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  1. We are planning to use Larry’s Limos to get our family of 7 from Port Everglades to Miami airport. We have a 11:30 flight so will self disembark as early as we can. Barring any delays what is a good time to plan on meeting our transportation. We dock at 6am so assume can get off by 645? Would 7-715 be a safe time?
  2. I wonder if they changed it from suites only since they are available to anyone to rent.
  3. We are trying to choose between the standard cabana at Barefoot and the bungalow at Columbus Cove. Anyone have pictures or preferences? It seems like the standard ones may not be as close to the beach as the others.
  4. I have already read that the hole punches were allowed on Liberty but was really just trying to figure out how the key works in/on the door. I did get one answer that the key does need to go in the door so I will not plan on using the pouches. I do really appreciate the answers. Thank you all for your replies.
  5. I know there have been lots of questions whether to punch a hole in sea pass card or put in pouch. My question is how does the sea card open the doors on Liberty. Does it slide in the opener or just need put up against it ? I would prefer to not have to remove it from the pouch to open the door. I have heard that Liberty door are different. I thought I saw a picture of someones card and it had arrows showing which made me think it slid in. Thank you in advance.
  6. We have a group of 7 that will self-disembark Liberty and fly out of Miami. We will have quite a bit of Luggage i am sure. We have some quotes for private transportation but it seems it may be easier to just grab a taxi/taxis. Are their taxi vans usually waiting? We are not opposed to splitting into 2.
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