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Posts posted by mustardgirl

  1. 35 minutes ago, xDisconnections said:

    I’m not sure. Carnival is the only one listed that did not submit their response plans to the no sail order. Most ships have been given provisionally green status with Bahamas Paradise the only one given green status.



    The thing about this link and the status of green etc is that it is for allowing the crew to fly back to wherever through commercial travel. Has nothing to do with passengers, so it doesn’t really help in figuring out when we will get to cruise again with Carnival, since they just shipped their employees back via boat.

  2. Hello, so first you for sure have 48hrs to apply for a price drop! Although it will need to be for the same category or higher for the room your booked in. (So find out what your cabin number is and look up one of the deck plans for your ship. There it will be color coded by category.) if you find a lower price you will have to contact your TA and have them apply for the price reduction. I recommend taking screenshots! Your TA will need to be on the ball.

    Now price reductions after the 48 hour window, when you are past final payment, you can only get those when booked under the early saver rate.  If you are booked under early saver you have up until 2 days before sailing to price match. If you aren't booked early saver than after the 48hrs or final payment timeframe you are locked in. 

    Hope this helps 

    • Like 1
  3. So I figured I would post my "fix" I figured out for the problem I was having, incase anyone else runs into this issue and finds this post. 

    Since it would let me be able to click place order if i put my credit card number in, yet would give me an error. I decided to use part of one of my gift cards to pay down my cruise, I used just enough so that I would be $2. shy of being able to pay for cheers. So then went back to purchasing cheers, entered all the information as before. Only difference is this time I was $2 short so my credit card would need to be charged that in order to go through.... needless to say it worked. I can't explain why it wasn't happy with my 2 gift cards alone, but it wasn't.  Anyway, hope this helps someone in the future... Now I can't wait to get on the ship and enjoy the cheers pkg!

  4. 16 minutes ago, PrincessArlena'sDad said:

    What browser are you using?  Try doing it in private mode. 

    I'm using safari. I'll try private and see if that works. Also yes I have clicked and I clicked  cart summary, its correct and didn't help.

    I will probably just have to break down and call.. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I appreciate all the help thou

  5. Ok so I have tried again, and I still can't get this to work! I entered the gift card info asked for, address too just didn't make it on the screen shot, as you can see my gift cards cover the amount needed but won't let me purchase. I have even tried adding my credit card info , that allows the purchase button but then I get an error message that it couldn't complete the transaction. So frustrating, and now looking at having to call to see if I can find someone there that knows what they are doing 🙄, if I can even get to talk to someone. 


  6. Thanks everyone's. Not urgent, just wanted to get it done. I did enter the address info. I didn't see anywhere to specify how much but when I added them it took out the correct amount. I even went ahead and added my cc on there and got an error message. So who knows, I guess I will try again in a couple days. Thanks again everyone 

  7. Sorry if this has been asked and answered before, but I couldn't find the answer and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

    So have the cheers pkg in my cart and on the payment details page, entered both my gift cards says applied but it won't let me place order.... wth. The only thing I can think of is it wants a credit card, but I don't want them to charge on my credit card when I have given enough in gift cards to cover the cost. So is this the problem? Do I have to put in a cc number? Anyone else have this problem, and if so how did you fix it?

    thank you in advance.. btw tried calling and naturally was left on hold... I get it probably lots of people canceling cruises right now.

  8. 8 hours ago, rjrice1 said:

    No offers just due to unavailability;  very disappointed since I wanted to go to the ABC esp. Bonaire.  Was looking forward to meeting someone.  

    I do plan on calling Carnival and ask for a better explanation and transfer us to a different ship.  I am not concern about dates either.  My goal was to go to ABC islands and not those other ones that do NOT interest me one bit

    Did reason out to John Hearld and he stated "contact you TA or carnival."  When I did a search of what ships are in port and says "Horizon" 

    I can understand canceling San Juan with all the disaster in the area... 

    Please let us know what you find out. 😃

  9. 5 minutes ago, dan-o 1 said:

    It's for your safety. Venezuela is not a stable country.

    ABC islands are part of the Netherlands. Although they are located north of Venezuela, Aruba is considered one of the safest Caribbean islands.  So not really thinking safety is a factor. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Joebucks said:


    Lots of assumptions there

    Not really... Carnival can't know there is a national disaster a year out. 

    If it was just 1 island you could throw in possibly of problems with the pier or something but 2 or 3 islands.... no that isn't a problem with the pier...

    So that leaves money or politics... 

    you can call it assumptions if you want, I call it common sense.

    • Like 1
  11. We are booked in Aug too on magic, and picked this cruise because of Aruba and Bonaire , if they change it I'm gonna be super mad! I understand in august you run the chance of hurricanes, that's different then hooking people w a cruise to certain islands than, wham, guess what now you don't get to go there! You can go to these islands that no one is booking to go to. And we have you cause you signed up for a cruise to wherever the h*ll we want to take you. 

    When you book a cruise and spend your hard earned money, vacation time, you expect to receive what you were told you would have! 

    Whatever this is, it's not a natural disaster, it's money or politics. And we the paying customers shouldn't suffer cause carnival wants to pay less 😤

    • Like 2
  12. Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear. we have booked 3 people for each room, $100 deposit for each person. When booking I only listed as a name 1 person for each room the other 2 people are listed as guest 1 guest 2 . So I have $300 in deposits for each room. 

  13. Ok, so we booked Early Saver back in May, now my husbands work says he can't take off work that week (don't get me started) So we are going to cancel the cruise and then rebook later. When booking ( got 2 rooms w 3 people each) I only put names down for 1 person in each room. I haven't put anyone else name down. So when I cancel will all the remaining deposit go to the 1 name on each room? Will they make me put names for each person to cancel so the money is reserved for each person? 

    We were paying for my niece and nephew to go, who may or may not be going so I would prefer to not have money reserved in their name if I don't have to.

    Anyones experience and knowledge with this before I start this process will be helpful.

    Thank you all


  14. So when booking (which became a cluster for reasons not carnival) I ended up having to call in with my sister in law to change dates and itineraries the day we booked our cruise. We did book early saver. The lady gave us rooms all together which were not on the carnival site. We picked a cove balcony cause I always wanted to try one. I was a little concerned of the location she gave us because of the galley above, but it was at the very end of the galley so I thought maybe it won't be bad. Well, I just read someones review who had that exact room and from the sounds of it, it is bad!! 

    So my question is, can we move to a different cove balcony that isn't below the galley? The prices for the sailing have went up but it would be cove for cove. Would carnival want to charge us for this? I'm not as concerned about being right next to the rest of our group as I am about not getting sleep and my husband and I being miserable.

    Thank you all for your help in letting me know before I make a phone call! I'm guessing I can't just do it online... oh that would be wonderful.



  15. Update on using Dion!!!!

    We used Dion for our way to the baths on Oct 17. I have nothing negative at all to say about using him!


    The government roped off the beach he usually drops people off at, so we had to be taken to the same dock that Speedys goes to and take a taxi to the baths, and walk up and down to get to and from them. (I wasn't very happy about this since this was one of the main reasons we went with Dion, but I understand, not his fault.) If I was to guess why this happened it would be that the government wants it's money, because when we got there we had to pay the entrance fee.... another thing that wasn't expected! Now, Dion did take care of the taxi, so that wasn't an issue.

    Was everyone happy that we went with Dion in our group... Yes

    because even though we still had to do what almost everyone else does, we were one of the very first people to get there!!! And that made it worth it! Especially when all the people going through the baths stirs up the water and it loses a little bit of it's beauty.

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