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Posts posted by Seashellmama

  1. Only fees are for the late night kid-sitting. Not for daytime activities, whether at sea or in port. The link above doesn't go into detail about the late night sessions but on one line I have heard that it is for sleeping children only, if yours awakens and does not wish to go back to sleep you will be quickly paged to pick them up. Would confirm that before signing up if you choose.


    I've never heard that kids have to sleep!


    Princess website says at https://www.princess.com/ships-and-experience/onboard-experience/kids-and-teens/



    Late-night group kidsitting


    For your convenience, group kidsitting is offered in the Youth Centers. Kids can relax and watch movies or play games with their friends while mom and dad have a relaxing night out.


    • For children ages 3 to 12 years.
    • From 10:00 pm to 1:00 am.
    • Charge of $5.00 per hour per child.

  2. The requirements aren't requirements of the Cuban government or the cruise lines- they are a requirement of the US Government for its citizens, and it is the responsibility of the individual to meet the requirements (including keeping your daily schedule diary for five years, though Carnival keeps it for passengers who use their excursions, or so I am given to understand).

  3. We were in Havana this past Thursday, September 28. I noticed the oil on the surface of the water in the harbor area, and blackened things (bottles and other detritus) floating- I guess I assumed it was typical for the area. My kids were sad to see it.


    (We LOVED our visit to Cuba, though!)

  4. For those of you who remember the Sound of Music:

    How do you solve a problem like Maria? How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? How do you find the word that means Maria? A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown! Many a thing you know you'd like to tell her. Many a thing she ought to understand. But how do you make her stay and listen to all you say? How do you keep a wave upon the sand? Oh, how do you solve a problem like Maria? How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand? When I'm with her I'm confused, out of focus and bemused. And I never know exactly where I am. Unpredictable as weather, she's as flighty as a feather. She's a darling! She's a demon! She's a lamb! She'd out pester any pest, drive a hornet from its nest.She could throw a whirling dervish out of whirl. She is gentle! She is wild! She's a riddle! She's a child! She's a headache! She's an angel! She's a girl! How do you solve a problem like Maria? How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? How do you find the word that means Maria? A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown!


    And then there's Paint Your Wagon...



    They Call The Wind Maria (From Paint Your Wagon)


    Maria, Maria

    They call the wind Maria


    Way out here they got a name

    For rain and wind and fire

    The rain is Tess, the fire's Joe

    And they call the wind Maria


    Maria blows the stars around

    And sends the clouds a-flyin'

    Miriam makes the mountain sound

    Like folks were up there dyin'


    Maria, Maria

    They call the wind Maria


    Before I knew Maria's name

    And heard her wail and whinin'

    I had a gal and she had me

    And the sun was always shinin'


    Then one day I left my girl

    I left her far behind me

    And now I'm lost so cold and lost

    Not even God can find me


    Maria, Maria

    They call the wind Maria


    Out here they got a name

    For rain, for wind and fire only

    But when you're lost and all alone

    There ain't no word but lonely


    And I'm a lost and lonely man

    Without a star to guide me

    Miriam, blow my love to me

    I need my girl beside me


    Maria, Maria

    They call the wind Maria

    Maria, Maria

    Love, my love, pull me

  5. The next Carnival sailing to Cuba is scheduled for September 21, on the Paradise, so that's probably the one to keep an eye on. MSC Cruises has a sailing that departs from Havana on September 18 (I think- it's confusing because it appears that the itineraries start on the 16th but stay in Havana for two days), so that may be one to watch.

  6. You and carnival signed a contract to go to Cuba. If Carnival decides to cruise somewhere else, mainly to avoid refunds, I would think this would be a breach of contract on their part. Tampa did not get hit that hard but I read that parts of Havana were flooded and many old buildings sustained wind damage mainly due to lack of upkeep..


    Be sure to read your cruise contract before making too many assumptions.

  7. Following up on this, the Star Princess did not port in Ensenada on Sunday, either, ending up with a (somewhat rocking-and-rolling!) sea day instead. So we got back our lost day at sea (that was supposed to be Saturday), and didn't go to any of the originally planned ports at all.


    Had fun anyway.

  8. I'm just not seeing it. It would make me right angry if a mostly all-inclusive cruise meant that because I am partaking in the inclusive parts I am therefore unwelcome to sit in a public area and enjoy entertainment, people watching, reading my book, doing puzzles, coloring, or anything else. It's nice that you're so protective of Princess Cruise's income streams, but this feels bizarre and misplaced.

  9. There were 14 teens (13-17) on the jan26-30 cruise this week (I didn't note the counts for ages 8-12, but it was less than 30; no idea for the 3-7y group). The hottub on starboard side (definitely not a splash pool) was not labeled for teens only and was rarely in use at all; the splash pool was used by teens on kiddie-area ride-on cars once late at night and that's pretty much all I know about that.


    The deck plan shown in post #1 of this thread is definitely incorrect.

  10. You should be ok, technically your passport would still be valid to get you back by air in case of an emergency, and you will still be outside the 6 month window some countries require.


    February 16 is less than 6 months to the end of July.


    Personally, I agree, just renew the darn things, you have plenty of time and you don't want to let them expire anyway!


    February 16, 2015, is three weeks from tomorrow... *probably* doable, but *possibly* not. If it were me, at this point, I would use the existing, non-expired passport... I think it *should* be accepted for this closed-loop cruise. I might also bring my birth certificate and (of course) state ID/driver license, in case there is any question at port check-in because of the less-than-six-month aspect.

  11. That form says, " If you are pregnant, on dialysis, traveling with oxygen or using electric medical equipment you need to notify Fleet Medical with this form." This form is for if you have a medical condition for which you should be cleared by your physician before travel; it is not the "have you been throwing up or do you have ebola" form you fill out at the port (which you can't pre-fill out, as far as I know).

  12. The deck plans DO seem to make it clear that there's a door, but other ships show a door that goes to what seems like it might be a behind-a-counter working area of some sort, and I've seen multiple references to the weird-but-okness of walking through the art gallery to get to cabins on the Plaza deck...


    It sounds basically sure that we WILL be able to slip through that door into the Piazza. Mental vision of how things will be somewhat firmed up. Beauty!

  13. Yeah, I was fine with the front of the Emerald deck there, was kind of looking forward to it. My mom is thrilled with the new location, though, and she's probably right- it won't be the warmest cruise ever, so having the Piazza easily accessible is probably more useful than having the upper promenade right there.


    Meanwhile... contradictory answers!

  14. We're on a 4day "sampler" later this month, and after initially taking E102 got upgraded/moved to the plaza deck, oceanview, port side. I'm looking at the deck plan and it appears that there is a door from the end of the hallway by P336 into the Piazza, right by the International Cafe... I'm wondering if that is, in fact, a passenger accessible door. Because that'd be mighty convenient! Not that having to go forward and through the art gallery is so awful or anything.

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