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Posts posted by Capri73

  1. 1 minute ago, stan01 said:


    My goodness!  I hope you and everyone else on your cruise are enjoying themselves.



    2 minutes ago, stan01 said:


    My goodness!  I hope you and everyone else on your cruise are enjoying themselves.


    Yes we are.Done with this topic.

  2. 18 minutes ago, stan01 said:

    Seabourn's website has been updated and it is made clear that elegant jeans are welcome in main dining room on elegant casual nights, but not formal nights.  And the elegant jeans can be worn by men and women.


    Formal night:  minimum is jacket and trousers for men and "other formal wear" for women.  Seems like many women feel a sparkly top and a black skirt/trousers pass as "other formal wear".  I don't see minimum compliance as an issue for anyone.  Those who prioritize wanting to see everyone dressed formally might want to consider Cunard Queen Mary Queens Grill where they will see many tuxedos and gowns on formal nights.



  3. Do know that you can buy papers on line that state you have a service animal.I learned this from a man on a flight some time ago.He had a beautiful German Shepard who was very well behaved .He said he could not bear to leave her home so he bought fake papers.The dog also took over the floor of the plane.


  4. Sometimes I do not like to comment because of backlash.I am very happy you enjoyed Taulk not sure if you ever traveled with them precovid.Precovid I would give them a 10 after a 2.In our opinion it was one of the worse trips we have ever taken.The person asked a question and I think she or he should hear good and bad and then make their own decision.

    They put us in the wrong  hotel and never picked us up.Charged for an xtra day and refused to refund, almost all buffets.We were given menus on a bus 2or 3 days in advance to tell them what we might want to eat if they were not offering the buffet.This was Italy no reason not to have good food.The wine was below par, only offered a cheap chardonnay.

    We all have difference tastes and this for us was a joke for what we paid.Pre covid I could write the complete opposite.

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