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Posts posted by mrsmoku

  1. Day 7


    We woke up sad that it was our last full day on the Allure. We had been having such a great time and wanted to make sure the day was just as amazing. Our room service arrived right away and we enjoyed our last breakfast on our balcony along with many other passengers.


    We were pulling into Nassau at 1 pm so we had some time on the ship beforehand. We got ready for the pool and ran into our room steward in the hallway. We thanked him profusely for the jacket and the strawberries (which might have been eaten during the night by me) and he told us to talk to Guest Relations about what happened with the shirt and jacket and they may credit us back the dry cleaning costs. Normally, we wouldn’t go complain about something that was fixed but I also wanted to let Guest Relations now how amazing our room steward had been so we made our way down there. Guest Relations ended up crediting us the cost of the dry cleaning and the cost of replacing the jacket. This was extremely sweet and not at all expected so we thanked her again for everything and made sure that our room steward would get our WOW cards.


    We spent a few minutes at the pool but decided that we’d rather get an early lunch so we could go to the bow and watch us pull into Nassau.


    We decided on Park Café and got salads. They were customizable and delicious and very similar to the Tutti Salad bar at the MDR. The roast beef sandwiches were being ordered left and right so there’s no doubt they are popular! We got chips and a drink and found some seats a little further down the park. It was pretty busy and lots of people were already prepared for Nassau.


    Once we were done eating, we went up to the bow to watch us pull into Nassau. It’s was gorgeous and Atlantis was easy to find. As we got closer, we all noticed that we weren’t the second, or even the third ship, there that day – we were the fifth! Yes, there were 4 ships already there and the Allure was ship number 5! Not only is the Nassau port a tight squeeze to get in, but I had read that the port needed to be dredged to allow the Allure to dock there.


    Pulling in was nerve racking! It was a slow process and we should have gone back to the room to get ready but we couldn’t leave! Everyone was glued to the railing watching intensely to make sure we were going to make it. We pulled in next to a smaller Carnival ship and dwarfed them immediately. We were on Deck 14 and quite a bit higher than their highest deck.





    See the depth change!? And the lighthouse. And the 4 other ships!!



    We finally peeled ourselves away and went to get our stuff and get off in Nassau. It seemed like everyone was either going to Atlantis or not getting off the ship. I mentioned before that I wasn’t all that excited about Nassau and we weren’t planning on going to Atlantis but I sure was not going to be in a port and not even get off! So, we disembarked, armed with the walking tour and high hopes.


    4 of the 5 ships. I don’t know why this picture looks funny



    I could see immediately why people choose to do Atlantis or stay on the ship. Nassau, in my opinion, was dumpy. We walked through the port shops and went around a few street shops but we weren’t all that interested so we figured we’d start the walking tour. I didn’t print the pictures OR the map so it was just written instructions. Bad news bears. I have a terrible, terrible sense of direction and even though K is like a homing pigeon, he couldn’t figure it out either. So we decided to just walk to the left. We started walking and I got that feeling - that feeling us women get when our intuition is telling us something is not right. My mother taught us girls never to ignore that feeling and I was not about to start ignoring that feeling in Nassau. I turned K around by tempting him with food and we went back to the stores across the port.


    Note: I mentioned this to someone a few months back and they told me that they thought Nassau was amazing and I just didn’t give it a chance. They reminded me that I wasn’t too excited to go to Nassau in the first place and I was probably just looking to get back on the ship where I would be “safe”. (Isn’t she a delight!?) I admit that I wasn’t really excited about Nassau, yes. But I don’t ignore my intuition and had I gotten that feeling in St. Thomas or St. Maarten, I would have turned around and done the same thing. Had I not gotten that feeling, I’m sure we would have finally figured out where we were and been able to enjoy the walking tour.


    Back at the port shops, we found some paintings by a local artist. K and I picked up the one of the small lighthouse paintings we saw as we pulled in along with a conch shell from a street vendor. We looked around for some food places but we both decided we’d rather just get lunch on the ship as there wasn’t much else we wanted to see. At the security checkpoint before boarding, they pulled out our conch shell and told us we couldn’t bring it on the ship. K was very hungry by this time and not in a good mood but he nicely explained that we had just purchased it not even 5 minutes ago from a street vendor who told us it would make it on the ship (I asked). The security officer asked for a receipt and told us that if we couldn’t produce one, we couldn’t bring it on because it was illegal. The receipt was still in my hand so I gave it to him and he finally gave it back to us and let us take it onboard. I don’t know what that was about but we got our conch.


    Note: We later realized that we forgot to go into the Starbucks and see if they had a Nassau mug. Turns out they do so we were pretty bummed to have missed that one. If you collect them, make sure you grab one! The Starbucks is steps away from the port where are the little shops are.


    We went to the Windjammer for lunch and K was full and happy. We couldn’t think of what to do after so we ended up wandering around the Promenade for a few minutes. The ship was still quite busy and an announcement was made that there were still seats available for the last showing of the Blue Planet show starting in 10 minutes. We high-tailed it to the theater, got a drink, and realized that there was no possible way you could ever be bored on the Allure of the Seas! There was always something to do!


    Blue Planet started and we spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out what it was (I’m still not 100% sure). There was singing and dancing but there also was some storytelling and some Cirque du Soleil stuff but whatever it was, it was very pretty. We watched and enjoyed ourselves and when it was done, we went back to our room to pack up for the disembarkation.


    Best part of packing



    Our tip envelopes, tags, and instructions for disembarkation were on our bed. We had prepaid our gratuities because we had MyTimeDining so we got our envelopes and WOW cards ready to be handed out.


    Our alcohol had arrived while we were packing so we were able to get that all together before we left for dinner. After we had packed our room and bag for disembarkation and got ready for dinner, we went on the balcony to catch one the ships leaving. It was another tight squeeze for everyone to pull out, turn around, and leave but I got some gorgeous photos of a Carnival ship leaving Nassau.


    I limited myself to only uploading one



    We watched from our balcony as we pulled out of Nassau, put our bags in the hallway, and then made our way to the MDR. K ordered and ate 3 plates of the same dish and made me take a picture of one of the finished dishes. They all ended up like that. I ordered an appetizer and a seafood plate but unfortunately, the seafood plate was completely fried. K didn’t want it at all and there was no way I could eat it without getting sick. I felt terrible but our waiter told me not to worry about it and took it back. I noticed someone else also gave theirs back right after mine so it wasn’t just me that thought it was too much. He brought me out the scallop appetizer and I ate 3 of them. (Gosh I sound like a pig!!) Dessert was an apple pie type thing but both K and I were so full, we just had a few bites. The photos are in the next post.


    We said our goodbyes and thanks to our waiter and team and strolled around the ship. There were some sales happening on the Promenade and music was playing everywhere. We spent a few minutes in the hot tub and took even more photos of the gorgeous ship. I wanted to ride on the carousel but it was closed for the night (for the rest of our Allure time actually) so we went up to the room, ordered room service one last time, and called it a night.


    Boardwalk - completely empty!



    This may seem like a lame way to end a cruise (compared to dancing the night away) but there is more to our story - this was only week one of a two week adventure. Right after disembarkation, we were headed to Disneyworld for a week and boy, were we already tired!!


  2. I will have to remember those places to eat at. We try to go there every other year…. We may be going back either late this year or early next. I love it there:) Our next plan is to do the inter island flights. We were there when they were talking about doing the ferry. But, as you know that idea was scrapped. It would have been nice to have a ferry run between islands.


    You are very lucky to have grown up in paradise.


    Can't wait to read the rest of our review….


    Hopefully you get to go back soon! Have fun for us! Yes, that ferry didn't last long but I wish it did! My sisters went on it and said it was a rough ride.

  3. Great review…. We were booked on the Allure for this March but had to cancel due to my mother having a massive stroke. We are rebooked for 2014.


    I noted you were raised in Hawaii. We did cruise in Hawaii back in 2007. While the NCL ship was nothing to write home about….the islands were breathtaking. We were hooked the minute we stepped out of the cab in Waikiki. The rest of the islands were the icing on the cake for us. Kauai was one of our favorites. We are also hooked on Boots and Kimos in Kailua. Waiting for a table is so worth it there:)


    I have read that St.John was similar to Hawaii. Is that true?


    Do you have any other tips you can think of that wasn't in the review?


    Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed review. It is one of the best I have read on CC:)



    Oh my gosh, what a compliment! Thank you so much! You made my day :)


    I sorry to hear about your mother’s stroke. Hope all is well.


    Yes, we both grew up in Hawaii and are completely home sick! You forget how amazing it is when you’re there all the time but now that we’re gone, all we want to do is go home! Boots and Kimos is amazing. Wailana Café is a staple in our family and Kenekes in Waimanalo is the ONLY place to go after the beach! Yum! I could go on and on and on! Oh, how I miss it!


    I’ve actually never been to any of the other islands except for the Big Island every year but my parents love Kauai! We used to do the Volcano run every summer on the Big Island and we would run through places that are now covered in lava.


    We didn’t get to actually tour and visit St. John (or St. Thomas really) but when we stepped of the ship, we knew we would fall in love with it. We would move there in a heartbeat and feel right at home. I would love to spend a week on either island so I could do the day sail again and then walk around and tour the islands.


    I’ve started a little list of things I either missed or things that don’t really fit into my review but are worth mentioning. I’ll post that after my disembarkation post.

  4. How many did K eat then? :eek: Did you order them all at once? I'm always embarrassed to order more than one entree, but usually order more than one starter. Maybe I should be ordering more? ;)


    K doesn't really like seafood but he ate a few of my shrimp. He's more of a meat eater and he ate 3 or 4 plates that night. I had told our waiter about my love for lobster on a previous night so once he noticed that I was finishing my first plate, he asked if he should order more for me. He just kept them coming after that. On the Mariner, the lobsters were smaller and I ate 5 plates and our waiter kept them coming too. I have a different stomach for seafood, caprise, and chocolate...like a cow.


    I don't feel embarrassed ordering more than one just because I know it will be eaten, either by me or by K. I don't usually order more than one entree though but I have ordered a couple of appetizers before. If you're still hungry, then go ahead and order it! I mean, K orders off the entree menu for his appetizer and he can't be the only one so just remember there's someone doing that! And someone eating 4 plates of lobster!


    I am enjoying your review. It has given me many ideas to do when I go back on the Allure or Oasis for the eastern Carib. I was lucky enough to see some big jets come into Maho Beach and was also lucky to get some pictures of them. You can see them in my review and the thread is - Allure 1-6-13 with pictures.


    I also love your pics of the food...


    Thanks! I would have loved to see the big jets come in but even the little prop planes seemed massive! Ill have to check it out!

    I really made an effort to take food pics so I'm glad you like them!

  6. That's a GREAT idea!:D


    Since we're sailing in April they don't always stock the Christmas ornaments as heavily as they do near the holidays. I collect them all year long when I travel and I know that others do the same, but some of the sales clerks act as if I'm crazy when I ask. I never have been able to find ship ornaments on NCL or Princess.:(


    I never thought that they wouldn't have them! They are so fun on the tree, granted I only have 2, but I will be collecting more!

  7. I collect the ornaments, too. I love RCI's ship ornaments that look like a scale model of the ship. They are white and blue, not brass. Did they have those? I usually buy them on the first day so I don't run the risk of them selling out (they did once, although the sales girl managed to find just one in the back of the store room for me).


    Yes those are the ones we get too! They had a ton left when we went but I would get them early if you are worried, just in case. I like to write the cruise dates and our itinerary on them so I remember!!

  8. Day 6


    We woke up a little late but well rested for our sea day. Tonight was the second formal night (with lobster!) and we wanted to spend some time at the casino and just lounging around the ship. We decided to head down to Jonny Rockets for breakfast. We sat outside and enjoyed a large plate of eggs, bacon, and breakfast potatoes. It was way enough food for me but of course, not enough for K. We weren’t sure if we could get another order so he ended up grabbing some pastries at the Promenade Café.


    Johnny Rockets was very good for breakfast. We didn’t dine there for lunch or dinner but we did on the Mariner and enjoyed it. We had a milkshake coupon from our Gold Member books but we forgot to use it. I truthfully didn’t like the Promenade Cafe all that much. The pastries were the same type usually served at my business meetings and there wasn’t much of an assortment besides pastries, cookies, and little sandwiches. K agreed that it wasn’t the best but he was just happy lunch was coming soon.


    We found a seat by the pool and spent a couple hours relaxing with our books. The Captain announced that there was a slot for the Allure in Nassau so we would be docking the next afternoon. Everyone was very excited about the news.


    A photographer was out taking pictures of everyone around the pool which caused some to strike their best bikini pose while others to shriek in horror. The “strikers” were so very entertaining to watch especially when they chased the photographer around so they could get “just one more” of them making their sexiest face while enjoying their drink or leaning against the step ladder. I do have to say that I admired their confidence and persistence.


    After the pool (and show!) we moseyed around looking for lunch and decided on the MDR. We headed to the room and K’s jacket we dropped off on Day 3 had been fixed with an extremely similar button and a plate of chocolate covered strawberries waited for us. We (read: I) snuck a few of the yummy strawberries while we changed into MDR appropriate clothes and headed out for lunch.





    The lunch menu was the same so we ordered our favorites from last time and some new dishes to try. I got the Tutti Salad for an appetizer and loved it. They even gave me some mozzarella balls on the side so I munched on those and my salad before our entrée arrived. Lunch was once again delicious and we really enjoyed eating a nice lunch.


    After lunch we went to check out the casino. On the way, we noticed that they were setting up for formal photos that night and somehow we ended up posed and smiling for a camera. Now, I have never thought that K and I look like siblings and we have never heard anyone say that to us but the photographer most definitely thought we were brother and sister. We were being posed in classic “sibling poses” (you know, the arms crossed with our backs touching, the “Brady Bunch” lean with hands on our hips, things like that) but decided to just go with it and take the pictures. We figured the photos would give us a good laugh… an ew!-we-look-like-siblings-in-this-picture-this-is-so-terrible nervous laugh.


    After our sibling photo shoot, we arrived at the casino. The casino is split into two sections – a smoking section and non-smoking section. There was no actual barrier between the smoking and non-smoking section so the smoke still drifted around, but since tonight was a formal night, it looked like they were discouraging anyone smoking. We had some Gold Member coupons for Roulette so we played a game (I lost, as usual) and K played a few tables. I found the penny machines and we both took $5 and played…for a long time! It was insane! We would get down to $0.15 and then win $4 more, $3 more, $5 more, etc! This went on for at least an hour and half. I finally was able to clear out my money but poor K just kept winning. He was mortified when the machine kept making sounds every time he won something, which happened almost every time he pushed the ‘Spin’ button. People were starting to watch. We decided that if it hit $10, we would cash out and be done with it. But it would make it to $6, then $5, then $7, but never $10! We switched spots and within minutes, I was able to lose all the money (insert joke here).


    By that time it was after 3 pm and our dinner reservations were for 5:30 pm. We ran back up to the room to quickly get ready for Formal Night and take some formal (couple) photos before dinner. Everyone was dressed very nice and there was definitely excitement in the air.


    Except for one of K’s dishes, dinner was amazing once again. The dish in question was re-named ‘Cat Food’ because, well, it looked like cat food, smelled like cat food, and K said it tasted he thought cat food would.


    Cat Food – beware



    I tried one of the cold soups and ordered the Fisherman’s Plate (x4) with the lobster tail and some shrimp. K loved all of his meat dishes and we both enjoyed our desserts. To say we were stuffed would be an understatement!


    Fruity soup – yummy!



    Fisherman’s Plate



    K’s dish



    K’s other dish



    (The desserts are in the following post)


    Our comedy show started at 7:30 pm and we wanted to be early to get good seats. Since dinner had taken a little longer than planned, we rushed down to the lounge and were able to find a spot in the middle. We chatted with a very friendly couple while we waited and ordered a drink. They told us that they had already seen the show earlier in the week but it was so funny they wanted to see it again. That is always good news!


    The show started and the first comedian was hilarious. I can’t remember any jokes but I do remember that he was very funny. I didn’t see any kids or teenagers in the lounge so there may have been an age limit. Not all his set was dirty but it sometimes was.


    I wish I could tell you about the second guy but right after he stepped on stage, a very annoying and very drunk woman in the front decided it was her time to be a comedian. The comedian was able to ignore her loud talking for a bit until she decided to shout over his every word. So then he made fun of her as you would assume any comedian with an annoying crowd member in the front row would…but she still didn’t get it! She continued on and on and when she finally shut up and the comedian started, she started up again! It was so very annoying and most of us were trying to get her to be quiet so the comedian could do his set. By the time she piped down, there was only time for one quick joke that she managed to ruin again with her talking. It was insane! (I wonder why they didn’t have anyone remove her from the lounge…)


    After the half funny/half disastrous comedy show, we wanted to check out our pictures. All the pictures were printed and put into a binder and filed away. We had quite a few photos so we split them up and started going through them. Most were pretty good, a few were not that great, and some were very nice. And then I found our sibling photos. Yikes! I hadn’t realized it but we were wearing the same color, we had the same type of smile, and our hair, eye, and skin color looked very similar. I don’t know if it was edited or what, but we could have easily passed for brother and sister. Easily. K thought it was the funniest thing ever but that photo is burned into my memory. It wasn’t funny, it was weird. So into the back of the binder, upside down and turned around it went while we searched our other photos for the best ones. We chose our favorite 4 and purchased them with our Gold Member coupon (buy one get one free!).


    After getting our photos, we went down to the Royal Caribbean shop to buy our ornament and any other little things we wanted. I’m glad we went down that night because it was busy, but not nearly as busy as it was the next day.


    We went to the room to change out of our formal wear and then caught a ride on the Rising Tide Bar. We had to wait a little for seats to open up but once we snagged them, we were happy campers. The bartenders and fellow riders were making up songs and singing along to the DJ and we all had a great time going up and down from the Promenade to Central Park. No one was getting off so the line was building up quite a bit. I would defiantly grab a seat as soon as you can and as early as you can. We spent an hour and half there but would have never guessed it!


    After our fun night, we headed back to the room. We were going to be in Nassau the next afternoon and even though we didn’t have anything booked, we wanted to get off and explore still. It was our last day on the ship and we wanted to sleep in a little, enjoy the pool and explore Nassau.

  9. Day 5

    Part 2


    Maho Beach was crazy! Crazy cool and crazy crowded! It was THE spot to visit and it was no surprise why. The airport was literally across the street. And not the streets we have here in the US with super wide lanes and space on the side to pull over but lanes that our bus seemed to barely fit through. It was crazy!


    Maho Beach



    Plane coming in



    We took a look at the surfboard with all the flights coming in and was excited to see that a large commercial flight would come in while we were there. We watched some smaller planes come in and take off but our time was running short and the commercial plane had yet to land. It was coming up on our allotted time here and we were bummed we missed the big plane. Had we not been paying attention or something? It seemed unlikely as even the little planes made you whip your head around so we figured the flight was cancelled. On the way back with some other passengers on our tour, we realized that we all had the time wrong. K had programmed his watch to stay on ship time, as had everyone else, but St. Maarten was not on ship time and we were an hour off. We would have liked to see the massive commercial planes come in and take off but at least we saw three little planes.


    K with his plane



    If Maho Beach is the highlight for your day in St. Maarten, I would suggest catching a cab and spending a few hours there as the planes don’t come in every few minutes. There was a restaurant and bar on the beach and lots and lots of people. Cabs were plentiful there so it shouldn’t be an issue getting back.


    We got a drink from the cooler and jammed back into the bus for the ride back to port. Sexy asked us if we would like to go to a souvenir store for 15 minutes near the port and everyone wanted to go. If you have ever seen people speed shopping, you can imagine what we all looked like. K and I ALWAYS forget to buy souvenirs and we are always so bummed when we get home and have nothing so we were making an effort to find some little things we wanted. After speed shopping, we all piled into the bus for the last time and got dropped off at the port.


    I enjoyed the tour and it was organized well. It was an overall island tour with different activities which I really liked but in the end, we did want to see the commercial planes come in. We both had a great time and have lots of fun memories and pictures from it. If we go back to St. Maarten, I’m not sure if we would book the tour again but I am happy that we were able to experience it. In other words, it didn’t measure up to our St. Thomas excursion, but that bar was set pretty high and we knew it.


    We walked around the port shops for a little before boarding the ship again. Everyone seemed to have a bottle of Guavaberry and after talking to a few people, decided to check it out. We ended up buying a bottle of the original flavor although they had lots of different flavors for sale. It’s a sweet liquor/rum and I actually really like it. Had I known how good it was, I would have bought a few more for gifts (they did have samples but I left the sampling in K’s able hands).


    From the pier



    We boarded the ship around 3 pm and found that it was pretty empty. We immediately headed towards the zip line to take advantage of the lack of a line. We had two more sea days left and knew that it would be busy if we waited. Because of the location of our room, we could watch people zip lining across and cringed when the zip liners either smacked their feet on the end platform or didn’t even attempt to stand up and made the crew member stop their forward motion. I was determined to not be that person.


    After getting all rigged up, they hooked me up and off I went! The zip line was fun! It’s not very long but once you catch a glimpse of the Boardwalk underneath, it becomes even more exciting. As I neared the platform, I reached my feet down to stand up and, who would have guessed, I was too short to touch. So I swung up the way you do when you are abruptly stopped and the poor crew member had to practically body slam me to stop me. And of course, I still couldn’t touch so he had to push the kiddy stairs under me so he could unhook me. How embarrassing. And I’m not even that short! I’m 5’3” (or 5’2”, but who’s counting). K went next and of course, finished like a pro.


    After our zip lining adventure, we headed down for hot dogs and then off to the rock wall. Only once I was half way up did I remember that I am scared of heights. I made it about ¾ of the way but ended up paralyzed after a look down and slipped. You are really really high up especially because you can see the water! Of course, I didn’t push off correctly so I ended up grazing the wall all the way down. So glad it wasn’t busy! K made it to the top like a spider monkey.


    We went back to room to rest a little and get ready for dinner and the headliner show, Mosaic. Dinner was delicious and our waiter, Shawn, told us to make reservations for the next night, formal night. I gave him a heads up on my lobster appetite (which is quite large) and he promised he’d keep the lobsters coming. We brought our Gold Member coupons for drinks but K’s was denied because of that pesky ‘Gold Member’ sticker that wasn’t on his card.


    We had reservations for the Headliner show that night but we both just wanted to relax! We went to Guest Relations to get K’s Gold Member sticker and then melted into the nearest hot tub.


    It was a long, fun day but we seriously needed some rest! Tomorrow was another sea day so we planned on napping and exploring the rest of the ship!

  10. Thanks for the great review!! We are taking a private tour with Bernards in acouple weeks, just wondering what time you left and what time you got back to either Phillipsberg or the ship? Also did Sarafina's take USD? We are trying to decide what to do for lunch....would the Sunset Bar on Maho be good for 15 people? Thanks!


    Thank you!


    We left at 9 am and got back to the port around 3/3:30 pm. The boat left at 5 pm.


    We paid with a card (if I remember correctly) and it was fine. We did not have to change our money at all and we used a mix of card and USD cash.


    The Sunset Bar was very busy. It was more bar-like than restaurant-like but we didn't go in so it could have been more sit down further inside. For 15 people, I am not sure. Now the area around Maho is full of casino looking places and I *think* a Joe's Crab Shack. I will look for a picture if I have one of the Sunset Grill/Bar.

  11. LOL! I'll tell you one thing, if it were my boyfriend there, he would have JUMPED on that offer! He loves eating ANYTHING and trying new foods. He probably would have shot his hand up in the air and jumped up! I'm surprised K didn't take up an opportunity to get something inside his stomach! :)


    Oh, well, K was thinking about it until the sea urchin man told us that eating a sea urchin would make you "more manly" and have "extra strong swimmers"...and guarantee you a boy right away...because of the poison in the sea urchin. Big BIG no.

  12. Thanks again for your review and pictures.


    We are leaving early on Saturday morning for Fort Lauderdale. I'm so excited and can't wait. We have also booked Bernard's Tours. I will definitely pass on the rum lol.


    Of course! You'll have a great time!

    Th rum (punch) would have been good if it was mixed with something but just a straight shot of rum at 10 am was a little much!!


    Just try a sip! Maybe ours was a weird batch!

  13. Day 5

    Part 1


    We woke up to the courtesy phone call from room service and spent a few minutes freaking out that we had overslept! We didn’t realize how tired we were! Thankfully, we were smart and ordered room service for an earlier hour to make sure we had enough time to get ready and meet our tour. We enjoyed our breakfast on the balcony and caught our first glimpse of St. Maarten.




    We finished our breakfast and got ready for the day. We had booked a private excursion with Bernard’s Tours. The tour reviews were great and it seemed like everyone we talked to was going on it! The tour would take us to various spots on the island and to the famous Maho Beach.


    We met up with our tour (and about half the ship!) and were separated into groups. Our driver was Sexy and we all piled into the mini bus. We were packed like sardines in there! I don’t know if it was the heat or the fact that we both were so tired from the day before, but it was not comfortable. I think had we not had every single seat occupied, it would have been a much more enjoyable ride.


    We headed to the Iguana Farm to enjoy some of St. Maarten’s iguanas. We were given some lettuce to feed them and even hold them if we wanted. I jumped on that offer as I had iguanas when I was a toddler (what were my parents thinking!?) and I was surprised to find out that they had such soft, leathery skin. The Iguana man said it was like holding a Gucci bag and it was! It was neat but the man that owned the Iguana Farm was in the process of expanding the area so it wasn’t too pretty.


    Feeding the Iguanas



    Big Mama (I don’t know if that’s her name)



    After 15 minutes, we all smashed back into the bus and headed to Oyster Pond. On the way, Sexy gave us some history on St. Maarten and explained about the two sides – the Dutch side and the French side. Once at the beach, we met the Sea Urchin man who had lots of shells and sea urchins he had found. He told us about the great qualities of eating a sea urchin and asked if any men would like to eat one. Crickets. No one wanted to. He offered to let us hold the sea urchin but neither of us were game. We all took some pictures and we were off to our next stop – Orient Beach!


    Orient Beach has two sides, the swimsuit side and the nude side (or “the nude and the prude” as someone on the bus referred to it as). Before heading to the beach, Sexy offered us some of their famous Rum Punch. We both said yes and Sexy pulled out plastic shot glasses (should have been a red flag!) and proceeded to pour us a double shot size amount of rum punch. I assumed it was strong sense he only poured so much but I wasn’t prepared for how strong. Yeah, there was no punch in that one. It was straight rum with a hint of fruity flavor.


    We walked a little to the beach and it was gorgeous! We had planned on walking down the beach but we saw some comfy looking loungers (on the prude side) and somehow found ourselves laying in them. The chairs cost $15 but came with an umbrella and 2 drinks at the bar so it was an investment well spent. There were vendors in full force wanting you to buy their goods but we just said no thanks (or didn’t make eye contact) and they didn’t bother you anymore. We decided to just enjoy the scenery and relax for the 90 minutes we had there. We both got drinks from the bar and our mood increased dramatically while we relaxed.


    Loungers, drinks, gorgeous beach. Perfect.



    After our stop at Orient Beach, we headed over to Marigot, the French marketplace. We had 30 minutes here and I KNEW where we were going – Sarafinas. We were both starving and one look at the display cases and we knew we had made the right choice. We ended up with quite a tray of delicious goodies and met many of our fellow passengers there. The 30 minutes came too soon and we all met back at the bus to head to Maho Beach.





    Yum x2


  14. Great review so far! I love it! My boyfriend and I are sailing the Allure in November (sooo long from now!). I would have wanted earlier, but he works at a bank and had to schedule his vacation days ONE YEAR ahead of time. Poo.


    Anyway, K reminds me so much of my boyfriend! He too is a bottomless pitt! I wonder where all that food goes to, and he barely gains any weight. So jealous. I convinced him to choose the Allure because of all the food options! :P



    A whole year!? That's terrible!!! Well, that's more planning time and more time to look forward to it!


    Yes, I have no idea where it goes! Its unfair really. I want to be able to eat a dozen Krispy Kremes and then complain that I lost another pound after, but no, I smell one and I gain a pound! Your boyfriend will be VERY happy with the endless amounts of food on the Allure!!

  15. "The snorkeling in the area was not the absolute best but it wasn’t bad. There were fishes, coral, sea grass, and turtles all around us but if you are looking for more a more Finding Nemo-type reef, you will be disappointed in this area. We snorkeled and laid around on the beach for a while and then made our way back to the boat for lunch."



    Hi, loving your review. We're on her next month. Where did they take you to snorkle?


    I hope not Honeymoon beach. We're doing the ship sponsored catamaran to Honeymoon. Many years ago we did a Captain Nautica, which isn't offered on our trip, and they took us to an amazing reef off what we think was Honeymoon beach on Saint Johns. We were hoping to recreate the experience, but that was 10 years ago and I know that there's been global warming damage to the reef systems.


    Hope you can shed some light.


    I'm sorry to say that it was Honeymoon Bay :( Maybe the snorkeling is better in a different area. We were the last ones there because of the morning delay so maybe the excursion will be closer to the better snorkeling.

  16. "The snorkeling in the area was not the absolute best but it wasn’t bad. There were fishes, coral, sea grass, and turtles all around us but if you are looking for more a more Finding Nemo-type reef, you will be disappointed in this area. We snorkeled and laid around on the beach for a while and then made our way back to the boat for lunch."



    Hi, loving your review. We're on her next month. Where did they take you to snorkle?


    I hope not Honeymoon beach. We're doing the ship sponsored catamaran to Honeymoon. Many years ago we did a Captain Nautica, which isn't offered on our trip, and they took us to an amazing reef off what we think was Honeymoon beach on Saint Johns. We were hoping to recreate the experience, but that was 10 years ago and I know that there's been global warming damage to the reef systems.


    Hope you can shed some light.




    :( I didn't write it down but while I was writing the review, I kept thinking Honeymoon Beach... I will do some research and let you know if it actually was.

    I mean, we saw some fun stuff but I know exactly what you mean about a gorgeous reef that is gone years later :(

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