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Posts posted by AquaAdventurer

  1. I have always equated water with mystery. The underwater world is really an alien environment, scary and dangerous, yet compelling. Standing on the sea shore as a youngster, staring out at the horizon, my imagination conjured up all sorts of wondrous visions of foreign lands and peoples as well as historic places and the source of ideas that were so important in creating the world we live in today.


    I also respond to water in a visceral and emotional way. It can induce tranquility and have a very calming effect on the psyche. But the perspective can change when the schizophrenic nature of water power is witnessed first hand in huge swells and gale winds that can rock and toss huge metal ships to and fro. The best efforts of humankind is tested and often found wanting when facing off against on of nature's greatest forces.


    Cruising facilitates reconnecting with nature and rediscovering self; it helps to keep things in perspective. Whether sitting on a chair watching the waves and whitecaps or walking the decks scanning the horizon, can be a cathartic experience.


    But a cruise ship is more than an observation station, it is a small community of diverse individuals who have a lifetime of experiences, desires and expectations of their own. It is only a momentary community that is sharing a similar experience and that tends to loosen some of the inhibitions that bind people in their normal lives. People are more willing to talk and share stories, and mix more readily. This is another positive aspect of cruising.


    The chance to visit unique ports-of-call and gain knowledge and understanding of people and places outside of our comfort zone allows us to gain valuable insights into the wider world and, hopefully, reduce any parochialism. The additional opportunity to discover those historical and cultural places and artifacts that we've only read about or viewed on the TV screen is another invaluable benefit that can often lead to more extended visits.


    For all that the value of cruising would be greatly reduced without someone to share the experience with. This is an opportunity to strengthen those intimate bonds that connected us with the special person who, perhaps long ago, made a choice to bind their future with yours.


    For all these reasons and more I find cruising an experience that I almost couldn't live without.

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