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Posts posted by furb

  1. Wouldn't it be nice if once the Maitre d' recognizes you that they wouldn't ask if it is okay to share? We did a 20 day b2b and it was the same every night. It is no big to deal to say no but do they have ask regardless?

    I find it awkward getting out from the bench seat, worried I'll knock over some one's glass of wine or have my rear in their face. We did have one of our glasses knocked over once when a person exited the table next to us and it was immediately replaced. Cheers.


    We've actually found it to be the case that they do remember. Our last cruise was a 10 day and they had it down by day 3. Keep in mind that we were there nearly the same time each night.


    *chuckle* Then we threw them off by bringing additional guests to dine with us!

  2. And this is why my DH and I dine alone if we aren't traveling with good friends and or family!


    My husband and I are the same way. If we meet interesting people on the cruise, we invite them to dinner! It's much nicer than just being forced into a group of unknowns...

  3. Bruce, I would like to know where this "standard" is being set? I can assure you that Thanksgiving can be done very well if the person preparing has any access to herbs and spices. If bland and inedible is what the chef is going for with regards to this meal on Princess (or any other cruise line for that matter), they certainly have perfected it in my experience.


    If the chefs have such disdain for this meal, then that is the real reason that it is such "inedible dreck".


    It's probably more correct to just say that American food is typically bland and tasteless in general. Or if it has a taste, it's usually one overwhelming taste, and not a balanced one.


    Don't count out the fact that often ships are full of old farts, set in their ways, with a lifetime of bland boring food behind them, who are more than willing to complain to anyone who'll listen if their taste buds are in any way challenged.


    Just a thought...

  4. OK, I give up. Why do people pay perfectly good money for water to schlep onboard, rather than using a refillable, environmentally friendly bottle and the ship's perfectly pure supply? (Unless it's some mineral water you like the taste of.) Anybody?


    Special precious snowflakes need their hydration of choice?


    (I'm against bottled water in general, it's very wasteful and has a huge environmental impact)

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