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Posts posted by COCOYOTE

  1. Dear Friend, I would not impose upon you if you are under the weather but we all know even a Hum in less than finest form is better than most. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery.


    Thank you for your warm regards although the the "hound" is a bit miffed as she believes there are differences between Alsatians and GSDs and would be pleased to acquaint you with a few of them should you visit on one of your future world tours.


    Respect for the men and women of our military and police forces comes with very personal family connections from grandfather, to father, to each and every uncle, to brother and today our nephew was commissioned as a 2nd lieutenant in the US Army. We are honored, proud and thankful for their unselfish service to our country and communities.


    Rest up and recover, dear Hum. We look forward to your observations when the muse strikes.

  2. Well Hum, you are not going to win any awards again this year for your travel reporting if you don't put a bit more of an effort into it than this offering up of "Dunno"

    Hardly qualifies as Pulitzer material, in my mind. Your dear mother would not be impressed. Whatever are you doing with your time?


    Now, try again, con amore. ... Be inspired by the famous Venetian light and let the ink flow from your quill...


    Word has it that with 110 passengers on board, Hum might not have enough "elbow room" to provide us his normal lovely discourse on the voyage. Such wit need time to brew and steep before us mortals may consume. Nevertheless, wait we shall until the muse strikes and the next chapter of "The Journeys of Hum and Blondie" continue. Hum, we wait with baited breath.

  3. Commander, looking forward to seeing you in less than 90 days. Glad to be out of the states in the run up to the election. Interesting story about 1960. Our election process is way too long. Too bad there couldn't be a snap election here. What was the old saying, "people deserve the leaders they choose"? What a choice this year. Interesting to compare the decline of the Roman Empire and the similarities to what's occurring today. Nothing that a Balenese bed, Sea Dream food and drink, a beautiful blue icean and wonderful company won't solve. To Barcelona and beyond:):)

  4. So exciting (yes really) !!!!

    Can't wait to see how "The Donald" broadens his appeal or will he continue his robust "sound bite" remarks during the period from now until the election.

    He has already changed Republican politics fundamentally.

    When he stood on that platform with the others, nobody came close to "looking the part"




    COCOYOTE, Hum has carefully tried to outline the Brits views on the EU referendum as well as Hum's own without showing favour to one side or another.

    President Obama told us to vote to "Remain" which helped the "Leave" vote tremendously !

    A "wrong move" unfortunately. The UK is a gateway for US products of course and "we" are your guy on the "inside" (everybody else in Europe hates you; less so the Germans).


    The vote is this Thursday indeed old chum.


    Hum will be going to the South of France on THAT day for a wedding of the son of Scottish chum's of ours. He is a very famous Scottish architect (Rennee McKintosh's practice: for you MACT) and she is the first woman Michelin star rated chef.

    They are fabulous bon viveurs.


    Hum really wanted to be in the UK, the day after the election but that's how it goes....


    Do you have any views, you would like to share on either election ?

    Hum had you down as eminently sensible, so maybe you would like to restrict it to the EU vote.



    Interesting enough, dear Hum, the local rag here in the Rocky Mountain State actually had an editorial this morning regarding Brexit, stating the rag's opinion of why the UK should not leave the EU. That's what we need, a regional newspaper to provide more international opinion of another country's right to self determination instead of worrying about our own economy and the fractious nature of not only our own political system but of our country in general. I believe the editors of the rag have been smoking what is now legal in our state, that mara-hoochie-wanna stuff.


    You would hope with the good judgement of the people of the UK, their voting decisions will be based on what is best for the UK and not for what is expedient or easy. Your economy is going to be far more affected than ours - though we will take a hit in the short term as our economy is not US-centric (even though many would like to think so).


    As to the US election, boy the choices we have! I really cannot see either HC or DT begin our President. At least on the Republican side it shows what a minority of voters in primary elections can do. This is where the minority rules the majority. On the Democrat side it shows what a socialist party the Dems have become when some like Bernie can garner as many votes as he has and only through the capture of the Dems "super delegates" - whatever they are - could HC be assured of the nomination. Free college for all; free health care for all; taxes at 90% of income. Sounds like a few Nordic countries I know.


    So, there you have it; views on both sides of the pond provided. One last thing - neither election better screw up our plans for retirement - so Hum, our retirement is in your hands.:eek: Thank God we'll be on SD for the election here. :):)

  5. And what about the huge US market TrapperZ ?

    Hum now foresees a huge demand for such equipment in the US now that the political candidates for Presidency seem to have been finalised; well it certainly seems to be making more people nervous sufficient enough to pass the yellow trickily liquid in moments of anticipatory nervousness at just what might happen when one of them becomes El Presidento !


    No Hum !

    Stop it right there !

    Please forgive the un-solicited foreign commentary into the state of your country's political condition: certainly we Brits and other Europeans have little to "brag" about at this time or for the foreseeable future either regarding our own political masters ...... what a "shower" !

    Even the great Canadian hope (and adept boxer) is not averse to elbowing a mid-aged lady political opponent in the chest in the actual chamber of legislature !

    Mon Dieu !

    So no sneering at your southern neighbours, if you please.

    "As if butter wouldn't melt" !

    Ha !

    You call that "leading by example" ?

    What sort of affect do you think it has on those less educated citizens in the remote settlements of that wide country ?


    Looking at the state of the world and the solutions offered by ALL our political masters (and religious leaders too)……well it truly does feel like a weird wine/acid trip but without the fun and conviviality (they say ! what would Hum know?) what with all the reforms being touted by various candidates in your truly wonderful country, there is one reform that would really make a difference but is being wholly and passionately ignored much to the amazement of the rest of the world.

    Just sayin’….....friendly like.


    From incontinence pads to the worlds political condition.

    Maybe they should be applied over the mouth !

    Yes, especially Hum's.

    Please take no offence.

    "Just shootin' the breeze" chums, "just shootin' the breeze" (the only indiscriminate shootin' that should be permitted anywhere, anytime......).


    Hum is just in one of those moods.......kindly ignore the old fool.

    Obviously he is feeling so full of himself after that silly ol' film.

    Pompous twit.



    And just think dear HH, the US election is November 8th, last night of the fall crossing. Won't that be fun:cool:

  6. Went through the an app called unotelly (http://www.unotelly.com). You can also use any other app service which would block the BBC geo source blocking capability. This provides the capability of outsmarting BBC from knowing we're watching outside of the UK on our devices. Then you can watch, re-watch or record for posterity (or use snippets for your own purposes) the BBC2 programs on their iplayer. If your tv is web enabled, you can do it all thru the tv (we have a Samsung). Sorry for not posting earlier.

  7. Oh to be there and experience it with the principles. Here in the Colonies the program starts at 2:00pm and must be taped to enjoy later in the evening with the requisite liquid refreshments. Hope the BBC will be showing the after party.

  8. as soon as the curtains were drawn, the neighbours were given to think, no doubt, that you are back to making those porn flics at Castle Hum. Shocking.... A 12 hour day is quite normal so stop complaining. You would have been on double time after the 9th hour if you had signed the Coyote's contract like we told you to do. However, to think that you were reduced to be the Craft Services boy, the Tea Lady really. Quite a downgrade from Romantic Lead in the earlier part of the series.


    The reviews aren't even out, and yet it seems you have been reduced to a bit player, a supernumerary, a spear carrier, a sword carrier, Passenger #4. How cruel the Silver Screen can be. Toys with you, has it way with you and then spits you out like so much foam on the crest of an ocean wave....


    Never mind even for a second, a lumiere like you shouldn't be wasting your time with mere documentaires, you should be making European Art Films, something dark and moody, lots of Gauloise smoke swirling and Hum staring into the abyss, surtout incomprehensible. Hum does incomprehensible with aplomb.


    But there is nothing wrong with being the Tea Lady either, dear friend.



    Shocked and appalled that your multitude of talents have been reduced to water boy, dear Hum. Then again, the Silver Screen is for the young (unless you look and can deliver a performance like Helen Mirren and God forbid, Sylvester Stallone). Not surprised you did not heed Abenaki's or my advice for legal counsel. You are a free spirit, born to live, love and enjoy the joys of travel and comradery of like souls. The pressure poor Blondie must be under! Alas, Abenaki, we are on the sidelines once again.

  9. Well the plan to visit you in Arizona (whilst also visiting Jim and Raggy) has just been abruptly cancelled !!

    Visiting you would be imprudent !



    PS Could still (very, very easily) be persuaded otherwise.

    And dont forget Hum's (almost) fully house trained.

    Don't worry, will bring own champagne (to share, copiously).



    I've read your response to my Better Half who asked me how I could have been so callous in my comment to you. She was a bit concerned with the (almost) housebroken comment, but since she's trained our German Shepherds she thought she could take the task on of completing your training.


    We look forward to welcoming you with open arms and hearts when we can confirm your travels to the New World.

  10. Before filming for this travel documentary began Hum asked the BBC film maker if he had any advice.

    His reply was "Just be yourself Hum".

    That's it we're doomed ! Muttered Blondie.

    Prophetic words.



    Have to agree with she who knows you best. Not to would be imprudent.

  11. Cocoyote, Heads Up


    The rushes are in from the first day's filming, and word on the street has it that this is going to be Box Office Boffo! The Hollywood Reporter mentioned a late November release date, just in time for Oscar consideration.

    Call your broker and invest heavily in BBC Corp, before everyone finds out and the stock price soars.


    I just hope that HoHum spoke with your attorneys about tying up the merchandising rights. I can see a GI Ho Doll and a Blondie Beauty Bar under every tree by next year.


    I've seen info from the production company, Abenaki. You know the one - Pablum Productions - they said the female lead was the star and her companion, while lacking in some clothing cleanliness, did an average job of supporting her. Would love to see the day 1 rushes.

  12. Good heavens, I am dealing with a rank amateur......


    I said to tilt the head SLIGHTLY back. Too far back and it will be a close up of your nostrils, never a good thing in Cinemascope.

    And remember to have someone powder your forehead as the afternoon wears on, otherwise the Caribbean sunshine will be bouncing off you like a beacon.


    Anyway, all of this good advice wasted....you HAVE heard of the cutting room floor, I presume. The outtakes reel should be a good fun however.


    Abenaki,the only way to resolve this intolerable situation is for BBC and Ho Hum to fly you down there touts-de-suite and put this film crew in place. God forbid we have to look at a program with views up Ho Hum's nostrils with his forehead looking like a shining star.

  13. Nice words COCOYOTE, so here is something Ho Hum thinks will put a smile on your face, old friend.

    HH loved Cat Stevens and here is something from a time when you would have been just a "slip of a lad" (16: a lovely age).


    Enjoy both of you:



    And for everyone else too, of course.


    PS met him several times you know....it was a real surprise he changed course from Buddhism (and before that Greek Orthodox: HH loves / loved both)


    Thank you HH. You know us well and the song and video were perfect. Still have Cat Stevens records from my youth in storage. Now listen to the CDs. Will have to talk in November about your meeting him. Best to Blondie. Hope you are catching up on rest and recuperation from the crossing.

  14. SDII: Transatlantic Xing - Sunday, 26 April, 2015


    Sea: Moderate Southerly Swells: 3 - 8 feet

    Next Port: Funchal (28 April, 2015; arriving with SDI)

    Temperature: 18C (it's a guesstimate..brrrrrr)

    Sunrise: 06.11

    Sunset: 19.17


    07.00: Early Risers Coffee

    08.09.00: Tai Chi

    09.45: Walk a Mile

    10.00: Yoga

    10.45: Guests & Crew photo by pool (what a lovely thing to do)

    11.00: Lecture

    12.00: Pass around of food

    12.30: Lunch

    14.00: Various games

    16.30: Quiz

    17.00: Walk a Mile

    18.30: Cocktails

    21.30: Disco


    And people don't realize how exhausting it is to have to live through and participate in this routine. It's a wonder you have time to post HH!

  15. Happy Birthday to that wily old Coloradan coyote (60 in fact) they call D........missing you here on the xing.


    Thank you very much HH. Wish we were with you and Blondie on the eastern crossing but looking forward to seeing you in November and we shall raise a glass then.

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