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Posts posted by John1928

  1. There are many who have had turbulent flights this week. No one has received any compensation for a rough ride and heavy weather. Why should cruise ships do so when the airlines don't?

    Why? Because they, like most companies, veiw customer recovery in light of the long term gain being more significant than the short term cost?


    The cruiselines want to continue sailing full ships during hurricane season. They can do this because most folks (correctly) assume that they won't be impacted by a hurricane, and if they are it probably won't be that bad (ship sails around it, goes to different port, etc.).


    Now, every year at least some handful of cruises are going to be impacted by a tropical event of some sort. People will naturally be disappointed in this case, but for a small cost (20% discount) which some (25%? ) of the people will actually use, you might have 500 extra folks who are willing to book during that timeframe again. These 500 will also be talking up your company rather than complaining about it to their 50 relatives, 100 coworkers, and 500 social media freinds...


    Should people view Carnival as being obligated to do this? Of course not, but let's not cry too much for them either as these are calculated decisions.

  2. Ok, so i see that most like or LOVE the elegant night...lol

    No problem with that

    No, I think there's probably a strong selection bias in the responders on both the love-it or hate-it side. If you look at the number of people who are absent from the MDR on formal/elegant night, and the trend toward fewer and less formal elegant nights over the years, then toss in the folks who go along but don't particularly care for them, I suspect that most don't LOVE elegant night.

    But this is coming from someone who will dress up for work (in the days before I was successful enough to set my own standards), other people's weddings/funerals, and for cruise elegant night) but who didn't wear a tie at his wedding. If as an experiment one of the dining rooms had elegant night, and the other didn't but served the same menu I know which one my family would pick.

    The word "dreg" is a word used in my extended family, and it really has meaning only to us. In its basic definition it means "out of place". This is only our word and truly means nothing to anyone else. [/font][/color]


    Your specific usage may be unique but it's actually a pretty common term "the dregs of society" that others may interpret more pejoratively than you intended if overheard.

    Main Entry: dregs of society

    Part of Speech: noun

    Definition: despicable people

    Synonyms: offscourings of society, one-percenters, rabble, riffraff, rubbish, scum of the earth, swinish multitude, trash, undesirables, vermin

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