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Bet & Peg

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Posts posted by Bet & Peg

  1. Our last RC was Viking's Rhine River Christmas Markets and I was pleasantly surprised to find many younger people aboard. Now, granted, it may have been because of the Christmas Markets but it seemed to me an indication of RCing's popularity spreading to a younger generation! And may mean that more cruise lines will begin adding more strenuous activities to appeal to younger people.


    Our last port was Kinderdijk in the Netherlands - an opportunity to see the UNESCO windmills. We arrived early, I left the ship to take a few photos and encountered a younger fellow passenger all excited - he had seen the sign about bike rental and said tha the was going to talk his wide into it. Saw him a few minutes later looking over a map with the CD. Later that night I saw him and inquired about the ride and he said they did it and it was the highlight of his trip!


    I had the pre-conceived notion that RCing might be boring - little activity onboard (no pool, no gym, no long hallways, etc) and low-level bus or strolling excursions - wrong!! While Viking does have a "gentle" group on every excursion, the average groups do a great deal of walking! And if you take all the excursions + optionals, you've got a lot of activity!!! And I certainly don't mean to discourage anyone from a RC since no one forces you to take a tour, you can always remain on board or stroll through a town on your own.


    beesKate is very correct, as the older, mature, senior generation stays fit I think more diverse activities may be added to many RCs and that may, in turn, also attract a younger group.

  2. frenchrci ~ thanks much for the Market info - have it on my list now!


    Our cruise is rt Bordeaux - do you know anything about that city? restaurant suggestions??? Again, thanks much! (I have search Bordeaux on this thead but little information.)


    And you are correct - we have using cruise kitty's thread - I do apologize!

  3. rjscott ~ thanks for adding that - I forgot! Yes, if I remember correctly there's a gratuity for the Cruise Director and also the "onboard staff" and one that gets divided among all the staff. Many people give an additional cash tip to those they have regular contact with - room steward, bar tender, waiter, etc, or anyone who's been especially helpful. Viking will have envelopes available for individual tips and usually a box to leave them in if you don't see the person on the last day. That day is very interesting since everyone is pressed into service hauling luggage, even the Captain!! [We were last on a December Christmas Markets cruise and it was unseasonably warm so we gave all our left-over packs of hand warmers to some of the crew - they were very happy!!!!]


    Also - for tours - the suggested tips are 2 Euro for the tour guide and 1 Euro for the bus driver. Sometimes having the exact coins means thinking ahead - as we learned on our first excursion on our first RC!!! On both our cruises we were able to exchange bills for coins at the reception desk - so plan ahead!!! The tip is given at the end of each tour since you probably won't see the guide and driver again - or at least that was our experience on our 2 Viking RCs.

  4. Ukalady ~ WOW - you've done fabulous pre-cruis planning!!!! and also gotten excellent advice from CCer - I'll just add a few comments.


    Passports - I think it all depends on the countries you'll be travelling in. This past December Viking cruise we left from Switzerland with port stops in Germany, France & Netherlands. First night's briefing the Cruise Director told us we wouldn't need our passports to leave them in the safe - which was nice and large - even my Tablet fit could fit inside.


    Also with our "cruise documents" Viking sent a very nice size zippered pouch - perfect for all the "extras": credit cards, Debit cards, assorted monies (Euros + $$ for USA before/after trip), health insurance, medical info, etc. That also fit inside the safe. I always make copies of our medical cards, we each carry one set and one goes in the pouch. [DH has repaired heart valves and I've had cataract surgery. Plus we also carry a complete list of his medication with MD numbers on the back. I mention this since you 'll be with your Mom.] The pouch is also handy for any tickets, vouchers, etc you may have bought in advance.


    Gratitudies - Viking will have envelopes available but you can also have them added to your bill and thus put on you credit card. Anything you buy on board - drinks, optional tours, etc - will be put on your CC so you won't need cash for that. avout 2 days before the end you'll receive your first copy of the bill in case of errors and you'll "settle" your bill just before you leave the ship.


    ATMs - Tour guides are an excellent resource as to a good machine - they can direct you to a bank location and we've even had a bus stop at one for a few people who needed to use it. Also you can ask at the reception desk or Cruise Director - after all they're traveling the route back and forth and often know the best places!!!


    Euros - since we live in NYC, DH usually gets some pre-trip from AmEx - there's a small fee with the gold card but he's always nervous we'll find an empty machine at the airport!


    Cash need - first few trip I was surprised how much cash we actually used staying in cities pre and post cruise. Cab rides, small stores/markets - many small purchases do add up. But once one the ship that usually changes since you'll be on excursions and usually stop at places well set up for tourists and CCs. just my odservation!


    Restaurants - as stated most European places, even small ones, take CCs and have the hand-held devices so the card is always near you - USA is so far behind in that! In European restaurants the tip is included so already figured into the price but a little extra cash is always appreciated - but not necessary!


    Safe - as mentioned, Viking ships have safes and on the new longships they're are well-placed in the closet. They are easy to set with YOUR code - I think its 4 numbers - and the directions are right there. And if I remember correctly the inside is gray - were on a trip with a group and stayed at a hotel with room safes about 4 nights - after we checked out and left one fellow was contacted - his extra wallet was found in the safe and they returned it - unfortunately minus most of his extra cash! The inside of the safe was black, his wallet was black and the safe was at the top pf the closet - he never noticed domething had been left behind! So I felt Viking's safes were well thought out!!! see below - sorry should have taken photo with door open!!!


    Now that you've planned everything - take a deep breath and ENJOY!!!!! (Your Mom's a very fortunate person!!!)


  5. SDBeachLovers ~ WOW - visited San Diego for the first time last May and what I wouldn't give to be there right now! We're in the midsts of an ice storm on top of all the snow we've had over the past few days! Saw your name and beautiful memories of SD are filling my head!!!


    Way early I had contacted Viking to see if we could purchase transfers but was told no, they are only available for those with Viking Air. An interesting note since 2 friends on the cruise also did the pre-Paris with Viking and so had the bus transfers included and reported that the bus was almost empty. Its a point I raise with Viking post-trip and their rep said she would discuss the policy with management - so maybe you should check with Viking about their transfers, if you want.


    But back to Chalon and the French RR! First, let me say that, if we were to do this Paris/cruise/Nice trip again, we'd use the RR and are planning on using the RR Paris to Bordeaux for this year's trip.


    We did buy the tickets ahead of time on the internet and had them sent here to NYC. Thought it'd just be easier to have them. I think you can only buy the tickets within 3 months of travel. What I do is put in the day of the week we want to travel and as close to the date to get an approximate price and time schedule. [For example - our cruise begins on Oct. 4th. When I look for tickets with Feb. Saturday dates fare is about $119 but have dropped to $69 by May dates.] Hope this makes sense!! You can also set an alert on the web site to let you know when tickets are available to purchase.


    For Paris to Chalon - there's a non-stop train that leaves from Paris Bercy station and a one stop train that leaves from Paris Lyon station. Thinking we were very smart and with not changing trains, we took the non-stop at about 9:30am and took a cab to the station. Bercy station is very minimum - small area for coffee, croissant, etc and not a large seating area but we weren't there long. I did see 2 other couples with the red Viking luggage tags waiting, talked to them, and discovered that they, too, had tried to buy Viking transfers. Unfortunately the track number isn't posted too early so it's a bit of a rush to get to the train - check out the track locations when you arrive.


    The train is actually very nice and comfortable with a section for luggage at the end of the car - filled by the time we got on! So we sat in a nice seats with our luggage on the table between us - really no problem - the car was crowded but not filled. Off we began - nice ride through the countryside until we stopped at a station and seemed to remain too long! We did notice train workers walking alongside the looking underneath and the French people on board beginning to talk loudly and one young lady seeing a lot of us staring explained there was a problem with the train and we'd probably have to exit!!! UGH!!! By the time we did get off with out luggage we found about 30 of us, I think all Americans, were heading towards the Viking cruise!! Those red tags came in handy!!! Luckily we were in a station, unluckily the train workers had disappeared!!! Plus none of us spoke French!!! (I felt like Gilligan's Island only on a train!!)


    I had the Viking ship phone number - always keep it handy!! - and my husband had internation service on his cell so he called the ship. And lo and behoild the Cruise Director, Kurt, called him back!!! He said don't worry, take the next train that comes in and get off at Dijon and change trains to Chalon - we thought we were smart with the non-stop but wound up with 2 changes!!! He also assured us that the ship wouldn't be sailing until the following noon so we had plenty of time! Then he said that the French trains often break down and the workers just leave!!! He also said that TGV (company operating the train we were waiting for) should honor the tickets of SNCF (company who's train we had been on). But since we had never been asked for tickets on the original train we weren't worried and no one ever asked on the other trains!! Train came, we switched at Dijon and arrived safely at Chalon then took a cab to the ship - very happy to give over our luggage to the ship's crew!!


    One thing to note as to luggage - Bercy was all one level. At Dijon we just crossed the platform to the next train. But at Chalon we had to go down a long flight of stairs walk under the other tracks and then up another stairs to the station. If I remember correctly that was street level. Just be aware that you'll have to carry your luggage as there are no elevators.


    Hope my story doesn't dissuad you from taking the train - just leave yourself enough time "just in case"! And have Viking's number handy - I put it into my phone as soom as I get the itinerary book from them!!


    And, looking on the bright side, the group of us became known as "the train people" and we made 2 friends from the group that we still stay in touch with! All in all it was only a minor hiccup and wouldnever keep me from using the French trains! We took a train from Avignon to Nice with no problems post-cruise!


    Any other questions just ask away and I'll try to answer them without the long story!!!!

  6. cruise kitty ~ after looking at your photos I am complimented by your comment! Yours are fabulous!!! For the past few years I make a post-cruise digital scrapbook and have it printed for myself and also send it via e-mail to long-distant friends. But I found the TA slide show about 2 years ago and its SO easy to make I now do that first.


    As for restaurants - I just fell in love with the left bank!! Stayed there on the recommendation of our son-in-law and it was fabulous!! We did eat in a few special places but could have happily eaten all our meals right outside our hotel! Can't wait to experience 8 nights there - a true adventure!!!

  7. frenchrci ~ I really didn't mean to dis Pizza - in France or anywhere - and I did save the info you posted on the other thread about il Campionissmo. One question - is the address 26 rue Bellan??? Just want to make sure I have the correct address! If our plans work out we'll be in Paris 8 nights so we should have time to check it out!!We may be food snobs - but look for good food not just expensive places since they are many times just "living" on their reputation - at least in NYC!!!


    Our son-in-law is a professional chef from Sweden - he's worked in a few high end NYC restaurants and, for a few years now, is cheffing for the Swedish delegation to the UN. And our daughter also works high end restaurants - front of the house. So we've had the joy of being very spoiled with really good food!! Foie gras is one of my husband's favorites - if your PA family isn't impressed with yours, stop by us!!!!


    Le Train Bleu looks fabulous - in an over-the-top way! Might make our "cut" for a special meal! And La Table des Gourmets also looks very interesting. Two years ago we ate at Allard (SIL recommend it as his favorite), Paul Chene (special night!) and Bofinger (husband's favorite because of books he reads and he also enjoys Alsatian food, even in NYC!!). 4th night we ate at a Bistro - can't remember the name but enjoyed fondue.


    And merci for The Fork - I did save it and as September comes closer and we start to finalize plans I'm sure we'll be using it!


    Now, if you don't mind - another question, especially since you live in Paris. Markets? Last trime we did get to Marche Edgar Quinet and completely enjoyed the morning - only disappointment was rain cancelled the "picnic" I had planned! But such fun looking and smelling and even sometimes tasting!! So, any market(s) you could recommend???


    Sorry this is SO long - I do run! I'm sure you may be tired of Paris photos but here's a tourist's view: Paris SlideShow


    Thanks much for all your suggestions!!

  8. Lightngsvt ~ your question is one that DH and I began thinking about around 2010. We had taken some ocean cruise - mostly Celebrity, one on RCCL - and really enjoyed all of them and never, ever had a problem. But DH began talking about a River Cruise because of itinerary!


    So I began here on CC and I just couldn't understand when people kept saying that RCing was completely different than OCing. How could it be different - both are on a ship, even if one is larger and one smaller; both are on water; both have cabins and dinner and passengers. How could they be SO different?


    Well I found out after our first cruise - and I feel in love with the difference - and we came home to quickly book 2 more River Cruises!! (To be honest, the only thing I miss with RCing is the lack of CC roll call interaction because of the few passengers!)


    travelfirst and beesKate have given a good run down on some of the differences. And I wouldn't try to "sell" anyone on RCing since we all do enjoy different experiences. But we fell in love with: the smaller number of passengers (people are still people but most seem to act nicer in smaller numbers!); no long security lines re-boarding in ports; being permitted to bring on wine and even enjoying it at dinner (Viking) with no charges; more personal attitude from everyone, even the Captain.


    Now, to be honest, at times I do miss my large aft balcony, or the evening show, or the swimming pool or a spa massage - but I know I can always return to an ocean cruise! But an ocean cruise can't get me to the Christmas Markets or on the Rhine River. So I feel lucky to be able to enjoy both worlds - and right now we're "into" River Cruises!!!


    Lastly, my only advice would be to try a River Cruise - it might not be for you or you might love it - only YOU can say!!! As far as a destination goes - RCs are mainly cities/town ports where you can dock and either go on an included excursion (which surprisingly I've enjoyed even thought we always stayed away from OC excursions) or wander ariound a town on your own. DH picked our first RC because of the Rhone River valley and his enjoyment of wine - also why we'll be going to Bordeaux in October. He then suggested the Rhine River and I chose December for the Christmas Markets. So, in my opinion, RCs are more about destination then a cruise experience aboard a ship. I know many who choose a convenient date, then a certain ship, and really don't care about the destination. And there's nothing wrong with that way of cruising - I just think that RC is more about destination, but maybe that's just my outlook!


    Whatever you decide - happy travels!!!!!

  9. robinlyn ~ my one, and only!, complaint with river cruising is the lack of interaction on CC - and that certainly isn't the fault of the cruise companies!!!


    I also was SO frustrated before our first RC - there's was always SO many posts on our ocean cruises - mostly Celebrity. I felt very isolated with no one to make plans with - how much did DH really want to discuss details like how many shoes I should bring or what time we'd be eating dinner - he just wanted to eat - don't talk about it!!!!


    And, to make matters worse, on our first RC we met another couple and the wife said she had looked at CC but didn't bother answering any posts!!! UGH!!! But then, everyone's different!!! It's one reason I enjoy the broader threads like "Christmas Markets 2013" or "Viking Rhine River", etc. At least it gives you a chance to talk and share with others who'll be taking a similar cruise. And, the most important part, learn from past passengers!!!!


    So go ahead and blow off steam - many of us feel the same way!!!

  10. frenchrci ~ I read your post to Hank (Hlitner) about restaurants - La Rose de France on Ile de St Louis looks very nice. And your recommendation of Pizza had me laughing - made me think - France, pizza - no I'll want French food! But I'll keep the name handy just in case!!!


    In 2012 we spend a few days in Nice. Walking around the first day we found SO many Pizza places - I know it was once Italian. But coming from NYC where's there's pizza on every other corner - good and bad! - it was the last food I wanted to eat!!! That year, for lunch before we flew to Paris we had good pizza in a favorite place of ours - my thinking was that would be one food we wouldn't see in France!! Little did I know!!


    But thanks for any suggestions!!!

  11. Cruise Kitty ~ just left you a post on your Rome/Cruise/Paris review thread.


    As for Christmas Markets - we just loved them on our December Viking cruise on the Rhine River - slide show below.


    We usually said Celebrity and never, ever had a major complaint with them. But husband, John, suggested a river cruise as a way to see different ports/cities. We took our first in 2012 and both fell in love with RCing!! October we'll be taking our third and spending a week in Paris beforehand - what lead me to your review thread!


    As for Paris - any restaurants you can recommend???


    Rhine River Christmas Markets Slideshow TripAdvisor™ (from 2013)


    Paris SlideShow (from 2012)

  12. cruise kitty ~ just love, love, love your photo review!!!!!! Backed into it from another CC thread!!! I SO enjoyed your photos - especially the "different" ones - food, etc! - we are kindred spirits since I usually take those kinds also!!


    Your ship's review brought back so many memories - just what I needed on this NYC snowy morning!! While we didn't take your same cruise, we did visit many of same ports in 2008 on Celebrity's Summit - Venice (my favorite city!), Dubrovnik, Naples, Rome, Tuscany (Livornia) - it was fabuulous seeing the photos - actually felt like I was there!!!


    And Paris, what can I say - we were there for 4 too-short days in 2012 pre-river cruise and will be back again this September for a week!!! So really enjoyed seeing those photos!!


    But, I have to add, that besides the fabulous photos, I SO enjoyed your positive, up-lifting spirit in your descriptions!!! Cold didn't get you down, you dealt with crowds, took "regular" transportation (age is changing our out-look on that!) - Hurray for you guys!!!


    Can't wait to read/see your next adventure!!!!

  13. Rjscott ~ I'm a "House Hunters" addict and remember seeing one about Lyon but don't remember a sign! Will have to try and catch it again!


    As for docking, we were in the Rhone River by Pont de l'Universite on the university side. We arrived about 11pm, stayed the entire following day and left about noon the third day - so had a solid day and a half there.


    We had a bus & waking tour first morning there and then free time in the afternoon. Aftercthe walking tour we could meet at the bus for a ride back to the ship or remain in town and get back on our own. Four of us has decoded to eat on town and asked the guide if we could be dropped off closer to the restaurant. The said sure and about 10 people left the bus with us, some to use a bank's ATM.

  14. We did this cruise in October 2012 - it was our first River Cruise and we just fell in love with RCing!!! Past December saild the Rhine River - also Viking - going to Christmas Markets and this October will be going on their new Bordeaux itinerary. In 2012 we sailed on an older ship, the Neptune.


    I think the city of Lyon was one of the hightlights - spend one and a half days there - docked right in town so could easily walk to many places. Lyon is the food capital of France and also known for silk! Avignon was also special as was Arles and seeing many Van Gogh places.


    I have two slide shows: Paris and also the Cruise - might give an overview:

    Paris SlideShow

    Provence Slide Show


    There's also another thread about this cruise you might find interesting:

    Portraits of Southern France Advice - Cruise Critic Message Board Forums


    Any questions - just ask away!!

  15. Go Pack ~ that makes me concerned also and we have an October cruise!! I'm hoping to learn lots from all the early CC passengers!!


    You mention 3 option tours. I'm not trying to be a pain, but I thought there were 4??? Just want to update in case one has "disappeared"!!

    Day 3 Blaye - optional excursion to the town of Cognac

    Day 4 Libourne - optional excursion about truffles or optional excursion a tasting of some local wine vintages

    Day 7 Bordeaux - optional excursion to Arcachon


    We're travelling with another couple - their first time on Viking - so I feel a little "responsible" and hope everything works out OK!!


    I hope the lack of info is simply the result of one department not knowing what another is doing and not the situation of disorganization caused by a new itinerary!! or more emphasis being put on their 2015 Ocean cruise launch!! I guess only time will tell - but hope that time is short!!!!!


    Good Lucj - and PLEASE keep us up-to-date with any info you receive!!!

  16. Maliboo ~ there are hair dryers in the cabins - but the only sockets for the dryer are in the room by the vanity/desk - only inconvenient if your mate is asleep and you have a wet head (yes, happened to me - I toweled dry my hair and used dryer later!)


    As for transferring at CDG - we went NYC to CDG to Basel. I was dreading the transfer but turned out to be much easier then I thought. We were going from 2E (international) to 2G (intra-France) and signage was very good, plus we did not have to collect our checked luggage - both flights were Air France, don't know if it would be different if separate airlines. We had to use a transfer bus, but again clearly marked and helpful airline people along the way. As for the Basel flight, we had to walk up the stairs from the ground both at CDG and down at Basel, a small airport. We have encountered this before in Europe. Just be prepared - it means carrying up/down the stairs any carry-on bag(s).


    Can't say for sure about the transfer to the Forseti since we arrived 2 days early in Basel - booked our air through Viking but didn't qualify for transfers since we arrived early. But I would imagine that, if you're arriving the day of the cruise, and purchase air through Viking, then they'll meet you at the Bordeaux airport and bus you to the Forseti.


    Have a great trip and PLEASE come back with a full report of those of us sailing this cruise in October!!!!!

  17. Hi Ukalady ~ you've sure done your "homework" about your cruise - good for you!!!! Now to try and answer some questions!


    I believe the Alta is one of the new "longships" - we just returned from a cruise on the Rinda, also a new longship.


    There will be 2 regular "USA" plugs in your room - my suggestion, bring a power strip and/or mulri-plug all depending on who many plugs you'll need for your devices. The voice box will be pluged into its own socket, a European one I think - but good for you thinking aobut this!!! (I bring a power stip and an adapter plug that has 3 holds on one side - for the power strip - and 2 prongs on the other - to fit into the socket. Hope this makes sense!!) There's one socket by the vanity/desk that runs along the wall opposite the bed and one on one-side of the bed (other had a European plug). We also bring out adapter for the European plug to give us an extra - especially if we stay in a hotel that doesn't have USA plugs.


    WiFi - we had good service when we were in port. I found sending just e-mails was OK when we were sailing but adding a photo attaching sent it into "outbox" until we got into port. At first I thought it was just my tablet - but found others witht he same problem. Sorry, don't know anything about a LAN cable.


    Yes, there is a clothesline on the shower. Plus I found that hanging things, even underware, on a hanger and putting it on the shower also helps. I don't remember the wall enought to say you could us suction cups.


    Have a GREAT cruise!!!!

  18. We sailed on the Rhine - Basel to Amsterdam. I'm not sure if the CMs on the Danbue will be different from one another like on the Rhine. But I second the thought: if you see it and want it BUY it!!!


    Now, what did we buy: some ornaments, about 3euro each, for friends - they looked like "cookies" and perfect since all my friends get Christmas Cookies from us!


    Also bought ornaments for our daughter and SIL - they lost all theirs in hurrican Sandy - apartment house basement was flooded.


    In Cologne we found fabulous stalls selling food: cheese - packed for planes, we had to buy some. Also mustard pots - could sample some and it was great - bought for our son, daughter & us! We bought some wine in Strasbourg and also a stork ornament, its the symbol of the city since they nest there! Also in Cologne, 4711 cologne wipes for a firend, along with gingerbread cookies. And, for our grandchildren, the silliest Santa climbing a rope - everyone just loved it!! In Heidleberg we found adorable ornaments - a king, a jester, a woman - where you pull the cord at the bottom and their arms and legs go out - didn't see them any place else and also small colorful candle holders. Our friend bought a wooden tree with small ornaments in the Black Forest.


    In Basel we bough Swiss chocolate at the train station and at the CM little votive candle holder that came with an attachment that went round and round while the candle burned.


    There's SO much to buy it all depends on your taste, and pocketbook, what you bring home!!!

  19. Rose ~ thank you SO much!!! I many times wonder if I just "run-on" too much!!! Our first RC was in Oct. 2012 and, after all our ocean cruises, I had a million questions and just couldn't find complete answers here on CC! So I'm just trying to "pay-back" for all the answers I would find for our Ocean cruises.


    I hope you'll love your RC - they are SO different from OCs! Ans its very hard to explain exactly why! Before we did our fiest, I kept thinking: boat, water, passengers, ports, meals - what could be different? But its a whole different vibe - chatter on another thread was about being able to bring on wine, beer, etc. and being treated more humanly, like an adult! And don't get me wrong, we always had a great time on our OCs - loved Celebrity - well 90% wise at least! And we'd cruise again with them - if only we had time!!! Too many place to see and not enough time or money!!!!!


    Seriously - any questions - please ask - I'll really try and help!!!!

  20. rjscott ~ WOW! a smuggler - and I'm sure you looked like one!!!


    I know security is important on the big ships but sometimes it just gets SO silly!!! On a Med cruise DH bought wine in Tuscany - he knew they'd confiscate it until the end of the cruise and yes, they did! (we enjoyed it during the land part of our trip!) It was just so silly - we could bring 2 bottle on at embarcation, but after that they'd keep the bottles until the last day - so silly!!


    Another reason I enjoy River Cruising!!!!

  21. Koblenz ~ I can't say much about - I went on the Marksburg Castle tour. My husband did stay back and walk to the CM in Koblenz but was disappointed - he didn't feel it was nearly as good as others we had experienced. However, I did hear a few others who were thrilled that they had found a chocolate chop that had candies made like tools - hammer, etc. - very unusual! They mentioned shop so I'd guess its open year-round. We did dock near a park that I'm sure would be lovely in nice weather.


    Colmar ~ John took the WWII tour and enjoyed it very much! My friend and I decided to by-pass Colmar to just stoll into Briesach and up tot he Cathedral - it was Sunday so all the stores were closed but we had a good low-key afternoon. I actually enjoyed the ride into the Black Forest in the morning.


    Again, had it not been in December, I might have dome Colmar on our own - there's been talk about that on one of these threads.


    Have fun planning!!

  22. Rudesheim stores were open, at least when we were passing by before 7pm. Plus it seemed that in every empty space - and sometimes in front of the stores - were CM "stands" - of course they'll be gone during your cruise. But there was a Kathe Wohlfahrt Christmas store that I presume is open all year.


    I'm not sure what other passengers did - dinner was at 7:30pm that evening so for anyone eating aboard they wouldn't get outside until 9/9:30pm, just about before we returned and the CM and I presume stores would have been closed by then. The other opton that we did think about - and probably would have done during the warmer, longer-daylight weather - was to eat in town on your own. Not sure if anyone did that but there were about 8 ships in port that evening!!


    Below are some photos from Rudesheim - even though the area was decorated for Christmas you can see that there are blocks of stores and restaurants that I'm sure are there all year - just without the greenery!

    The second is the area next to the restaurant where we ate - must be a nice outdoor area in the warm weather!!





  23. Yes, rjscott is absolutely correct - NO corkage charge and nothing in the frig!!!!


    Sorry I forgot to mention beer - and you could actually bring anything to drink on board - you do not go through security - no one looking into your bags!! no taking off your shoes!!


    Enjoy your cruise!!!!

  24. M&T ~ just sent you Lori's Blog and glad you're enjoying the slide show!

    Rudesheim - according to my daily, we were scheduled to arrive about 4:30pm and might have arrived just before that.


    There was an optional tour from 6:30 to 9:30 that included a ride into town on a mini-train, dinner, "folklore show", and a ride back to the ship. The cost was 59euro. I probably spent more time discussing this tour then anything else pre-trip! We finally decided to go on the tour and I'm SO happy we did since we had a fabulous time - but all because of fun at the "show"! (We mainly decided to take the ship's excursion since it would be SO dark that I was concerned if it'd be wasy to just find a place to eat on our own.)


    First, we decided not to take the train into the restaurant - even though it was very dark by 5pm, it was an easy walk along the river front to town - maybe 15 minutes - and we had our flash lights "just in case". I had talked to the CD, had a map and the address of the restaurant - she said no problem for us to join them there and we weren't the only ones who walked. The CMs were fun, even though we didn't buy anything but did enjoy looking, especially with all the lights! We found the street and restaurant with no problems - there were a few restaurants in the area and they were easy to reach - not a very big town.


    When we got there the back of the restaurant was crowded with passengers from the other Viking ship docked and heading in the other direction! The were sailing about 11pm or so and were about 20 minutes ahead of us in eating! Dinner was OK - nothing fantastic. Salad, potato soup, pork loin with mashed potatos, sauerkraut, cabbage and apple cake, coffee.


    The Folklore Show turned out to be a 4-piece combo playing American music - didn't hold the promise of much until the two CDs got some volunteers for shots and then the fun began with some games and dancing - turned out to be a really great night! Because it was SO dark - and the CMs were closed - we took the mini-train back to the ship to continue partying!! Some people decided to walk at that point - even with the markets closing it didn't look dangerous except for the possibility of tripping!


    Now, and I've really thought about this, wpuld I recommend this tour to others? I'm not really sure. To me the best part, as I've said, was the fun with the other passengers, I could imagine it could also be very dull!! As for the food - I'd rate it a step lower than the ship, but then there maybe a 150 people total there from both ships.


    Soooo.... after all that - my advice would be to check on the time of sundown for when you'll be there - that might help you decide how much you want to do on your own. As for the sailing time, its really calculated so that the next morning the ship arrives at the really scenic part of the Rhine River about 9am. It's just SO beautiful in that area with vineyards on the slopes and castles on the high ground and town along the river - watch for the little car ferries! and don't miss the train tunnels on each side! The CD gave a narrative during this part of the river - great for being on the top deck for photos and not having to follow reading anything but just listening! That part of the cruise lasted until about noon and the shore excursion to Marksburg Castle left at 1:30pm.


    But back to Rudesheim - here's site about restaurants/pubs - we went to Breuer's Rudeshem Schloss. Rudesheim: Gastronomy & Cafés

    Here's a site that has the mini-train. I guess its used for tours during the warmer weather and Viking arranges to have it for the dinner tour.

    Hotel Rose und Ruedesheimer Winzerexpress - Ruedesheim am Rhein


    You might want to also look into a gondola ride I think they have there - I didn't because of the time of year. I think the ride takes people up to the top of the surrounding hills.


    Sorry this is SO longwinded!!! I'd just like to keep re-lving this trip!! Hope it helped a little!! And have a great time - especially in Cologne - my new favorite city!!!!!

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