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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. Thanks Graham! The reaction feature is a recent discovery for me, please forgive me if I have been inappropriate 😔. I don’t want to offend anyone, but maybe sometimes my reaction to something within a post is unexpected? 🙃 oops! m—
  2. Bon Voyage @Cruzin Terri and Jim! Sure hope your GI is happy today, that you had no symptoms yesterday and can board without any issues. May your cruise be restful and refueling! Might get into the 40s tomorrow and maybe some sun Saturday? I can enjoy watching the clouds but it still feels cold out with the biting wind. @kochleffel Paul that is such good news about your 1-pass Mohs! But it’s really exciting to hear that DiVinci is warming up. Maybe he felt a vibe of your procedure yesterday and pushed past his comfort zone to comfort you. Hope you can get the right dressing and bandages then rest today. @kazu Wonderful vets you have and good that Ivan was cooperative. Stay safe! Most of us have put money into Social Security during our working years but we get paid much more than we put in! When I was working, many co-workers complained about the SS deductions but I felt that SS was helping my mother instead of me having to help support her in her later years, and therefore I had the opportunity to save in my IRA (tax-deferred independent retirement acct) and prepare for my own retirement. It has all worked out better than I imagined! SS added to our IRAs make a secure retirement for us. I’m very grateful! I like bourbon and I like lemonade but not together. The legume and squash combination might blenderize into a good soup. Cloverleafs make driving so much easier! DH is doing well day by day as we go through this balancing of healing, keeping tge drainage path open enough, and using the meds stay in-range. We ran some errands yesterday! It’s a joy! His cable to connect to his phone to upload his tonometer eye pressure readings is getting glitchy. We’ll have to address that, we really need to get those readings twice daily. The European models display the readings but the US models need the cloud! Oiy! There’s possibly a Bluetooth method we’ll have to explore. That part gets more mysterious, might need some one younger to help! Melissa @HAL Cruiser as heartbreaking as your and DH’s losses are, it’s a privilege to walk beside our spouse as promised… only one of us gets to do that! And you don’t do it alone! We’re with you!🌹Give yourself a warm hug from us! Thanks all for the reports, the photos and the sharing. Blessings to all! Lifting up those in need! Giving thanks for the joys! Smooth travels to all away! May you each Enjoy something today! Maureen
  3. It’s warmer in Gerri’s frozen tundra than north NJ today. And gray. But no snow so I’ll take it. Bon Voyage to our Hawaii Circle cruisers (thank you Vanessa for your excellent formatting work and tracking us all!) Bon Voyage Summer Slope (Dixie & George)! Bon Voyage Sharon in AZ (Sharon & Craig)! Bon Voyage Quartzsite Cruiser(Lenda & Steve)! Bon Voyage dfish (Debbie & Sue)! Extra blessings to Paul @kochleffel on the Moh’s, to Sandi @StLouisCruisers dealing with shoulder pain - have you tried icing it? - and to Terry and Tana for help from the nurse today. And Vanessa @JazzyVevery day. Also for Terri and Jim @Cruzin Terri to have a quiet day enjoying the Miami hotel and suite! Yesterday the NJ eye doctor was helpful. First, he had the laser ready to open the suture in case the pressure was too high, but it wasn’t so that was very good. He got the Maryland surgeon on the phone to consult with her in real-time! His exam showed it all looks very good! They want to maintain the pressure in a safe range which is a balancing act between biological healing, meds and physics. They added a gentle finger massage to help move the fluid through the eye twice a day. Keep up the 2 med regimes for the different eyes - one eye gets new med 4 times a day, old med once a day; other eye gets the double med twice a day plus old med once a day…. now add in the massage exercise twice a day; come back in 2 weeks! It’s all good!! On track. We do pressure measurements twice a day and gave both doctors’ direct mobile phone number to call if anything goes out if range. I’m confident we’re in good hands. I am so Grateful! … for all they can do, that we can manage to do our end and get to these amazing doctors! That the prayers for guidance led us to this path! @HAL Sailer Melissa, thank you for your heartfelt sharing. I’m so glad you felt loved and celebrated on your special day! Gentle hugs to you! Blessings to all the Care List needs, the celebrations, and each of you! Thanks for all who make this thread happen. 🌈 Good luck with Ivan today Jacqui! @kazu and watch your footing! Congrats on your successes Denise! @Denise T There’s no motivator like success!! Sorry to hear about the mishap @MISTER 67 for your DW, glad the ER only took 2 hrs! You did well. Let the healing be gentle. And 77 is terrific 🏆. Enjoy something today all! I know I will! I’ve already enjoyed being here with you. Maureen
  4. 🎉 Bob Voyage Tina @0106 Happy Birthday Mellisa @HAL Sailer 🎈 Yay Ren ⚽️ ! 🏈I was rooting for Ravens and Lions.. oh well! But we enjoyed the games! Often the lead-up games are better than the superbowl itself but we hope to enjoy that too in 2 weeks! @grapau27 Thanks for the explanations. DH is a Freethinker and has a collection of Thomas Paine’s writings which are somewhat of a slog for me- I let DH read them then he can talk to me about them! We didn’t get any snow overnight so our drive to the eye doctor should have any road problems. We’ll learn something today I’m sure. I’m just so grateful he’s doing well day by day. This long monitored and adjusted healing process is still a bit mysterious but I’m trusting they know what they’re doing and that it will all be Amazing! DH is getting some relief from the itching just cutting one med out for just one eye, but I think the post-op steroids may be helping too. He can’t stay on those too long because they raise the pressure but they help the healing… so that is balanced by the other pressure lowering drops. We’re gonna do our best to stay on track! Thanks @JazzyV for the Care list! Blessings for smooth travels for all our traveling Dailyites. So glad to see all the posts of safe arrivals! 🥰…. Terry, Terri, Debbie and Sue, @tupper10 and I’m sure I’m missing others but I’m heart warmed following you! Thanks for posting. Blessings for all in need of healing, comfort or hope, especially those in war zones. May peace happen in our country, your country and around the world we love to travel! Maureen
  5. Smooth travels Debbie, Terry, Terri, Tina. All our cruisers. Ahhhh, I love hearing about them all! Keep breathing Jacquie. Glad you corroborated my unsolicited advice! Things pop into my head and out my fingers- I realized later I probably shouldn’t have posted that, but I did…. free advice can be freely accepted or freely rejected! Hoping you’ll be beyond the rib injury very soon! I can’t agree with the quote because there’s a lot I will never understand but that doesn’t mean I have to live in fear. Right now I am managing my fears about DH’s eye issues by displacing them with an attitude of gratitude! There’s so much to be thankful for! We missed today’s port due to a lengthy backtrack in a storm for a medical evacuation. All the way back to Huatulco; Santa Cruz closed because of the storm. We lost 12 hrs. It was our first missed port, only on our second cruise, back in 2004 on our way to Panama Canal. There were some people onboard who were obnoxious about it- circulating petitions to have the medical officer investigated! I wrote a letter of appreciation to the captain for his part in saving this person’s life - really! What if it was your loved one! We got invited to our first bridge tour! That was on old Regal Princess! And the storm was really something! When we turned into the wind a lot of stuff went sliding including most of the glasses in the MDR settings, the liquor shelves, perfumes and figurines, some cabin TV (old style CRTs) and the water glasses off our vanity! No injuries but what a mess. The MDR lost 1100 glasses (2each for 550 places) but had it all cleaned up and reset in 20 mins! Thanks for the port pictures. Rain here all day. Except maybe some snow overnight tonight. Hoping the roads are ok tomorrow… Local eye doctor appointment tomorrow to learn more about his role as we begin this tricky healing process after last week’s eye surgery - need to balance keeping the eye’s new drainage opening open but just enough open! 🤞 Extra blessings for all in pain, all waiting on procedures and all seeking guidance for a new path. And all in need of healing, comfort or hope! Cheers to those celebrating milestones! Life is Good🌈. Be grateful for something today! And maybe your teams will win, maybe not, but enjoy the games! Maureen
  6. Another gray day in New Jersey. I think we’ll see sun in a week. But it’s above freezing so that’s good! Argostoli was on our Greek Islands itinerary on New Amsterdam but I think we skipped it because of winds. Thanks for the links Sandi and the photo @Sir PMP. Yesterday we made an early run to Costco to get DH’s glasses fixed. A nose pad broke. It was our second time finding our way there and easier this time. DH was able to drive! We’re keeping up with all the eye drops, restrictions and nighttime patch. Reducing one eye drop med to half has his need for Benadryl down to half also! One day at a time. And in the afternoon I was able to spend two hours with my spiritual companioning ladies by phone. It was very sweet and calming for me to share that time with them. And I’m really enjoying having the dining room to go to dinner every night! Last night I had delicious potato leek soup as an appetizer. Going through Costco I felt good about by-passing all the items we used to need. Just got some breakfast fruits, yogurt, bread and a month’s supply of DH’s PB&honey. Today I’m expecting a quiet day, watch some tennis that we recorded from Melbourne, the ladies championship match. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. @ger_77 it’s great to hear that there’s a change in meds and the clinic can adjust the pacemaker. You both should be feeling well again soon, and picking out a new cruise! @Nicklepenny extra prayers for the too-new baby, parents and care team. @kazu one of the big complications common with rib injuries is that it can be painful to breathe deeply, then develop pneumonia. Several times a day focus on good posture and a few deep breaths. As deep as you can breath in (and a little bit more…), and slowly breathe out as much as you can (and a little bit more…). I certainly hope you’ll be through this sooner than expected! Cheers for all those celebrating, happy cruisers! Smooth travels for Debbie and Sue. So glad @tupper10 made it, with luggage! Peace for our world! We had a full day at the Holocaust museum in Washington DC with DH’s daughter during one of her visits. Too shattering to absorb. I spent a few minutes with a high school girl there who was in a corner sobbing uncontrollably. I gave her my handkerchief and stayed with her until her friends found her. DH’s daughter was visiting the museum of African American history the next day… I couldn’t do it, not slavery on top of Holocaust. It’s essential to remember, but we must also be aware that it’s still happening in parts of our world! Extra blessings for all those suffering war, genocide, enslavement. May light come to them. Maureen
  7. @ger_77 Hoping you both get some rest tonight! Relieved that Maurice got diagnostics run today, hopefully more soon so a good path forward can be identified, and quickly! Praying for Amazing! My EMS training taught me that for rapid onset/ sudden or dramatic changes (yesterday to today) of issues in the elderly involving head, chest or belly… Go to ER. Preferably by ambulance. Urgent Care is not equipped to diagnose or address these kinds of issues. Waits in ER are by triage with more critical patients seen before less critical patients. Being brought in by ambulance may not shorten your wait time which depends on severity, but the ambulance EMS crew can assess and begin some treatments. In general, it’s not wise to have a friend or family member drive you to the ER because if your condition deteriorates the driver can’t do anything to help you and can be distracted and stressed making the drive less safe. In the rural area where I served in New Mexico (90 mins from ER) we would take patients in our local ambulance-like Rescue Unit and intercept with a paramedic ambulance part way, providing the patient more care-time than waiting for the ambulance to come all the way out to us, while being in radio contact with higher level care providers. (We were licensed EMS technicians-EMTs- but not at the Paramedic level. We did it for almost 19 yrs as volunteers, saw just about everything imaginable.) Patients maintain the right to call 911, be assessed, and decide if they want the EMS ride to the hospital or go by themselves/ private vehicle. There are exceptions such as an accident victim unconscious patient may legally be taken by implied consent because they can’t speak for themselves to accept liability to refuse transport against medical advice, and it’s implied that they would want help. Enough of that rant … Closing soapbox, going to bed!…. Maureen
  8. Herbed roasted chicken is always available in our dining rooms, and always good. The drink sounds good for me, and we used to always have a Korbel Brut in the fridge! Light rain after a drizzly drive yesterday. I think some of the salt got washed off the car, it needed a downpour! But the mirrors are coated with something, and it was a problem for me especially making the last merge from the interstate to the local highway coming off the cloverleaf as it was just dark out. Next time I may have to take the exit southbound to the next “jughandle” u-turn for a safer approach! I kept re-living parts of the last two days instead of sleeping last night. I expect that will wear off soon. It’s been a lot to absorb. DH remembered to tape his protective patch on last night for sleeping- I was a zombie. We have a few days to recover, Monday we check in with the NJ eye doctor. It’s supposed to snow, ugh! The procedure was a tricky one, but the healing process is trickier. They created a new drainage path (to lower the eye pressure), sutured it to let it heal up but they will somehow guide the healing process so that the pressure stays in the right range without the eye drops…. that’s the plan! We may be going back to Maryland for some suture removal work in 3-4 weeks. Depends what both doctors decide. Whatever it takes! Until the healing process completes, we have 2 different eye drop regimes to implement-old plan for one eye, new plan for the surgical eye, and that regime will keep changing, tapering. He’s scheduled for late April for surgery on the other eye when we do this all again. We’re at the beginning, heading down a new road! Grateful for the amazing things they can do! I’m lifting up prayers for Roy and Maurice and Gerry. And Vanessa’s schedule. @rafinmdRoy, my DH was prescribed an oral med prior to his radiation treatments to drop the psa.. hoping you get the needed results! @ger_77Gerry, you must be beside yourself! Let somebody know what’s going on today! Today! Maybe a change in medication would help. Or a change in the schedule! 🙏 Please do not wait! @JazzyVVanessa, we’re all pulling for you! And we all appreciate your dedication! Cheers to those celebrating and cruising! Maureen
  9. Home safe and sound! He’s doing great! Amazing! Says he could have helped drive but I was up to it today! I’ll explain more later. Thanks for all your support! Maureen
  10. I’m awake early but a decent enough night. Weather window looks good! Hoping the surgeon is happy with DH’s eye and we can drive home! I enjoyed my gin and tonic last evening! No beer cans around us today! Blessings sent out earlier! Congratulations and celebrations on new baby and birthday! Prayers for the world! Maureen
  11. @JazzyV it’s way beyond time for your healing too! 🙏 for a positive path!
  12. @Cruzin Terri SO proud of you for realizing something was wrong, getting pictures, getting an appt AND getting yourself there and back! You deserve dinner for sure! Trusting the new bandaging will improve the situation. And you can enjoy your cruise! We got back to hotel ok but I hit a curb in the very tight parking garage, ugh. They have median curbs on the curved ramp. Hope the tire is still round in the morning🤞 I heated up food for DH and me, then he slept. I checked out the hotel happy hour- not much to eat but I gladly accepted a gin and tonic! When DH is ready I’ll heat up something to eat for tonight, then a start to packing for the morning. I’m glad his appt is after 10:00 tomorrow, not as much of a rush! Hoping we can be on the road by noon. Will have to stop for gas but I’ll need a break. If today’s forecast holds, the rain may not start till after we’re home! 🤞 Thanks all! @Seasick Sailor Sad to hear Ron’s situation is so complex! And sure sounding. We’re grateful for his service! Prayers for a better path! @smitty34877 nice to know you’ve had a lovely birthday! Lots of love around you! Maureen
  13. The morning was a blur. Hospital called asking we come in asap. DH was asleep, I hadn’t eaten. But I threw snacks in the soft lunch bag, water bottle. DH got all his eye procedures going- pressures, skin coatings, eye drops etc. Showered and out the door. Took as long in the hospital parking lots and garage than getting there from the hotel. He’s in OR now. I’m grateful for all the help he’s getting and all the support. Grateful I can serve his needs. I brought the grab-tool suggested here, and his new step-in shoes - no bending over! Glad that his appt tomorrow is 10:10 which is an hour later than I had thought, gives us some better cushion to get breakfast, packed, checked out of hotel. Tomorrow rain might hold off till we get home🤞. But getting through today first! @Cruzin Terri Safe travels and good reports! Terry @smitty34877 Hard to celebrate with Lou💔 but life is for the living! Hug Tana, the teenager, those close to you and feel the flow of life! Sending hugs too! The status board here just changed his color code to Recovery! One step at a time. Thanks all! Maureen
  14. Good night from Bethesda Maryland. We made it safe and sound. We even found a better routing that I’m sure will become our normal. I brought food for our in-room supper tonight. DH can’t have breakfast tomorrow but I can. We don’t need to leave here till noon which seems nice, no hurries. But Wednesday will be early out. We have a 9:00 appt at the doctor’s office for her to check her surgery, hopefully all will be good and we’ll head home. It was 4 hrs 20 mins driving today. DH drove the first hr. We took a little break and I drove 3 hrs. I’m more confident I’ll be ok getting us home. Granddaughter and hubby both reminded me they could drop everything and come help drive. It’s very comforting to know they are willing and able! Thanks for all your support! @StLouisCruisers @Quartzsite Cruiser @JazzyV, @rafinmd @kazuand each of you, named or not! @Cruzin Terri I’m so sorry you need to get back to Mayo. Extra blessings for healing and protection on the roads. @kochleffel Paul I hope that cough gets what will help! @ottahand7 Good news you’re better, not do good John is coughing! Ugh! @atexsix One day at a time is Everything! Sometimes we have to do hard things. Sending you both some extra blessings! Celebration of Life…. Easier said …. Thanks for the news of Deb’s passing Gerry @ger_77 That just feels so wrong. I remember we were in Houston getting cancer treatment, holed up then. That story was riveting and had such a good outcome. So many people were providing information, flight tracking I think Eva helped with. And John’s heroic efforts. All while we were running out of supplies, wiping down groceries, quarantining. I had two EMT friends mail us supplies for our upcoming trip home- one sent 3 pairs of medical gloves for each of us for gas pumps! - small and XL! The other sent real hand sanitizer! For our 1000 mile drive home we carried our food and a tent in case the car broke down! Those were wild times! Good night all, tomorrow’s a big day. Putting one foot in front of the others! Glad we can! Maureen
  15. Cold here in NJ and colder where we’re headed in Maryland! But warming up and the roads should be ok. Finishing packing this morning and foods. Checkin isn’t till 4pm. It’s 4-5 hrs drive. Thanks all for your support! I’m praying for Amazing! We were in Ushuaia! 2013 on Carnival Splendor as they repositioned her from CA to NY before the new PC locks. They call it Fine del Mundo End of the World. It was a very special trip, and a picturesque port! Good memories. Have a great day all! I’ll post later. Maureen
  16. Sunny and still cold in north Jersey. Might break freezing tomorrow but we’ll be heading to Maryland for Tuesday eye surgery. Roads should be good! If we get to come home Wednesday it might rain most of the way. At least that should wash the salt off! Gosh they use a lot of salt here! Yesterday granddaughter and her husband visited! Got some work done, mired a bookcase, planned next work day for installing track lighting! Had lots of good conversation and a lovely dinner in our community dining room. DGD reminds me that it’s better than Carnival, we have tablecloths! Today is lots of laundry day, then pack for tomorrow. I should have done laundry Friday but was really blown away by the sad news, yesterday was great to have the young energy visit! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope, especially my little country church family in NM grieving their sudden loss! One of their family, one of the Sunday service musicians. Hugs to her husband and sons! 💔 🌈 Cheers to all celebrating and cruising, Life is Good! One day at a time is Everything! Smooth travels to all away. Get well and get home safely. Thanks all for being here, I feel your support! Maureen
  17. Cold here! 15! Grandkids are on their way to help us with some lighting work and move a bookcase. DH’s surgery folks called, we have a 12:30 checkin time Tuesday! Great to know it before we leave. I was concerned they call while we were driving and might miss the call. Sorry to hear Pat and Maurice both need aortic valves. But it is amazing what can be done. Like my DH’s drastic surgery coming up, I’m grateful there are ways to keep hope alive! Gotta get rolling here! Blessings already sent! Thanks all, enjoy the day wherever you are at! Oh, Moscato is one of the few wines I can still enjoy! (now allergic to most, not just reds anymore) I’m in! m—
  18. @ger_77 We’re sad you had to cancel your cruise, and for the reason. Hoping for an early procedure date. Then you’ll be looking at new cruises!! @Haljo1935 hoping your shoulder can improve quickly and you can get back to the fun stuff! @seagarsmoker Yay! What grand news!! I hope the offer is good for you and you can enjoy the job. Thank you all for your sympathy. I know how you understand from your own experiences, and I more than appreciate you, I credit you with a lot of my better managing through tougher days. ❤️ I’m learning quickly that Aging is a phase of dealing with losses - loss of our own capabilities and loss of loved ones and friends, connections. It’s not something I have felt well enough prepared for while getting here through other phases of life, but I am finding that I am developing a broad range of coping skills dealing with loss, or at least starting to develop them. It really is a different perspective for me. I think my best days are from feeling deep gratitude for the present, something that wasn’t totally lacking before but something I’m much more aware of now. I can do today, and do it well! I can do it well because of the loving connections that carry me, and I count you all in that category! I find joy in all the fun happenings here even if I’m not cooking, drinking or cruising now. These are all deeply woven into who I am, and a change in environment or activities doesn’t change that. And the shared concern for each other and our larger families and world is life enhancing! Thanks for being here! 💓 m—
  19. @dfish Thanks Debbie! And the green chile stew would be a treat! In NM they make it with pork, onions and potatoes, a tad of oregano. There the broth isn’t usually thickened so it’s more soup-like. And green chile is a staple there! The Chile can be hot, medium or mild. It’s often served in restaurants in a very big bowl. With fresh flour tortillas. I used to make a pot whenever DH had a sinus infection, usually from spring allergies. I could use some in this cold! Thanks! m—
  20. Snow again today in north New Jersey! My! This has been a different experience than I expected but we’re in the storm track and they just keep coming. Tomorrow will be clear and colder. Granddaughter and husband plan to come help us with some home-improvement work.🤞 Next week our travel day south to Maryland should be ok Monday; coming back north Wednesday could be rainy. Car needs the salt washed off! We have a back-up plan to stay at a friend’s if needed if the weather looks bad or if the surgeon wants us to stay longer. Can only wait and see. Sorry to hear Chuck @Catmandu will need deeper surgery coming up soon! Hoping he can recover well enough from this round. And that the neighbors’ pipes didn’t freeze and break! That’s a mess that no one wants to come home to. Good luck Annie! And good luck to @seagarsmoker on the job! Hope it’s a good opportunity for you 👍 @Cruzin Terri hoping the podiatrist can help your foot, and fast! Glad you made it home ok Paul @kochleffel . And enjoy your treasures from Total Wine. @ottahand7 Nancy, we’re all sending out out best hopes to you for quick improvement! Thanks for the updates. I’m so glad John is with you! Not the adventure you envisioned! 💔 We had a full day with a lot of different kinds of things to do, and got most done, but it started with sad news for me with a NM friend’s sudden death. She was much younger than I and seemed quite well. Seems her fatal episode was an aortic aneurysm which is often catastrophic and without warning. She died in emergency surgery. It is a long way to the hospital from there, a factor in our decision to move. She played guitar at our little country church. The church family which was very close in such a small community is in shock. I feel the same shock two thousand miles away. I was on the phone talking and texted on and off all day. Had trouble getting to sleep last night. One day at a time is Everything! Sending blessings to all in need, all on our Care list - thanks Vanessa, and haul in your share of those blessings! We’re all waiting on better days with you! Cheers for those celebrating! Life is Good 🌈 Smooth travels to those away, especially our cruisers. May you get home safely. I’ll be looking forward to a time when we can get back to cruising but right now I’m focused on being Grateful for the opportunities we have to help DH. Thank you for your support! It’s such a huge help! Prayers for Peace in our hearts, our families, our countries and the world. m—
  21. Still cold for us in north NJ but we’re safe and warm! Glad we’re not in the frozen tundra. Please take no risks, that is dangerous cold! @seagarsmoker we’re all on your side! Excited for you! Lenda, sorry for your sad news. Jacqui, so glad you could get someone to help you! A big reason for us moving was we could no longer find helpers to hire, which had been our plan as we aged. There were just fewer and fewer tradespeople nearby until there were none. Folks from town had plenty of work there without coming up to the rural areas. I’m glad you are finding support! Vanessa too! @Denise T sounds like you are on a good path! Happy for you! We are constantly learning as our needs change. Welcome home Paul @kochleffel it’s a better day today for travel than tomorrow. Hoping you get home ok! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope, especially our Care List. Cheers to those celebrating, and smooth travels to all away, especially our cruisers! Maureen
  22. Exactly how I felt after seeing the allergist yesterday. Sometimes moving forward needs moving sideways first. m—
  23. @marshhawk, great to hear Chuck made it through the procedure ok. Take it slow!
  24. Regarding yesterday’s discussion about living alone yet having a way to have the world know if you’re not ok…. Maryland has a free statewide system to call you daily, if no answer a Welfare Check is initiated. I’m guessing there are other states that do this too. Maybe an internet search for Welfare Check would show them? Also, most mobile phones have a voice activation feature. I can ask my phone to “Call 911”. Of course I must be conscious and able to speak, with the phone within shouting range. I can ask it to call someone else too of course- “Call Richard” my DH. Etc. If you can test your phone to call a friend, it will be capable of calling 911. Do not be afraid to Test Call 911, just tell them “This is a test call for location confirmation, I’ll hold if needed.” Confirm that they have an address/location come in with the call, or if they’ll need that information in an emergency. Most dispatch centers have a call-taker to log initial info; they are used to getting non-emergency calls. You may have to hold until emergency traffic clears. m—
  25. Clear and cold in NJ, 13F climbing up to a whole 23! I think it’s supposed to be below freezing until next Tuesday, at which time we should be in Maryland. Today I need to get to a post office. There is a limited postal counter on campus but I think we’ll venture out to find a neighborhood USPS, then stop at the grocery store and the gas station. That’ll be enough. I hope I can get my weekly call into the teenaged girls I mentor in NM, we don’t always connect but it’s a lift when we do. @ottahand7 Nancy, thank you for your descriptive sharing. What a night! An experience like that of being immersed in the feel of other energies would stay with me forever. Always the pony with you, what a guardian. It may not have been all pleasant but I hope in retrospect you can feel comforted. When I was sick and feverish onboard at least I felt very safe. Gentle hugs! And continued improvement. Annie and Chuck, @marshhawkand @Catmandu I’m sending out blessings to you and all the Care team, praying for Amazing! @rafinmd hoping you can rest today Roy, keep warm and quiet, let your body deal with the assault it is undergoing. Just be good to yourself! @grapau27 hoping your internet stays for good now. Thanks always for Fr David’s messages, anytime is a good time. I’d love to get a bit more sleep but I doubt it will happen. Maybe a good quiet time to write in my journal, always a good way for me to process. Thanks for the pix @StLouisCruisers and @Quartzsite Cruiser We got to Edinburgh on a bus tour and spent a couple of chock-full days in a it’s very rich history. @Cruzin Terri hope your foot can be cared for and healed up before your trip! Extra blessings to you and Jim. Terry @smitty34877 hoping Tana’s new med helps. I admire your calm approach to each hurdle! @JazzyV Vanessa, always thanks for your excellent lists, and I look forward to a picture of the decorative radiator! Friends in the cold, north and south, please take no risks! Think extra margin of safety! Blessings and Hugs to you all, each of you are a gift to my day! You inspire me and help me with gratitude, hope and confidence through the messes of life and in the world. You help me feel the joys and beauty of life from all around the world. Maureen
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