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Posts posted by MarkusToe

  1. And the biggest joke is the answer from Costa re my complain......


    We do not have party within bars after midnight and never use an outside bar for that. 

    Nighttime party is within the discotheque......


    They are lying direct into my face......

    It's written in the daily.....

  2. I'm so soory i've no idea what you mean as I do not visit the Casino.


    Overall I,ll quit this Review, because i' ve never had such a bad cruise like this time..

    We have a few MS and  balcony in a row, Deck 6 Aft.

    If you are used to sleep  on daytime you are fine on this ship. Otherwise Avoid ....

    They start  live music in the bars below stateroom at 1145 pm, playing until 1AM and then DJ Party on sunset bar starts until 3AM.

    My mistiake this time: I traveled by car to the port this time, therefore i've to come back to Savona....otherwise i would have quit this cruise and flew home.


    My conclusion: never again Costa, not even for free....



    • Like 1
  3. As said, first time to italy by BEV.

    First ionity charger do not work properly and blocked the charging cable.

    About 45 min on the phone to fix that.

    Arrival at Savona, follow the sign cruise port, but after a roundabout, you nee to got through a tunnel to get to the parking.

    Parking procedere  is quite chaotic, as you ste not allowd to park by yourself. Waiting time about 1 hour.

    They take your luggage and car key  pay the parking fee (91€ for 7day) and you are fine to git to ship. 

    Boarding was very fast, rooms are ready at 3pm.

    Dinner at MDR was ok, but to be honest not the quality we are ised to have from X oder NCL.


    Breakfeast not good, Café  machine only 2 for total restaurant. And one was brocken.

    No self service at buffet....looooong lines for everything.....


    More to come



  4. Got an reminder today....only a few days until CI.

    Additional I got boarding time 1:30pm.

    As we have an mini suite, I don't know if our friends with the balcony has the same time...I got no Info for them so far....

  5. I know, very very early start, but planning start early this time.

    2 reason: 4 Pax new to cruising, hotel booking one day before and one day after the cruise.

    Other: road trip using BEV this time...

    We plan to drive to  Brunello first day, overnight at Stay Hotel.

    Early morning to Savona, car park in front of the ship booked.

    One the way home booked a hotel at Como and an excursion by costa....


    Booked 2 balcony and 1 js Aft, deck6.

    Excursion package from Costa booked

    Plus drink package booked.


    Has the Diadema soot issues?

    Havn't seen so much complains about.



    More to come...

    • Like 1
  6. That's ive asked specificaly. The answer from head of tech was no.

    Reason i've asked, vibration startet 2 hours befor docking in port...., regularly...exept first 2 days, here all time.

    This is normally the moment, they have to switch  from Oil to marine diesel.

    The last 2 days, we don't have a problem...

    • Thanks 2
  7. On 7/8/2023 at 5:39 PM, Jubileelady said:

    Yes we found the vibrations really bad on our recent cruise(19-29 June) we had to move rooms because of it. We were told it is because they are changing to eco fuel? Not sure this is the reason, however it is definitely a known issue on Reflection 

    On the same cruise.

    Vibrations are very very bad on the first 2 days. Ive asked tech head, he said reason is a recovery machine, not fuel change.  Ive asked specific about fuel....

  8. We booked the BCN airport transport service, provided by X.

    They promised: we pickup your lougagge and you will it get back out of the bus at BCN airport. 

    Total fail. Luggage was rotating on the belt as very other luggage. We have to carry to the bus and  load into the bus by ourself.


    Lesson learned: paid 30 bucks for a non existent Service.

    Next time taxi or uber, cost would be less than half as we are a party of 6.....

    • Thanks 2
  9. Very quite night. No vibration.

    Looks like expenation given is right.

    They start something about 2h before port.

    Seeday and chairhog day today.

    Seen a lady reserving 10 in a row.

    I've asked her, after report to poolguy, if she know if one deckchair is in use... ohh my goodness, all words I'm not willing to write here shouted....

    But for herself sheed need 2, one in shade and one in the sun....

    The crew is not allowed to remove  personal stuff, the pool guy told me. They do not put an notification on blocked deckchair, the wind would blow away.

    Thats what ive seen different on other lines.

    • Thanks 2
  10. Spoken to the head of engineering this evening about the vibration. 

    No comment on the first 2 days.

    The early morning vibration: they have to switch on a recovery machine upfront they enter port.

    This engine is based midship and may cause vibration....

    That was the explenation given

    • Thanks 1
  11. Today lobster night....at Blu as much as you want, in MDR one the next 15US.

    +1 had lobster...

    I've had Filet Mignon and backed Onion Soup...


    Today Napoli, so you have to go to Pomeii

    Be aware, in case not excursion from the ship booked.

    There is a shuttle bus,  direct in front of the ship...., we havn' t realised this is a shuttle and walked all the way out of the harbor.  About 30 min....

    Booked get your guide tix for the historical side incl Audio guide.

    Forget the audio crap....Do not work at all.

    You have to search a number in a map and play the audio then.... problem is, the number within the map do not fit the numbers you find at the site. 


    As long as they do not offer GPS tracked guides,  waste if money.


    Additionally, > 30 deg C and full sun..., long time ago we havn't sweat so much...








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  12. The last nights where very little to normal vibration...., exept early in the morning.

    We call it wake up call now.... 😀

    May be they have a problem switching from Oil to marine diesel..

    Timing would fit....

    Today we'll meet the sen officers,  May be they will tell....

    • Thanks 1
  13. 9 hours ago, Jash7 said:

    Hi - Thanks for all the great information! I’m sailing on the Reflection at the end of July. Are the Peloton bikes in the fitness center in service? I ask because Peloton had a massive recall due to a seat issue and many hotels have placed their bikes out of service until they receive replacement parts.


    Thanks again!

    Looks like there are normal spinning bikes 

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