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Posts posted by AprilJ

  1. Pros & cons on both??


    I think I'm leaning more towards Paradise because of the the less expensive entrance fee. I worry that IF we go to Mr Sanchos and do the AI we may drink too much to enjoy shopping before we get back on ship.


    Thoughts are appreciated - thanks!!

  2. Maybe a good idea you posted this... for op to take ginger pills or a few seasickness remedies....just in case that is an issue...most do well IF AN ISSUE...with a little help but she perhaps.... does not know her sea legs. :)


    I don't know my sea legs, at all, and I'm very worried about getting sick as I have never been on a ship, only a small boat on a lake, 2x and I was fine!!


    I've seen the advice about ginger pills which I am for sure going to take over the weekend before and maybe some patches or whatever else is most highly recommended.


    I have seen the comment "the more you pay the higher you sway" which makes me worry even more!?!?!

  3. The airport is about 12 miles from downtown. A lot of cruisers stay at hotels outside of downtown that offer shuttles and allow you to park there during your cruise. You can read about some of those here:




    My personal opinion is I want to stay downtown/French quarter when I'm in New Orleans. I book on hotwire and get great deals but it's prepaid and non-refundable. I usually stay in a 4* hotel and pay about $100 plus $25-35 for parking. I would move my vehicle to fulton parking garage during the cruise where you can park for as little as $8/day on the roof.




    If you go the hotwire route and need help figuring out what your hotel is going to be or need advice on a downtown French/Quarter hotel, let me know. I've stayed in probably 30 of them. I stayed at Hyatt Regency 8 times last year. It was the 4* downtown/superdome option on hotwire.


    The only time I used hotwire I had great success in Atlanta, but for some reasons I am nervous about doing so in NOLA. I would love 4* in the Quarter and the prices on hotwire seem too good to be true - but in your humble opinion I should go for it? *bites nails* =)

  4. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't worry about any of it.


    Put luggage out the night before.

    Get up in the morning.

    Head up to the Lido Deck, enjoy some breakfast.

    Sit back, relax, and watch the freak show as people fight and scramble to get off the ship.

    When they announce last call around 10AM or so, leisurely get off the ship and head home.


    Just because you're scheduled to depart as a Zone 4 or whatever, doesn't mean you have to depart at that time.


    That sounds like my kind of plan, thank you!!!

  5. Just read the whole "triump disembark nightmare" thread which has led me to ask a few questions.


    If you are able to get FTTF, does this allow you to disembark earlier or at a more specific time then waiting for your # to be called?


    What does self assist disembark mean?


    If it means you carry your own bags off, do you leave first? We are fairly young 40's and would have no problem carrying our own suitcase on & off.


    If your waiting with everyone else to disembark is there someplace to go eat and wait since you have to be out of your room by 8:30am? Can you still get a room service wake up on the last morning?


    We are sailing on the Triumph out of NOLA June 2016 and will have a 6hr drive home ahead of us, but will be in no major rush to leave - just would like to understand all the options.


    TIA!! =)

  6. Haven't seen this on here yet but this was just announced on John Heald's facebook page.


    The Carnival Triumph will start New Orleans service on April 4, 2016. The Carnival Triumph features all of the great FunShip 2.0 features including Guys Burger joint.”


    So now we have an announcement about another ship moving.


    We are booked on the Triumph out of NOLA for June 6th!

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