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betty em

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Posts posted by betty em

  1. Indiana71,


    Allure . One of the interesting articles, "How to Try on Clothes". It begins, "Two things can make or break a day of shopping: the outfit you wear and the person who helps you." It goes on to say, "Wear simple clothes - a basic white or black cotton tank and pants or skirt that is easy to remove; a nude bra, preferably one that can convert to strapless, and a pair of Spanx if you're trying on dresses. Simple earrings (that won't snag clothing)."


    In regards to what to wear shopping, I also stick to the neutral-colored undies, but wear a button down shirt so that my hair maintains some semblance of order when trying on stuff I have to pull over my head. I also wear low heels so I don't have to quit before I'm ready to, due to sore feet. And usually a light-weight jacket since some stores are very cool with the air-conditioning, but lighter than the outside weather would demand. And I never eat until I am completely satisfied that I am done shopping. Once I eat a meal, the shopping is over. (Get too sleepy to shop)


    I love your pictures and seeing what outfits you put together, even if they're not for cruising. Keep it coming.

  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#0000ff]"QUESTION: Do you color your hair - yourself or by a professional - all over or just highlights?"

    Ladies, I hadn't read this thread in awhile and am just now catching up. Just a quickie to say I love Indiana71's fashion shows. I had my hair color chosen by CJW a couple years ago now and make whoever colors it (salon or my daughter) use the #s he recommended and I never fail to get compliments on it. My own mother asked me a month ago if that was my natural color!

  3. Anita Latte;


    The red dress looks really good on you; you did good!


    I follow along regularly here even tho I don't contribute often. I'm an earth too, figure I've been one since I picked out a pumpkin-colored winter coat back in 5th grade (?'65?) and still have a bit of trouble with reds. I got a red dress in Feb and in the store it looked great, but have worn it only once so far. One of those repeatedly put on- take off dresses I plan to wear but don't end up doing so. I feel like I'm doing very good with the teals and purples, tho. Back a few pages someone (I think Laurspag) posted a pic of one of her dresses, it was a different style but the exact same material as one of my favorite, most worn dress ever. So that was something to make me happy to see how well I had hit the mark on that one.



  4. One very important thing I see no one has mentioned is this, something my dermatologist told me 10 years ago: Change your pillow case every morning, wash your face with clean hands only, no wash cloths, and pat your face dry with cheap, clean white washcloths and never re-use towels or wash cloths on your face, and never re-use one that's been hanging in the bathroom on your face. I buy cheap bundles of white Walmart washclothes on sale and use them to pat my face dry.

    Then I use Neutrogena oil-free acne wash, followed by Acne-free 3 step clear skin treatment (which is benzoyl peroxide) from Walmart and a regular moisturizer. I used to use an oil-free moisturizer as well, but as I've gotten older, it works for me to use moisturizer with some oils in it The benzoyl peroxide did dry out my skin at first, even made rough, reddened patches for the first 6 weeks, but after that my skin toughened up, I guess, and now it is normal, without pimples and acne.


    Changing my pillow case daily is the key to keeping a breakout-free face for me.

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