the course of the years. I am going to buy it this weekend! Thank you for bringing this book to my attention again!


    For the longest time I wasn't interested in a saga book, but now I am but couldn't think of what I'd like to read. This is really good, hmmm?



  3. Hi, SeaBrz,


    I'm reading The Other Side of the Story Now. Very, very good!!! What other Keyes books have you read? Any particular order you would recommend them (best first)?


    I'm trying to find the best of best romantic comedy, romance, and comedy books!!! I'd really, really appreciate any recommendations.





  4. Hi,


    I soooooooooo agree about Janet Evanovich! Unfortunately, I've read all of that series ... and Metro Girl (also very good).


    Do you have any other suggestions along those lines? I love funny books and romantic comedies and LIGHT (only light) mysteries.





  5. That's next on my list, too. Plus I want to read Can You Keep a Secret.


    I'm trying to find more books like these ... or any other upbeat women's fiction. I want FUN stuff to read on my cruise ... and just in general.


    Any ideas?


    Oh! I can recommend anything by Meg Cabot! Her adult books are EXCELLENT.



  6. Hi, Denise,


    How exciting to receive a message from YOU. Not to mention ironic. I've been trying to find some cozy mysteries on Amazon.com and re-discovered YOUR books. I'm off to Barnes & Noble this week for Pink Elephant!


    And Hissy Fit was JUST recommended to me by a friend. I have Savannah Blue and Itty Bitty Lies already but haven't read them.


    I think you and I like the same type of books.


    Thank you for much for the suggestions, and I'm thrilled to have received a message from you!!!


    Out of curiosity: Are you going on a cruise, too? What brought you to the cruise boards?



  7. Hi, Everyone,


    I'm hoping for some great suggestions of old or new books for my upcoming May cruise. I'm at a loss here. Please help!


    I'm looking for the best of the best romantic comedies, women's fiction, or general fiction ... books that are light and uplifting to read on the ship while possibly enjoying a frozen concoction.





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