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Posts posted by Geldhart

  1. I don't understand why the airlines request people arrive earlier for international flights. It takes exactly the same amount of time to check in and go through security as it does for domestic.


    A couple of times overseas, we've had to go through an extra security for flights returning, but still had plenty of time.

    I think it had to do with the fact there are now things that can go wrong with an international flight and having extra time gives you that cushion to deal with the potential glitches.


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  2. I was on a caribbean cruise with my kids. At the time my DD11 had injured ankles so could not use the stairs so we were in the elevator doing down to the MDR on the FotS. At one floor a gentleman in a scooter was waiting to get in. I told my wife and DS9 to get off to give the gentleman some room, leaving DD on the elevator. A teenager I didn't know also got off and proceeded with us down the stairs.


    The man's wife saw us at our table and came over to thank us and our kids, especially "your boys" because they didn't argue when I told them to make room. Didn't really clue in to the fact she was praising a kid who wasn't mine, but hey, he deserved it more as he didn't have to listen to me but did anyway.


    Sent from my LG-D852 using Forums mobile app

  3. Before they had "freedom from always being with mom and/or dad privledges" my kids have to demonstrate they can get to both muster station and the cabin without assistance other than the signs on the ship. For younger kids who will not have that option I would have them go to a store or food place without using the stairs or elevator. Take the first day and run a drill or two on the decks you will be with them most of the time, but do drill in that there are no stairs or elevator without a parent, that keeps the places to search to a minimum


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  4. The devil is in the details. Read the exclusions carefully. You will need to make sure that any preexisting conditions are covered. Usually private is better, but for the elderly sometimes the cruise lines product is better.


    Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk


    BUT, what about all the cc'rs who post on here about getting the package and trying every drink on the menu - because they can....and then if they don't like it, oh well.... just order something else.


    Theft? Maybe. Waste? Definetely! Once the drink is poured it's poured.


    That's no different than sending your meal back in the MDR and getting something else because you didn't like it. No one (or at least very few people) has an issue with that.

  6. Just so people know the Toastmasters International convention is in Vancouver in 2017 and they are advertising a post convention cruise on the Infinity right afterwards. This will be a huge group.


    Toastmasters are harmless and quite friendly but I know many people don't like being on the other side of a large group.


    Source: I'm a member of Toastmasters and saw the post card advertisement over the weekend at a training session.

  7. I agree change flight and go with carry on luggage ONLY. If you can do a cruise line transfer get that as well.


    If toy weren't in the cancellation penalty time, I would have suggested canceling then booking for the wrk after, hang around home a few days then fly out at least a day early for the rescheduled cruise.


    Congrats, Good Luck, and be prepared for plan B and how to make up to your wife for this

  8. The biggest rule is DECLARE the sauce to anyone who asks about anything to do about food, drink, or agricultural products, and be prepared to lose it really quick.


    Agricultural inspectors don't mess around. Better to be honest to a fault and lose the sauce than try to smuggle it in and get caught.

  9. How to maintain privacy and treat other guests properly. Not likely going to happen but we can dream.


    The identity of the group does NOT need to be named, just the effect it will have on other passengers. That's the main concern people have.


    1. If a group does not want other non group guests to enjoy alcohol or other ship wide features then they must do a full charter. This would include significant "custom" entertainment requirements during the entire cruise (not just some private shows). Nude cruises, as an example, already do this.


    2. Any dining area off limits to others for a meal must be declared to other passengers before final payment. Booked guests must get an update if this happens. This includes eliminating an mdr seating or restrictions of open seating ( say cutting off more than an hour)


    Dining areas being off limits during non meal times do not need to be declared.


    3. Similar rule for the theatre. No declaration during what is normally unused time for passengers. eg a private lecture or show at 09h00 is fine, but one at 18h30 needs to be declared.


    4. Private Meeting rooms do not need to be declared. That's why they are there.


    5. A single public area can be booked for up to 4-8 hours ( depending on the area) per cruise without being declared. These groups do pay a premium so let them have a cocktail party each day if they wish, just can't monopolize a single lounge during prime time the entire cruise, but they could move it around each day without a problem.


    Like I said not going to happen but see can dream.


    Another issue I do wish to address with the cruise lines is the minuscule number of handicapped accessible cabins compared to the total number of cabins on board.


    Thank you again for your time.


    That is something that should be done on new ships. How difficult would it be to have all cabin doors be wide enough for a wheel chair or scooter even if no other changes are made.


    Not disabled myself but how many people could switch from "cannot cruise without an accessible cabin" to "normal cabin is just fine for my needs" just with that one change?


    Obviously not 100% of legitimate accessible cabin users but enough that the pressure on the accessible cabins would be noticeably eased.

  11. My DD11 had bad ankles on our Freedom OTS cruise and we actually brought her manual wheel chair on board. For the first 5 days everything was fine. Then I got a call from Adventure Ocean that she couldnt stand. The ship had been rocking a bit.


    They were going to summon the nurse, but I told them not bother as there wasn't anything to do. I brought the chair up, picked her up and brought her back to the cabin and iced the ankles like we were told to do.


    Took her down to medical, explained the issue them asked if I could use the phone to call my insurance to pie approve treatment. Told it wasn't necessary. Waited for a bit as there were two ahead of us. The ships safety officer came down asked some questions then confirmed we wouldn't need to pay as it "happened on the ship".


    Xrays showed a minor crack. Casted up and we left. No bill ever came. As a Canadian we were freaking a bit over the thought of having to pay US rates for a medical visit.


    I guess it all depends on the cruise line and what exactly happened (and who makes the final decision)

  12. When traveling with am assistant there are aa few things to be aware of.


    1. This is work for them not a holiday. A "free cruise" is by itself not adequate compensation. Pay them AT LEAST their normal full wage. If they have multiple clients other than you, you need too compensate them for the missed work outside If your own situation.


    2. Of course all transport and fares are fully paid. If they must be present on a excursion you must pay for that as well. If it's a "care to join us?" pay for it as well. Full medical insurance with medevac for the trip is in my view non-negotiable, you buy it for them, period.


    3. If at all possible get them their own cabin. As inside is fine. Close to your own for personal/medical care. If its a nanny situation, get it well away from your cabin for their sanity.


    4. Be very clear, in writing, in advance, what their duties are and what their hours are. When they are on their off hours, they are off. (eg Day 2 you are to be in our cabin from 0600 to 0730 to bathe toilet and get Dad dressed. Room service will be there at 0745. Help him eat then you are off for the day. Day 3 you are with us from 0600 until 1800 on the excursion.)


    5. Are they allowed to drink alcohol during their off hours?


    6. On board spending. Are you covering it? If so, i would just purchase a reasonable amount of OBC for them and be very clear that overages are their own responsibility. Don't put your credit card on their account for the Seapass card.


    7. If they have their own solo cabin are they allowed to bring a guest? Rules for the guest need to be worked out as well. Btw work hours take precedence over what the guest wants to do.


    8. What happens if they miss the ship or get kicked off or sick (medevaced or not)?

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