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Everything posted by LocalNYtraveller

  1. We are just off this cruise and it was fantastic! Responding to the question about mobility issues, my husband received lots of help getting on and off the zodiacs and in the dinning room, one waiter immediately appeared at his side when there was a buffet. He did get off the ship for some of the zodiacs wet landings and a there was always help to get off the zodiac. On several occasions the very nice young ship's doctor was helping the expedition team at the landing sites.
  2. Thank you for calling and posting on this board. I am so relieved to hear that you received a kind response. We reported on their forms that my husband needs to use canes but did not know how they might respond once we joined the cruise.
  3. We are joining this cruise next month. My husband needs a cane to walk and takes longer to walk up and down stairs so we should be able to report back on how he got on.
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