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Posts posted by WNCtourist

  1. Another recommendation for Colin Jennings -- we did a 5-hr. tour with him on Sunday, May 20 (I can't believe it was already a week ago!). We wondered if there would be enough to see on a Sunday, but it was fantastic. He met us promptly at 9 a.m. We didn't have specific requests other than to try to see as much as we could. The weather was windy and overcast with rain threatening, so it wasn't a good beach day. We had already toured the museum and Dockyard area the previous day.


    Colin is extremely personable and we enjoyed talking with him and learning about life in Bermuda. He took us to all the areas people talk about, such as the little drawbridge, stopping at the beaches along the way so we could take photos and he collected a zip-lock bag of pink beach sand for us. We stopped at the lighthouse and looked around. Not much was going on in Hamilton on a Sunday morning. Flatts Village was charming and we stopped to look at the sea turtles.

    We spent about 30 minutes in St. Georges (it was just after church) but nothing was open there -- if the retailers want to encourage tourism now that the cruise ships don't dock there, they will need to revisit their days and hours of operation.


    I'm leaving out many details but I will say we were completely satisfied with Colin and our tour. We were able to see and learn so much that otherwise we would have missed. And there's absolutely no way we would do scooters on the island -- just in that 5 hours we say many near misses and people forgetting about which side of the road to be on!

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