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curiouser123's Achievements

50+ Club

50+ Club (4/20)

  1. Has anyone done this? Trying to beat the $158/person cruise ship price (party of 5). We have an overnight, so we wouldn't have to worry about getting back to the ship on time if we do it the first day. Open to other suggestions for beaches, too.
  2. Thanks again. I looked at the schedules and the menus. Can't wait to sail!
  3. Thanks so much! I had no idea I could do that. (There wasn't even a Celebrity app last time we cruised with them that I know of.)
  4. Can anyone point me to recent Constellation sea day activity planner photos? We'll be on in a few weeks, and I'm curious if it's similar to what we experienced when we last cruised with them pre-pandemic. Thanks!
  5. I'm trying to book the Emerald Princess with connecting cabins because we have 5 people in our party. I booked the cabin for 3 people, but then I can't book the cabin next door, it shows it's unavailable. If I put 3 people in the room next door it's available. I just called Princess and the person I spoke with did not know why I couldn't book the room and saw that it was available. I think it's because there's a 3 person minimum in that cabin. Is there any way around this, or does anyone know if any of the cabins that connect will accommodate only 2 people? There is wide availability on the cruise at this point.
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