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Red State Sam

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Posts posted by Red State Sam

  1. So good to get a message from Egon himself and know that our prayers are being heard and answered! Thanks Pat (and Doug) for allowing us to keep up. God bless Egon and Steve for his wonderful help in bringing Egon back to good health and to us!

  2. Wonderful news! But we've got to keep our prayers going. As active and bright as Egon is, the recovery process is going to be tough! Steve - you are in my prayers too. Being the caretaker is tougher than most people realize but know this - we all appreciate your efforts! In my book, you're looking after precious cargo. Would that there were more people of Egon's make-up! God bless . . . .

  3. So glad to hear that Egon can still play his music. That has to be a real boost for his spirits! I am still remembering him in my prayers as many of us are. Isn't he amazing? Just imagine being the kind of person that inspires so many people so late in life! So much for the "over the hill" attitude of so many people.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about Egon's stroke and especially his loss of use of his hands. My sister is a concert pianist so I am painfully aware of how this must distress him. May God grant him a full recovery and, although he may not be able to continue his travels (and continue to entertain us so thoroughly), may he at least be able to play his music. My prayers will continue for him and thank all of you who have kept us up on his adventures. I don't want to see this group break up, I've grown to look forward to not only Egon's travels but the comments from all of you. And Doug, I would so much miss the pictures of your beautiful fur faces! Would that we could all plan a cruise together so that I could also grow to know your faces!

  5. For those of us who live in the U.S. - Remember this when they tell you how much you're going to LOVE Obamacare!


    You would think they could cut some of the red tape for him since he has already been given a diagnosis!

  6. God bless to Egon - I'll be praying for him. This should be a lesson to all of us. No matter the plans we make, everything can change in the blink of an eye. We should live every day gratefully with this in mind. Thanks Pat for keeping us informed. Now all of us, from every direction and zone, who have never laid eyes on one another, can all join prayers for our friend, who we've never met in person. God is good and life is wonderful - and miraculous!

  7. Is MSC based in Europe? I know nothing of them except what we've heard from Egon and, in my opinion, that's not too good. Hooray for good ole U.S. capitolism! Any cruise line CEO based here would by now have figured the bottom line figures of having him aboard and would be treating him like a King! The extra money he makes them for the drinks ordered during his performances is a drop in the bucket compared to the free advertising he gets them. Good or bad, it's all advertising, right? You can count me in on those who would NEVER sign up for a cruise on this line. That picture he sent us of his prison-cell stateroom was enough for me - and the treatment they give him! When I cruise, I want all the creature comforts! I cruised on Carnival's Legend and there was a guy on the cruise who was doing what Egon is doing. I never got to talk to him about how they were treating him (because I assumed it was very well). I do know that he was being recognized over and over in nearly every venue I went to - even the dining room. They were treating him as though they were VERY proud to have him aboard. I wish Egon could get some of that. Champagne and strawberries are o.k. but no match for clean clothes and a drink of water. I personally think they should give him free on-board wi-fi for all the free publicity. Oh me, another capitolism idea . .

  8. Welcome CLB! I agree with Pat. I would love to go on a cruise with all of you someday. Egon has been such an inspiration to all of us. I think of him everytime I get disgusted and almost give up on something I'm doing. It's all a matter of how you think, I believe. With so many people, they use age as an excuse to not even try, but not our Egon! I think he uses age as a reason to try even harder just to prove he can still keep up!

  9. My son and daughter-in-law just lost their beloved cat. Tracee had stayed home with her all day while she waited at the front door. Finally Hunter came home, picked her up and within minutes she had passed. Like Lita, it's like she waited until all of those she loved were with her for her last goodbye. I'm so glad she died peacefully and secure like your Lita. Our hearts break but be comforted by the knowledge that you were a wonderful caretaker for one of God's little creatures.

  10. Pat - I hope things go easy for your baby. It's so hard to let go but easier when they don't suffer. Give yourself time to grieve, then by all means, get you another one. So many animals are never lucky enough to be loved by someone like you. It can be hard to put yourself out there again after knowing the hurt of loss, but if you hadn't suffered the loss, you would never have known the love. I'll be thinking of you every time I stroke one of mine.
  11. So pleased at the good news Pat! Doctors see so much on a daily basis, they are usually pretty accurate in their estimates. I'll keep praying just the same - some Doctors may think they are God but nobody outtrumps the Big Guy!

  12. I am pleased to see he is looking so fit. It's increasingly hard to believe his age! I guess we all have to change our minds about what "old" really is. Just think! So many people think of "old" as 60 - 65 and look how many more years he has lived! It's all a state of mind, people! Isn't that wonderful for all of us to know? And we owe it all to Egon.

  13. Wishful - I too lost my husband so I can fully understand what you are facing. I have cruised three times without him - once with a group of people that I didn't know and who were not too interested in new friends, and twice with my youngest son and his wife (trying to make sure that I didn't interfere with their good time. All three times I enjoyed myself immensely but missed that special connection you have with a "companion." I have recently found a new website (for me) that looks to be very promising, especially if you live near or in a heavily populated area. It is www.travelchums.com. I live in Nashville, so I searched out several people who were within a 100 mile radius of me and contacted them, telling them I would like to plan dinner or a "day trip" where we could meet and get to know one another a bit. I have met two wonderful women, who like me, are widows but are full of life and fun and still have the desire to travel. (I thought meeting ahead was better than planning a 7 day trip to find out if you could relate). It has worked out very well for me and perhaps it could for you too. Try it and God bless . . . I hope you find what you are looking for.

  14. Watch out Sue - we all know he's looking for a woman! I think that is as outstanding as all of the other things he does. He is still a very, very young man at heart. That's what I hope for - that I can stay that young at heart into my old age.

  15. Dismal is a good word for it - or institutional. A little paint and imagination would help.

    I agree about wishing I could be there to help him. When we docked in San Juan in March, his ship was docked right next to ours. We kept a lookout for him all over town but never saw him. I told my companions to watch for "a little man on a scooter who is in intense thought," as he must always be to observe so much in his travels. But alas, no McDonalds, no Egon.

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