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Everything posted by GSTgst

  1. Any idea what the Costa Cruises term “first breakfast” means? It’s on their website (for certain premium level cabins). It can’t be early or late seating for breakfast (“first” meaning early seating), because they offer no sit-down breakfast dining option at all (it’s 100% buffets). Having been to many countries, I’m thinking it’s another language term for Continental Breakfast. I’ve done internet research and nothing comes up as “first breakfast”. Costa Cruises has it as a benefit on their website for certain level cabins, so it means something. But numerous people aboard the ship assert they don’t offer Continental Breakfast anymore (they admit they offered it during the pandemic, but it has since been discontinued) – it’s only full breakfast now via room service at a $5 Euro per day charge. Any insight? Thank you.
  2. I’m tempted to just bring over a couple six packs of diet Snapple (I don’t like fizzy drinks) and try and get them onboard - if they confiscate them, then the loss is only 12 to 15 bucks. I am embarking out of Barcelona.
  3. Can I bring a small case of diet iced tea aboard my ship (Costa Smeralda)? I don’t like soda because of the fizz. Most cruise lines will let you bring 10-12 cans/bottles aboard, but after reading all this mess about Costa and them not even serving tap water free at dinner, it makes me think they’ll probably not allow it. I’m from the USA if that makes any difference. Your thoughts?
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