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Posts posted by deladela

  1. I used to color my hair about every 3-31/2 months but last Jan. I decided to grow out the grey and see how it looked.

    Well, in July a friend of mine talked me into letting her frost it so that it wouldn't look quite so funny (I had it died dark blonde/light brown). She frosted almost all of my hair and it was light light light blonde. WHAT A SHOCK to say the least!!!

    I took it as long as I could so today I went in and had my hair cut.

    My hair in the back was below my bra and the front was just as long. Well, they cut about 6-8 inches off the back, the sides are about 7 inches long and cut to frame my face, and the top is about 6" long.

    Quite a bit of difference, but I love it!!! :)

    The blonde is blending in and you can't tell where the grey is and where it isn't.

    Oh yeah and my curls have come back, not just the frizz that it would get when it dried!!!!

    Hope everyone ahs a great weekend.


    Sounds very cute!

  2. We're doing a 5 nighter to Grand Cayman & Cozumel!


    If anyone needs a swimsuit, I went by JCPenney today and they had tons of separate pieces for $5 a piece at our store. I managed to find two pieces that matched, so a $10 suit for me!

    Penney's was fantastic for me this year! (although I didn't get mine for $5 each they WERE on clearance) I bought a solid black bottom and 7 tankini tops that all match the bottom. I already have a black skirted bottom and about half a dozen tops so I now have a ton of mix and match tops and bottoms for my upcoming 14 day cruise! I LOVE clearance!

  3. Helllloooo ladies! I haven't been on here for a while, but we just booked a December cruise, so now I'm in cruise clothes planning mode again!


    Thanks to the recommendations on this site, I just ordered this bathing suit from swimsuitsforall. I hope it fits!!




    I'm trying to whittle down my list...this is a 5 night cruise instead of the 7 nights that I'm used to!

    Love the suit!

  4. [quote name='TNGALOHA']I love pinterest. I have gotten sooooo many ideas for my jewelry that I make off of it.

    On another note. I went to the Dillards clearance center in Phoenix yesterday and they had 2 piece swimsuits on sale. They were sold as separates and they were 80% off the clearance price and then they had a BOGO on them so basically the top was $2.99 and the bottom was FREE. What a deal an entire 2 piece swimsuit for $2.99!!!! I didn't need any but I still got 8 tops for the price of 4. They will all match my higher waisted boy cut swimshorts that I have so that worked out perfect. I have a different top for each day on my cruise!!
    I also got a pair of Gianni Bini white dress sandals that were originally $79.99 and they were 65% off and then another 30% so I got them for 13.00, I also picked up a white pair of Antonie Maleni sandals that also were originally $79.99 and go them for $13.00 too. I love sales like that.

    Have a great day everyone.
    I love them, too! It's such a great feeling when you "save" more than you spend!;)
  5. [quote name='indiana71'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue]Having been on Pinterest for only a couple months, I'm not all that familiar with everything that is there. (My boards are "recipes" and "toenail art"). And today I searched "Cruisewear" and LOTS of pins come up. Check it out - there's something for every taste:cool:.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]
    Thanks for the tip!:)
  6. [quote name='tizzylizz']Your link worked! Thanks! That is a cute top and that is the type I want-- where you still can wear a bra....just wish it was a v-neck. I do like how it is not tight...need to hide a few rolls..lol[/quote]
    I know the feeling! I usually prefer v-neck tops, too. Good luck. I hope you find exactly what you're looking for!
  7. [quote name='tizzylizz']Good idea...I googled silver satin halter blouse...not much came up. So, tried googling a few other words. Will still play around with it.

    I really like the idea of a 'halter' top, but one where can still wear a bra--cuz I need to!

    I think you can just cut and paste a link into here?? Not sure never tried. But, would love to see what you found.[/quote]
    Hopefully this works. This is the first one that came up. It's bra friendly and IMO, would look great with the skirt.
  8. [quote name='tizzylizz']Hi Fashionistas...could use some ideas on what type of top to wear with this skirt. Yes, it is black, full sequins & elastic waist band. It comes to about my knees.

    Originally I bought it to wear to a few holiday parties, but, thinking I'd like to take on my next cruise to wear on formal night...since it would pack like a dream.

    Just having a hard time invisioning what type of top for a carribean cruise in April. Trying to snag a good deal with all our summer things on sale!


    I think a silver satiny halter would look great with it! I love the skirt!
  9. [quote name='Froufie']Yes - got this a while ago - only wear it on 'cruises'! Hangs in closet covered in plastic awaiting next 'outing' :D:D
    Such a fun cruise top...love it!
  10. I was browsing through one of my magazines and found a product called Theraped. I thought someone might be interested in them. You can keep them cool (or warm, if needed) in the fridge or freezer or while cruising...in a bucket of ice ..they slip on your feet and wrap around, they actually look kind of stylish. There is a good picture of them on the at www dot healthenterprises dot com, click on products, then click on hot/cold therapies ..just under $10 Looks like a good idea to me. I also found them on the walmart... getontheshelf site but couldn't find them unless I used the link from the google search..so apparently they are sold also at Walmart but couldn't find them on the regular walmart site..

    Thanks for posting...I think I might order a couple of those! My feet and ankles always swell when I travel...especially when I cruise. I think the therapeds will really help.

  11. [quote name='Happy ks']One thing I like to do is to have my husband take pictures of me in the clothing I plan to take. Then I can upload it, see myself the way others see me and make adjustments.

    Before I did this I cannot tell you how many times I'd see a recent photo of myself and think "why did I leave the house looking that way?".

    Of course, in my mind I am 20 lbs. lighter and years younger than I appear in photographs ;)[/quote]
    That's a good idea...because aren't we all? ;)
  12. Wow, that's the first time I've actually seen someone use the over door shoe holder for shoes! What a novel idea!:p We use that one for sunscreen, sunglasses, meds, camera equipment, cell phones, etc. We use one like this in the closet for our shoes. It also keeps our clothes separated. I know, I'm a little ocd in the closet.:rolleyes: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000JTDX4W/ref=asc_df_B000JTDX4W1739636?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&tag=nextagus0068234-20&linkCode=asn&creative=395093&creativeASIN=B000JTDX4W


    I love following this thread! :D

    I also use 2. One on the inside of the bathroom door, and one on the outside. The one on the inside holds all the things you would normally have on the bathroom counter and assorted hair things...the outside holds a few pairs of shoes plus sunscreen, sunglasses, etc. that would clutter the desk area.

  13. Edit to add, this was typed one finger on my iPod touch, spelling errors are what the iPod decided to do for me, I'm really not that bad at spelling.


    Our first cruise I also had this same overwhelming experience. If there is one thing I can say to relieve your dilemma it would be to say "don't fret too

    much"! My thoughts at the time was that it was a luxury vacation, people must dress up. Wrong, not only is the ship full of very average people, most of them typical of who you see in an average shopping mall on a Saturday afternoon.


    Take your summer clothes for daytime, take at least 2-3 bathing suits per person, take plenty of sunscreen, take a good camera. For dinners. Casual nights most lines require men to wear long pants, my husband takes 2 pair and a couple shirts, we have them laundered inboard. He rakes his sportscoat, slacks and one shirt, 2 ties.


    I take a couple pair if shorts with 2 shirts to go with each, I Aldo have some laundry done, there is a charge for laundry but it's a lot cheaper than extra suitcases at the airport. I also re-wear evening clothes, it's just black slacks and tops, I am starting to take jersey knit dresses instead, a whole lit easier to pack than pants/tops. I take 2 cocktail dresses for formal nights, but I swear I'm going to start taking just one and use different accessories to cut out that second dress.


    Other than that, take your own toiletries, makeup, hair stuff (I've been disappointed too many times by ship blow dryers-take your own and be happy about it), try to avoid extras you read about on packing lists, such as over the door shoe holders and hampers, those just take up too much packing space and you can really get by without them.

    I agree with everything you said except the over the door shoe holder...it takes up very little suitcase space. I usually pack mine in the outside zipper on my suitcase...and it helps ALOT in keeping toiletries and small items organized in the bathroom where there is VERY limited space.

  14. Love this thread but I feel SO unprepared! 1st cuise in 5 weeks, packing for a family of 3 and overwhelmed! DH won't make any decisions, I have to pack for him as well as my dd5! I have no idea what to wear for daytime, what is appropriate for embarkment day (Miami), the list goes on an on! Trying to pack all of us in one large suitcase to check plus two small carryon suitcases.


    I am up to page 17 of this thread...keep it going!

    My DH is the same way...is it a 7 night caribbean? Shorts and tee shirts are appropriate for day. Swimsuits and cover-ups can be worn, too. IDK about one large suitcase...I was trying to pack DH and I in 2 for 18 days and didn't make it. I ended up with 3 large suitcases. I packed, then took out about 1/3 of what we had...probably could've ended up fitting it into 2, but DH said to spread it out so we'd have room to bring stuff back. That's one thing to keep in mind...if you just fit going, you won't have room for extras on the way home.:D Don't stress...it's supposed to be fun! You'll have a blast!

  15. Kaye745: Welcome to CCF:eek:! I'm jealous...how nice it would be to cruise over Thanksgiving.

    I suggest you have a heavy jacket in the car (since you're driving to port) and if you don't need it, leave it in the car. We ALWAYS go on deck for SailAway and only once (in March) was a parka necessary...but a long-sleeve T top and heavy sweater is recommended.

    Within 24 hours, it will be warm enough for shorts. You should be off the coast of the Carolinas by then.


    naxie nee! - Welcome to you, too!! I love your screen name - very interesting.

    What would our DHs do without those Hawaiian shirts??? Frankly, I like them so much more than plain oxfords or golf shirts.


    5326jan: Power Strips: DH & I aren't very techno savvy...the only electronic device we take is his cell phone...and it's JUST a phone. Neither of us have texting or internet access...

    Once we're out of the calling area, his phone is turned off and put in the safe. For sure we are in the minority...


    deladela: I'm feelin' your pain RE: OverWeight Luggage. It had to be tough to eliminate 1/3 of the contents!:eek:

    Our largest suitcases are 28" and I pack them very full so everything inside doesn't slide around - and closing takes a wee bit of effort. I have never had an issue w/ overweight - 46 lbs is the heaviest ever. But admittedly, I'm holding my breath when the luggage scale is giving it's readout!


    I hope you have a Wonderful Cruise and will let us know if your paring down worked out.


    I will! I'm pretty sure I'll be fine because even though I had packed outfits, I had a few extras. I had 6 swimsuits and went down to 3 because I didn't NEED 6. And being gone for 18 days, I will be wearing a few of the things more than once(especially bottoms), but I have a lot of jewelry so I can accessorize differently and with different tops nobody will realize it's the same bottom. Plus, if I wear something the first or second day and someone recognizes it by the end, they REALLY need to drink more!:D;)


    Thanks to all of you for your ideas and encouragement! I love talking about cruise clothes...I used to be one of the ones who couldn't decide what to take so I took everything...I've gotten better with each cruise, but I think this will be the best because of the ideas I got from this thread.

  16. once we stopped using the larger suitcases we werent going overweight...those larger bags are to easy to go overweight and then there is so much room left over...we now use the smaller bags 27" and smaller.

    i am an over-packer to some to me I am just the stuff i need and then some, which makes me HAPPY ..lol.......we have 3 checked bags and 2 carry-ons for a 2 week cruise.


    carry-ons are a GOOD thing tho in case those bags go missing you would have something........we always have a couple of days of clothes in the carry-ons...all essential shoes and underwear-lingere etc

    my bags have gone "missing" before a cruise and it was GREAT we had stuff in our carry-ons (bags found right before we sailed)



    I thought I was going to be ok with the weight because the biggest bag is a 28", but that one was 64lbs when I finished packing the first time! I guess I need to stick to even smaller bags! I just spent a couple of hours at a friend's house with my packed suitcases...we went over the stuff I had packed while we downed a couple of beers and she helped me eliminate about 1/3 of the stuff I had packed...and I'm sure I won't even miss it. I did have 3 checked bags and 1 carry-on. I was going to downsize to 2 checked bags and then do 2 carry-ons, but DH says maybe we should just stick to the 3 checked bags. IDK...I was hoping to finish packing tonight, but I guess I will decide and finish tomorrow. I like the idea of having a few things in a carry-on so you know at least something is going to make it to the destination, but when you have to change planes, the carry-ons can be a pain...and DH doesn't want to deal with them.

  17. My take on being fashionable while traveling is quality over quantity. When we first started cruising, I was among the worst of the overpackers. Then I got wise, figured how much easier life would be if I packed smarter. Less to organize, less to haul and that goes both ways.


    We unpack even if we are just staying overnight. If we fly in for a cruise the day before, I use a packing folder and put all our clothes, robes, pj's, etc... into it and don't have to disturb the rest of the case.


    I have a relative that does not unpack when on a cruise or hotel stay and it drives me nuts. She has to go through her case every time she gets ready, then fusses with the case to put things away after she's dressed. All the while I stand there and wait. When she stays with us, her suitcase is on the floor, in the way, my daughter has to give up her bedroom and can't get to her closet to get to her clothes.


    She says that when she leaves her stuff in the case she knows where it is. Huh??? I know exactly where my stuff is too, right there in the closet and drawers! I just like simpler ways to do things and not fuss too much.


    We hang almost all our clothing and it makes unpacking and repacking such a breeze. After wearing the stuff, we rehang the stuff, slide it to the back of the closet and it goes home the same way it came. If we're going to wear the stuff again, we send it out for laundry or dry cleaning. Re-wearing a few things is the simplest way to cut back on the amount of packing. A whole lot cheaper than an extra bag fee or overweight bag fee, our charges usually come to around $25 for a week long cruise. I wash my bras and undies in the dink(no big deal, I just let them soak while I shower) we send husbands out mid cruise. Another good thing about washing out smelly undies is you aren't transporting week long stinky underwear home, even in a ziploc they will stink up your suitcase.


    Hmmm...Dh has accused me of overpacking. My defense is that I've planned each outfit and will wear everything...BUT I must admit - there have been a few times when the weather was cooler than I expected, and instead of wearing shorts, a pair of pants got an extra go-round.

    AND I concede that flying restrictions on weight are a HUGE issue. Happy ks: "Quality over quantity" is always the rule in that situation.


    Living out of a suitcase (even overnight) is inconceivable to me. Clothes get wrinkled, you can't find a pair of earrings...if it's because those folks don't want to take the time to unpack - READ some of the Suggestions on This Thread!


    deladela: You are NOT a fashionista failure:confused:!! Because of your diligence and organization, you're tackling the problem and fixing it. Even though you must cut down, you will look great!!


    PS - I've just gone over 1000 posts!! (Did I mention, that Cruise Critic threads are the best way to stay up to date on the latest info:cool:??)

    Thanks...you guys make me feel better. I finally got my one overweight suitcase under 50lbs, but now I have to figure out how to get the rest into the other 2 suitcases. Maybe I should do away with one of the big suitcases and pack 2 carry-ons instead. We usually try not to do carry-ons because we always have to change planes and it's easier to let the airline take care of the bags than for us to drag them through another airport and board another flight with them...we'll see. Hopefully I'll be done packing by tonight. I'll let you all know how it goes!

  18. Feeling like a complete fashionista failure! I thought I had finally figured out all my outfits and packing, but ended up with one suitcase way over weight. I had to unpack everything and start over...including reducing the amount I'm taking. So I guess I'll have to take bottoms that will match multiple tops and take a couple less pairs of shoes...:(

  19. Started packing yesterday and realized very quickly that 2 suitcases(1 for DH, 1 for myself) is not going to cut it!:eek: I might be able to make 3 work. Being gone for 18 days requires a lot of clothing...and shoes...and everything else it takes for us girls to look our best! Plus I have to pack costumes since we will be in South Beach for halloween. I still have to make some final cuts on outfits so I will let you all know how the packing goes.

  20. Oh, and Deladela, I always pack! DH has offered but I'm a total control freak when it comes to packing ..... I lay out his stuff, get him to check that I have everything he wants ( which usual means him saying 'whatever' ). However, he is in charge of all things electronic; chargers, adaptors, camera etc :-)

    Glad to hear there's no such thing as "too many shoes"...although if flipflops don't count, I think I only have 6 pairs going!

    Your packing plan sounds great. I would be more than willing to do the clothes if DH would do the electronics, but I will end up doing that, too. He'll make sure he has his own ipod and phone, but I will have to make sure I have mine plus all the things we both use. Oh well...it allows me to be a control freak! ;)

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