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Posts posted by seabum

  1. Does anyone know if the walls are metal in the cabins - will hold magnets ?


    I know I recently sailed on a CCL ship that the magnets didn't stick  - but cant remember if it was the Paradise, the Miracle or the Fantasy -


    I do love these smaller ships and the easy quick getaways - 


    Thanks a bunch - 

  2. Well maybe there i still hope -


    Waiting on refund from purchase made in first week of Dec 2017 - in March I was told 45-60 more days -


    Then nothing since - no response to emails -


    Tempted to bring copies on return trip to Coz later this year -

  3. Disclaimer - I did not write the following - hate to get accused of plagiarizing -


    Just passing it along -


    A photon checks into a hotel and is asked if he needs any help with his luggage. He says, "No, I'm traveling light !

    Figured it was timely as I am packing for my upcoming cruise -

  4. hmmm - when I said I had read this somewhere - I was not presenting it as my own -


    If I hear a joke somewhere and repeat it - is that plagiarizing ? - I may not know who originally created / wrote it.


    and I noticed you left off the question marks from my title to the post - this to most people would indicate I was asking a question and not stating a fact.


    I agree with you that yelling fire or man overboard etc. is not funny at all - imho I would not equate my post to those extremes.


    but - everyone has a different sense of humor - and even though numerous folks have hurled insults my way - I'm choosing to not do the same (yourself included - "Not really something a rational minded grown up would do")



    Have a great day and enjoyable holiday.

  5. A waste of time and space. I got the joke, but don't see why you felt it necessary to post it here except to see you screen name on the internet.



    Actually I stated my purpose earlier in this thread - to try and bring some humor and laughter to an otherwise negative board.


    Been on here for years - and the negativity and insults and slamming has gotten out of hand recently.


    I could care less about seeing my screen name on the internet.

  6. I see you are in Marietta - maybe you used to hear Neal Boortz do this bit on his show. He'd say "they are putting this in our water". People would then call in aghast, railing about the gov't, etc. Quite funny. And anyone believing anything on a chat site or info board (or in a newspaper or on a newscast these days) without verifying deserves to be wearing the dunce cap.


    Well howdy neighbor - (I'm actually closer to Woodstock than Marietta)


    I dont recall this specifically from the church of the painful truth - but sounds like something he'd say.


    Guess he rubbed off on me - as sometimes it's fun to stir the pot as it were.



  7. Nah, Francis would pull a stiletto knife!


    I, too, get the joke, and appreciate it.


    /Johnny was a chemist's son

    //but Johnny is no more

    ///for what he thought was H2O

    ////was H2SO4


    Thanks - love your acidic poem as well.


    Though like your namesake - I too feel like I'm chasing windmills getting some of these judgmental folks to lighten up.

  8. Another item that's typically helpful aboard ship -


    Port = Left = Odd number cabins = Red (less letters)

    Starboard = Right = even number cabins = Green (more letters)


    I've noticed on numerous ships the carpeting will be red (themed) on the port side and Blue or Green on the starboard side.


    By the way - I found it fascinating how these terms originated (Port and Starboard) - it was my understanding that in days of old they would have a long rudder (or steering board) that came up along side the vessel -


    Well this steering board would get damaged if the vessel tied up to the dock (or port) along that side.


    Hence one side became the port side - and the other the steerboard side (which over time morphed into starboard)

  9. Okay, my friends -- who knows where these came from?

    "Son of Gun"

    "Freeze the balls off a brass monkey" (not being dirty, that's the real term)




    I believe that a son of a gun was for the babies born on board ship - typically between the canons and the bulkheads - to stay out of the way.


    #2 -


    Canon Balls where stored in a pyramid inside a brass frame or tray known as a monkey - when it got really cold the brass would contract - thus spilling the balls - hence it was said to be so cold it would freeze the balls off the brass monkey.


    How about "three sheets to the wind" - and/or "bung" - anybody know those ?

    Anyone ?

    Bueller ?


    "I'll take nautical terms for 600 please Alex"

  10. As a Chemist and someone with a sense of humor, I appreciate the original post.


    To those offended or alarmed; "Lighten up Francis!"


    "Everyone calls me Pysco"


    Thanks - I thought it was funny myself -


    As a Chemist - you might appreciate this as well.


    I don't care what they say - according to chemistry "Alcohol is a solution"


    "Ba dum bah"

  11. Sorry if I scared anyone - but like I said - full of negativity these days and no one fact checks anything anymore -


    the second post reveled it - so no one should have been actually frightened - guess y'all missed the winking emoji


    Besides nothing that a quick google search wouldn't have clarified - even though everything I posted was accurate.


    Let the flaming begin -

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