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Posts posted by peter1975

  1. After 35-40 cruises (I'd have to check for an accurate count) we've found there are two stress-free ways to disembark. Both involve schlepping our own bags off the ship - one roller suitcase and one back pack.


    1) Express walk-off, or


    2) Try to be among the last off the ship. Don't schedule any travel disembarkation day. Leave your cabin when you are supposed to and find a nice quiet place to relax where you can hear the announcements. Sometimes it's the concierge lounge or it may be the pool deck. When you hear last call, roll your bag to an uncrowded elevator and walk off the ship.


    Why end the cruise with your knickers in a twist?


    Somebody has to be last off the ship.


    I would like to second this idea. # 2 is what we frequently try to do. We have a nice, last breakfast on this ship and then get off at our leisure.

  2. Thanks for the good advice. I kind of wondered about the off site locations. I think I'll stick with Alamo at FLL!


    You should really research this topic more. I don't have any personal experience, yet, but you can easily find other posts where people recommend non-airport locations near the port and have not had issues. Do you really want to deal with FLL airport traffic to get your car rental? Also, I've read that the non-airport shuttles run much more frequently because the offices are so close. I am cruising our of FLL in March. I have a reservation at Thrifty. (not my favorite agency, but everyone says it's the closest and has frequent shuttles).



    From Senator Rubio's questions of Rex Tillerson, it sounds as if the relaxing of Cuba relations will be terminated and any bill brought forth to open access will be vetoed. This is subject to change as always..


    But what would happen to all those already booked on Royal to Cuba? Would they continue the cruise and just pass on any port in Cuba or cancel the cruise?


    I have already suspected that Royal Caribbean considers this a very real possibility. The Empress of the Seas originally had many sailings throughout the end of the year that included Cuba; all of the EOS sailings after May have now been removed from the system. I think they are in wait-and-see mode.

  4. I've been away from RCCL for several years. In reading the recent posts on several threads, it appears there is a charge for nearly everything now. We used to get espresso included after dinner. It appears that is no longer the case. So, is anything included in the RCCL cruise cost now except for cheap dining and a small cabin?


    It sounds like with your already negative attitude that maybe cruising is no longer for you. Perhaps try a nice land side hotel or resort instead.

  5. Wow! Thanks for all of the great advice and suggestions! I'm sorry my question was a bit vague. I guess I just didn't even know exactly what to ask -- but your responses have been great. It's encouraging to hear so many of you have done cruises with small kids and have had a great time! We recently did a family vacation (infant was 9 months old at the time) and it was quite a bit of a challenge, at times. I started to wonder if cruising in March would be a mistake! But, I think we're going to have a great time. I think the age difference from 9 months to 16 months should help a lot, too! I hope she sleeps as well on cruises as my wife and I do! Based on some of your posts we will definitely take our stroller w/ canopy! And if we run out of space in our luggage I like the idea of buying diapers after our flight and just checking them at the port. Great idea! Thank you all!

  6. So, I've cruised so many times as a single and then married person, I don't think I can fully comprehend what it will be like to cruise with a 16 month old child. I always used to see people cruising with babies and wonder why they would bother -- but, now I know and I understand. I'm addicted to cruising! And baby or not, I'm ready to cruise again! My wife, child, and me are booked on an 8 night Caribbean cruise this coming March. What haven't I thought about that is going to be totally different on this cruise?? Do you have any tips or secrets to help us survive AND have a great time?

  7. UPDATE: So Allegiant customer service SUCKS! The only option they gave us was to pay 75 dollars per person each way to change out flight to another very small airport 45 min away from home. (this would add 600 dollars to cost, even though original flight was just over 500) or purposely miss flight home and book only fight home to smaller airport for an additional 300 (again the 75 per person just one way) this would mean we stay another night and rent car an additional night. We have option of renting car and driving 14 hr home that day, or booking flight home from Orlando international (600 per person, and 5.5hr flight) So after 2 hrs on hold to get that information, and then looking up prices to get home from surrounding areas, I called Royal Caribbean to get their opinion on this. They assured me that the boat could make sure we are off by 7:30, 7:45 at the latest. They gave us instructions on going to customer service the very first day to explain who we are and what is up with crazy flight schedule and having very very few options on getting back home and that they would then give us instructions on where to be at what time and how to handle luggage and paperwork to get off boat asap that morning. I went over how bad this could be for us if she is incorrect with this information and we would be out a lot of money if she is wrong and we have to go over to Orlando international and fly a larger airline, she says they deal with this often, and if boat is aware they will get us off in a timely manner...I really...really...hope she is correct...


    Like everyone is saying ... very slim chance of this working out! However, like someone on here mentioned -- Allegiant flights are frequently late! This could make all of the difference in the world. If you're a gambler you could try it.

  8. Does anyone know why there is an age limit of 4 on the Nellie's Beach Cabanas?


    Can anyone can confirm it it's enforced or not? My wife and I want to rent and use a cabana with our 17 month old, but the representative at Royal Caribbean indicated that they would be refused entry. Really?? Why?? It's a cabana! I'm not even talking about the over-the-water type -- just a regular cabana on land.



  9. I'd be curious to understand what you believe has happened "or appears to have happened" doesn't match any of RCI's charter policies?


    For reference, here's a good guide to RCI's charters:


    Full Ship Charter Facts


    First, it would cost $5,600,000 to charter Freedom during the week in question. :eek: (Note, they could have chartered a smaller Vision/Radiance class at $2,700,000 - a bit less than HALF, which would in hindsight have been a much more prudent way to begin.) Then, 10% of that amount, or $560,000 would be due at contract signing. Another 30% comes due 7 months in advance, and another 30% due 5 months in advance.


    In this case, 7 months in advance would equate to early October, 2014. What "appears" to have happened - given that RCI has stated clearly that this sailing is no longer a charter, and they're selling cabins themselves - is that the promoter missed the payment due of over $1.5 million in early October. When that payment became 30 days overdue, RCI rescinded the charter and started selling cabins themselves. Although we can't see the full legal contract terms, the FAQ's also would strongly imply that RCI likely drew upon the required Letter of Credit at that point to pay the remainder of the charter fees owing, so RCI is whole and the ensuing legal/financial snafu is between the promoter, the bank issuing the LoC, and the guarantors of that LoC.


    So, honest question, what do you feel I missed or am wrongly speculating about in the above?


    The document you sent me a link to is the same document I was referring to. When I made the statement: "None of what has happened or appears to have happened matches the policies that RCL has stated" I was directly referring to item# 11: "Unlike a large group contract, there is no provision in the Full Ship Charter Agreement that allows for cancellation of the program and/or for any number of staterooms. A client cannot reduce to a Half Ship Charter, Partial Charter or a group once signed as a Full Ship Charter."


    I'm not at all disagreeing with what people on this board are suggesting or speculating about! I agree with the majority! Some things are just speculation and opinions more than facts. That was my only point.

  10. I'm not sure why a few are still trying to support them.


    Here are absolute facts, no speculation:


    • Cabins priced from the outset at absurdly high prices - not seen ever on any other charter cruise
    • Cabins sold poorly enough (and the promoter likely missed payments to RCI) that RCI cancelled the cruise in November
    • Despite RCI having cancelled it, the promoter continued online AND via telephone to claim (fraudulently) that the sailing was still a full charter for months afterwards
    • When enough people started figuring out that it wasn't a charter, and RCI was selling cabins at a fraction of the Maxwell price - posts started appearing on Facebook, and the promoter scrubbed/removed those posts so as to attempt to continue the charade (SCAM) that this was still a full charter cruise


    Nobody is trying to support them or defend them. Especially not me! I'm actually the one who got this thread active again. Unfortunately, most of the "facts" being tossed around would be considered hearsay. I've been following this whole drama as closely as anyone, so I don't need anyone to try and tell me what they think the "facts" are. I've been posting on the Maxwell FB page for months as well as regularly contacting them to find out what the status of the "full ship charter" is according to them. I also did a lot of research about Royal Caribbean's policy on full ship charters. None of what has happened or appears to have happened matches the policies that RCL has stated. My point is only that nobody should be so certain they know what is going on or what is going to happen in the future concerning the Maxwell event. The poster just before this one hit the nail on the head. :cool:

  11. If you call them, they are not taking any more bookings. For an event that has obviously had a very hard time booking rooms, I think it's pretty apparent that they would be desperate to book any rooms at this point if there was any chance of it going forward. The charter is cancelled.


    I'm not saying you're wrong and I'm right. I'm just stating that right now nobody really knows for sure exactly what will happen. Time will tell. I just don't want anyone to think they are reading absolute facts on here -- a lot of it is just speculation. I would also suggest that a lot of the artists may not attend -- it could just be "Maxwell and a Few Friends" only. We can agree on the fact that anybody who booked at the Maxwell rates got seriously ripped off is this "group" isn't cancelled entirely! :)

  12. Guys - read back along this thread. On Page 7, you'll find it. Detr0itvsEverybody has contacted the executive offices at Royal Caribbean. The Maxwell charter has been canceled by RC altogether.


    It is not happening. Period. Not full, not partial.


    Even if this information is correct, it doesn't mean that this event can't still occur as a "large group" with special events planned.


    I still believe that is what will happen. I don't think the Maxwell Cruise has been entirely cancelled -- it's just a much smaller version than originally planned. It's not any kind of a charter, yes, but it can still be a group!


    I don't think the Maxwell folks would have gone to the trouble of updating their website to remove the language about it being a "full ship charter" if it was going to be cancelled entirely.

  13. We just parked at "the Parking Doctor" Parktologists. If you like to leave your car outside in a mud pile, parked inches from paint scratching foliage and other cars, If you like to be left standing while other people fight to get on one of the two vans they send for you, and if you like to carry your own luggage back to your car, or try to figure out how to get out of that lot, then by all means, book Parktologists. Otherwise, pay the additional and part at the port. At least there your car won't be covered in filth and you won't freeze to death on a cold snap trying to get them to let you in a van.


    DO NOT USE> Just parked there, jan 3 - Jan 8. NEVER AGAIN!


    No offense, but this review is quite exaggerated. I actually parked here during the same time frame (Jan 3-10). We didn't have any problems. You have nothing to worry about. Of course it's a little more inconvenient parking off-site then directly at the port, but that's why they are cheaper! This is definitely a good way to save money if you can be a little more patient and can handle the small inconvenience of taking a shuttle 0.3 miles down the road. The staff was very friendly and worked hard to keep things moving quickly and smoothly. They have plenty of room in the back of the van for luggage and are happy to load/unload it for you. Complaining about "filth" on your vehicle? Just wash it! Really? I would recommend Parktologists and would park there again in the future. I hate wasting money to park at the port -- that money can be used for a whole lot more exciting things while on the cruise. They also have an indoor waiting area, so I'm not sure why this "cold snap" was such a big deal.

  14. Maxwell has finally updated their website and removed the description that stated this was a full ship charter. I don't think the Maxwell event is going to get cancelled -- I think it will still be happening -- just on a much smaller scale than originally advertised. I do think the Maxwell fans who paid for a full ship charter experience are going to be extremely disappointed (unless they get some kind of major refund). I don't think the cruise experience will be significantly affected for the rest of the non-Maxwell fans on this cruise.

  15. I Talked To My TA Again This Morning.


    She Is Of The Belief That It's Not A Full Ship Charter, And Never Was.


    She Beliefs The Company, (BTWAtSea.Com), Is Simply Promoting The Cruise And They Offer Special Seating If You Book Select Cabins At Inflated Prices.


    She Goes On To Say That Her Experience Tells Her This Is A Large Group, Who Tend To Dominate The Ship With Private Seating(s), Functions And Special Entertainment, And It's Up To The Wife And I If We Are Comfortable Sailing With Such A Large Group.


    What's Most Concerning For Me, Personally... Is That Somebody, (Either Maxwell Or RCCL) Is Blatantly Lying To Their Paying Guests.


    I Am Under The Belief That The Ship Was Originally A Charter....But That Got Cancelled...


    Your TA is incorrect. This was originally a full ship charter (refer to Page 1, Post 17 of this thread).


    I believe this was originally a full ship charter, and somehow Maxwell at Sea was able to get out of it (even though the Royal Caribbean policy specifically states that full ship charters can not be cancelled or revised to be partial ship charters). I suspect Royal Caribbean made some kind of rare exception because Maxwell at Sea was able to sell so few staterooms (not surprising, given their ridiculous prices). I don't know if RCL is being completely honest, or not, but Maxwell certainly is not! They continue to claim this is a full ship charter, and it clearly is not. Guests who have already booked and guests who continue to book through Maxwell's group should have a serious issue with paying such high prices for a cruise that has been billed as a "full ship charter" when it is not.

  16. LaurenPie:



    My Wife Is Of The Belief That The Maxwell Charter Is A Scam.


    I suspect your wife is very correct! The Maxwell folks don't want to admit that their full ship charter attempt was an utter failure, so they keep telling those who ask that it's still a full ship charter. I believe that it was once a full ship charter, but now is not. I'm still confused as to how this is possible, because RCL's rules on charters very specifically state that a full ship charter can NOT be cancelled or changed to any other kind of charter.

  17. I went on Maxwell's website and sent the following question to them:


    I just booked this cruise through Royal Caribbean directly. Will I still be

    able to attend the shows? Is there anything I would miss out by not booking

    through your site?


    Their response:


    You are only entitled to see the concerts or participate in any of our

    events if you booked through our company.


    So then I contacted Crown and Anchor and asked them what entertainment would be offered to us. The lady said she had worked for Royal for 4 years and she had never seen this happen before (a full charter with their own entertainment, that did not sell out). She would need to follow up with some of their other departments to see what was available... that was last week and I haven't heard anything back yet.


    Wow! I'll be very curious to hear what you find out! I hope someone eventually contacts you back.

  18. Sorry guy, but you don't get the privilege of determining who takes the elevator and who doesn't. The issue is simply about exercising consideration for others when using that mode of transportation from one floor to the next.

    Interesting that you closed your post with IMHO. Did you know that the "H" stands for HUMBLE? Your comment is far from that.


    "consideration for others" also extends to not using an elevator to go one flight of stairs when one is perfectly capable of walking. That was my point.


    My post was in response to someone else who ended their comment with IMO; thus, I ended mine with IMHO. Yes, I know what the H stands for. My response is no less H just because I disagree with what some people on here think about elevator courtesy.

  19. I'm so glad you are blessed with the ability to just look at someone and determine if he or she is able to use stairs. You could have saved me a lot of time and money instead of going through all the medical tests I went through for my doctors to determine it.


    I think we all know who is coming across as ridiculous and rude.


    I never said I would be the judge of who should or should not use the elevator -- People can decide that for themselves. There are a lot of great reasons to always use the elevator even for only going up/down 1 floor. There are also plenty of people who are perfectly capable of walking up/down 1 floor and I'm suggesting that they should. There is nothing ridiculous or rude about this suggestion. If you ran to the elevator to catch it before the door closed, I'd say you're probably perfectly capable of walking one flight of stairs. Or two.

  20. I discovered yesterday after putting a cabin on "hold" for this cruise that there is a large group that chartered this cruise. Any thoughts on going on a cruise that is chartered and just wondering if anyone here is booked for this cruise?


    The only way I knew about the charter is that there isn't currently a "roll call" for this cruise and the price was VERY low. After some "googling" I discovered the charter cruise. Wanda


    If you search this board you will find another thread that's been discussing this same sailing. A week ago I did exactly what you did -- I booked the cruise, then looked for my roll call board; after not finding it I Googled my sail date and found a website advertising the sailing as a full ship charter.

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