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Posts posted by DrPepper41

  1. Good question. I have no idea why I need a fan (or white noise) to sleep. Always have though. Without it, I stay awake listening to every little noise around me. Weird, I know. It would be great to be able to sleep without one.


    I need one to drown out all the little noises. I'm a very light sleeper. We do have a balcony - so listening to the waves might help some.


    But since so many of you have not had your fan taken away - I'm going to pack one & see how it goes. Thank you!

  2. My husband & I sleep with a box fan every night. When we vacation, we almost always pack a smaller turbo fan.


    I'm worried that a fan will be on the "naughty list" and will be confiscated. Is there any way to hide it and smuggle it? I've seen portable/battery operated ones that are smaller.


    Any luck smuggling fans on board? If so, how did you do it?


    If I can't smuggle the fan - I've downloaded some white noise apps on my smartphone that we'll try to use in place of the fan.

  3. So glad to hear this - I sleep with about 6 pillows and my husband sleeps with about 4. And each of my kids now sleep with at least 2 or 3. Our room steward is just gonna love our extra pillow requests - he'll need to bring them on a cart. LOL!

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