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Posts posted by amygirl76

  1. On that note, we added someone to our cabin, (had three, will now have four), and I offered to keep the cabin with three beds since my daughter will be in a crib anyway. That was a no go. We got switched. Not a huge deal, but, I liked the placement of our other room better. :(

  2. I'm bringing my daughter on our cruise this June, (Splendor of the Seas, leaving from NY.) She will be 20 months old, so just a few months shy of being able to hang in the kids area and such. I've heard there is in room babysitting available? But I'm having trouble verifying that on the Carnival site.


    There will be three of us traveling with her, (my Mom and one of my best friends), so I know we'll all have plenty of time to switch off baby sitting and what not.


    Any tips and tricks are helpful! I've done some reading online, but much of it isn't Carnival specific. I've been on many cruises, but none since having her and only one Carnival cruise.


    Thanks for any help :)

  3. I posted this on another thread - but just an FYI, I got one of those heavily discounted casino offers, (with offers for casino cash, etc), and when I went onto Carnival and plugged my VIFP number in - I was eligible for free cruises, (interior), on just about every sailing. I ended up booking a hugely discounted Grand Suite on the Splendor this June using this discount, (could have had a free interior, but wanted a balcony.) I never got any email or letter offering me a free cruise, I had to stumble upon it myself.


    This might be old news, but just wanted to pass it on in case :)

  4. I can't remember exactly what I spent, but I went on a cruise with Carnival almost four years ago and gambled a lot. I'd say I probably dropped about $1k over a five night cruise.


    I'm not sure when they sent the first email, because I usually don't look at them. But, a few weeks ago, I received one that said "You have been selected for a premiere experience." When I opened it, it said nothing about a free cruise, but it listed sailings that were super discounted and included a $400 casino cash credit.


    When I went to the carnival web site to look into a few other cruises and compare pricing, I noticed that some of them said "starting at $0 per person." I assumed it was a glitch. But no, I could go on almost any cruise for free, (taxes and port charges not included), when I plugged my VIFP number in. So, if you are VIFP, it's worth it to just plug your number in and see what kinds of deals come up. These were interior cabins, but even other cabins were very discounted.


    Now, I'm taking my Mom, daughter and a friend on an 8 night cruise in June using this offer. I didn't do the interior, but got a grand suite for a HUGE discount.


    Hope that helps!

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