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Posts posted by RubyDog08

  1. Very educational and interesting review - one of the best, if not the best, I've ever read. We will be boarding Equinox one month from today, so I'm following your posts with extreme interest. This will be our first trip with Celebrity, and we are very excited!


    Thank you so much for taking time away from your vacation to share with everyone your mad packing skills, as well. I am an incredibly talented over packer, myself. We arrived home once missing an extra large bag, but no one realized it for several weeks. :eek: Hopefully I can cut a ton or two from my luggage load this time by using some of your great advice. I'm sure my DH will appreciate the effort. :p


    Thanks again!!

  2. Wow - Thanks for the encouragement. It looks like a review will, indeed, happen. First, please accept my apologies. I guess it wasn't very nice of me. I didn't mean to offend anyone by referencing the advancing numbers on my human odometer. I was only talking about myself, but I promise to not bring it up again. :p (Note to self: Do not say old anymore.)


    Jen - I'm so glad you popped in. Congratulations on your wedding!! I'm looking forward to meeting you guys and everyone else from our insane roll call. :eek:



    Just to get the feel of things, I'm going to start here with a prequel to our travels.


    Me: Cleon is giving me fits right about now. I'm trying to figure out how to follow the track of the storm. We cannot fly due to DD's sensory integration disorder, so we have to drive 1000+ miles to get to the port. Unfortunately, that includes a drive smack through the predicted "ice" portion of winter storm, Cleon. (They dug pretty deep for that name...I mean, most people probably aren't even familiar with Pericles, much less Cleon - but that's not the point, is it?) Our original plan was to leave first thing Friday morning...now it looks like it might be some time on Thursday evening...or earlier.


    DH: Is the laundry caught up? Don't pack my toothbrush this time. Last time, I had to dig through my suitcase to find my toothbrush. I will pack my toothbrush when I'm ready to pack it. When is the ice supposed to be here? Yes, dear. I know you're not a meteorologist, but when is it going to be here? Can't we just drive straight east then go south? Can't you find a route to the port without going through the ice? Is Ice Road Truckers on?


    Me: Dear Lord, I don't think our suite is going to be big enough!


    DD: How much longer until we leave? Do I have to go to school Thursday? What if there's ice? I bet they'll close school. Can we leave now?


    Me: Dear Lord, ditto.


    DDaddy: (On the phone) When are you going to come pack my stuff? This storm thing could be bad, you know. I'm going to need another suitcase. You never give me the big suitcase. Are you going to bring me another one, or am I going to have to buy a whole set just to get what I need? I don't know why you refuse to give me the big one. Just because I'm (don't use the word old) doesn't mean I don't need the big suitcase. Are you still there? I said I need another %$@* suitcase....


    Me: Dear Lord, ditto, again.

  3. Our next cruise is coming up in 6 days - sailing Freedom of the Seas in the presidential family suite. So here's a question or two for you. I have been tossing around the idea of doing a review in a "semi-Live" format, and I am wondering whether or not anyone would actually read it. Is it worth your time and mine?


    Let me back up just a bit before you decide. I am not balcony/suite snob, nor am I wealthy, so this review will not be heavy on room features, etc. That's just the room I booked. I'm just a regular person - an old lady who celebrated a major birthday this year (I'm not about to tell you that I'm 60 now, so don't even try to get it out of me!) That said, my family decided this trip would be a pretty cool present, so I had no choice but to accept their kindness. (Stop twisting my arm, already!) :D


    We have been cruising since the late 80s, and all cruises but one been with Royal. We have lived through a great many changes in the cruise industry over the years, and I am a very flexible person; easy to please. I just roll with the changes and always have a great time no matter what is thrown at me. It's a vacation like no other, no matter how you slice it. Changes in turn down service candy, menus, pillows, itineraries, smoking and formal night policies...it's all good!


    I am only considering a review because I think it will offer something a bit uncommon in the world of cruise reviews: This will be a four-sided (square?) review. In addition to myself, three others have agreed to provide their input for the project. Those participating with me are my DH, my DD and my DDaddy! The review will be presented from all four points-of-view from three generations.


    From me, you won't read any serious complaints or criticisms. What you will get is just an honest, daily rendering of what one genuinely silly old woman did on her family vacation. It will be sprinkled with what it is like traveling with MS and a degenerative nerve disorder.


    From DH's point of view, you will hear all about being the only "normal" person in a group. (Ha!)


    DD, a young adult, will offer an extremely unique take on cruising with autism, mental challenges, Tourette's, juvenile diabetes and sensory integration disorder.


    Finally, DDaddy will throw out his unique senior (cranky) personality when describing his experience traveling in a wheelchair.


    While all of this might sound depressing, it is actually quite the opposite. We choose to make the most of what we have, and we have fun doing it!


    The plan is to present a written review on a live basis, and present our photos when we return. I do feel a certain debt of gratitude to the CC family for providing invaluable information and guidance in our family's planning process, but I'm just not generous enough to spend the time required to post pictures from the ship. Sorry, but I can be greedy with our holiday time!


    So how does all of this sound? Should we do it? Is it worth it? Ultimately, would you read and benefit from it? Take the poll and let me know. :p

  4. We just went to Playa Mia a few months ago. ;) So it's not an option this time around. Been there, done that, and know what it has to offer. We were almost the only one's there that day, which made it even more special. I have read just how bad it gets when there's a lot of ships in port. I'm thankful we were able to experience it with next to no one there. :)


    Ah...sorry, then. We will be at Mr. Sancho next week, and I'd be happy to give a report - just don't know if it will be soon enough to help you out. I guess if I logged in and did it "live" you might get it in time. If I were you, I would do the refundable deposit at Mr. Sancho, esp since they have a daily admission limit. Then you will have the option of going there or not.

  5. We're going to Mr. Sancho this time because our kids are grown and only one (19) still travels with us, so certain antics are not too bothersome unless they become grossly overt. In the past, we've gone to and greatly enjoyed Playa Mia. And, if we still had younger kids, it would still be Playa Mia because of their offerings for both adults and kids. There are iguanas and parrots that they carry around to play with/take pix with everyone - esp. kids. They also have tons of other things for kids to do...bungee trampolines, waterslides, pools, beach dances, face painting, temporary tattoos, water toys, etc., just plain "kid friendly."


    Not to play devil's advocate, as I know you have narrowed your choice to two other places...but if I were you, I would give Playa Mia another long look before deciding. :p

  6. Is it possible to request a 2 top table for me and my mom in the main dining room? we enjoy looking out the window on previous cruises in the back of the ship watching the sunset.


    Also is there a place to see the menu? Has anyone posted that on a website or anything?


    Hello, and welcome! Here's a link for the culinary department and lots of other Royal info I think you will enjoy.



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