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Posts posted by EdmPair

  1. My TA asked how my trip went and I am writing a short book. The trip to Alaska

    from SF was mostly good. However, after writing this paragraph, I realized it was

    a good item to toss here. Princess was downright rude in how they advertised

    at the point they could not even sell us that product any more.



    Perhaps the last impression on the ship was not what Princess wanted.

    For disembarkation, they placed us in the theatre and played a short loop

    advertising various services mostly for photography. This repeated about

    every 45 seconds as reasonable volume. The announcement for a group was

    done over microphone OVER the sound of this advert. I complained they

    could at least turn down the loop when speaking and was told I must do

    public speaking. Nothing changed.




  2. Will the robot listen to your troubles? :) I can see that as a one-time curiosity, but I don't know how many people would want to sit and watch a "robot" make a drink.




    Faster Internet sounds good.



    I am of mixed mind on the robot bartenders. On my left hand, I like gadgets and

    it would be fun to see it once or twice. However, it does mean either I walk to the

    bar or somebody still delivers it. On the right hand, I do not watch the barkeeps

    mix drinks now. What would I care if a complex vending machine makes my drink?


    I feel safe in ignoring this 'tech' when looking at future cruises. Now internet speed...




  3. We were on the Grand Princess in the Baltic 2 yrs ago and stayed in E212 (I think, maybe E214??) and were just on the Star Princess in E404. I looked at the view in both first. There is more machinery just outside 404 but still good light. However, I was not expecting the difference in floor plan. E212 had the corner access washroom with a tighter smaller closet so we put suitcases under the bed. E404 had a side access washroom and a much bigger closet. If you are on a long trip and would value the storage space, you may want to consider this.


    My 3 cents.


  4. Nice vid. I would love to visit, but where is it? Never mind. I found it on the Ilse of Capri. (Should have given Google the question first.)


    Looks fun but found a photo of 30 row boats gathered to enter. Highly suspect you spend way more time getting there and getting in than being in the blue grotto itself. (Then again, I did a 45 minute bus ride to get to the top of a 90 second zip ride. Who am I to talk too much??)

  5. It would depend on the bug. Some take a real killer frost to knock down. Mosquitos here in Edmonton Canada will be back until the overnight hits 0 C or -32 F. Shame to say, but not cold for us.

  6. I do feel for the OP. The ship I want the most is not doing the route I want the most at any time I can get holidays off to get there. And when I search and find the perfect combination, I would have to sell my house and car and so a side deal with the Devil to get the cash to go.


    All travel involves some level of putting up with some hassle to get the to the good stuff and cruises are no different. Narrow down your dream to the element which really need to happen to get the vacation you want and can afford, they stay flexible on the rest.


    PS: Enjoy the Oasis of the Seas.




  7. Our travel agency has a 24 hr contact number. After checking, we tossed that on the tags with our names. Any airline or hotel which needs to find us can contact them with our name and the agents name. We gave a cell too but since you can not KNOW you will ALWAYS have cell coverage on a cruise, you need a better plan B.

  8. We did one Caribbean cruise with a balcony. Nice but we did not find we used it that much. The open deck are always just a minute away. We have since done two cruises in Obstructed Ocean Views. We get sunlight to wake us and that is all we need. Plus, it saves a bit of coin. Partner did a few cruises alone with inside cabins and if the price were right, I might consider that. Still, OV is nice.


    We go for midship front to back and midship or lower for deck. If the sailing is always smooth, this would not matter. Anybody who doubts this, I suggest you go to the highest inside space on the ship -- usually a lounge -- sit in a chair and close your eyes. Imagine sleeping with that much motion! Never been sea sick, but it can trigger if you push your limits.


    We too avoid having 'noisy' things on the floor above like a dance club but also just a deck around a pool as the setting out of the deck chairs is a racket.


    My 3 cents,


  9. A bit of a side step, but the way some of you speak of the Quantum suggests there is a webcam or such to see the process. If there is, can you toss the URL.


    Also, just now I was thinking of the sameness of many of the new big ships. I realize most of that is just how you move a horizontal skyscraper thru the water and wind without burning too much bunker oil. I enjoy seeing new builds, in part, to see if they is anything about the ship which sets it apart in look save the colours and a logo on the funnel.




  10. Good point by NL2134. Sorry it did not work for you as it did for me. I have not had photos back from ALL the guests but enough it worked out. I fully expected to have to ask directly after and did so by coffee invites one person at a time. A bulk email is too easy to ignore -- my face less so. I would think you are still within the window this 'cherry picking' technique will work. I hope so.


    I did not have a plan B as you did for photos but also knew I could 'pressure' two sisters as needed.


    Best of luck with this.




  11. We tried the Star Princess on the way to Alaska. It was offered 4 nights and we tried the first available. The children's programs were still operating the floor above us and so we had the soundtrack of a ball game of some sort. Check this is NOT happening when you book.


    The food was not the best and it was not worth even thinking to book one of the three other nights it was offered. Battered and deep fried anything should never be on the menu if you are charging me $20 extra. Then again, it may be your style.


    * The ship reversed the charges after we complained.

  12. Some ships use a card of some sort as a key. Any card such as a credit card will do. Now that I think about it, that's kind of scary because it reads your cards and I don't know if it stores that info. Probably not, I guess I'm just being a little paranoid



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app



    It is any card with a black magnetic stripe. While it must read some of it and store

    that to save for later since it must compare the next card with the last. I have never

    seen this type of safe which keeps the data beyond that. If you are worried, take a

    store loyalty card.


    This type of safe is on its way out. Within the trade, I have never heard of the

    card reader used as a data skimmer. This is not saying it has never happened

    nor will be discovered next week, but they have been around for years and are

    well tested.

  13. The safe is a small box and can hold an iPad or similar tablet. Most do NOT hold full laptops. Ours on the Star Princess held the iPad, Canon camera, Folder of passport and travel papers and two wallets. The items were carefully stacked to fit and it was full.


    If you are tossing in any loose items like jewelery, bring a zip lock to toss them in. It is far to easy for a nice ring to get 'lost' in the overhanging lip at the bottom.


    And I work in this trade, so just to be clear Ship Security can open the safe. However, you room attendant and similar staff can not.




  14. I want to detail my thoughts on excursions. If I can get good solid info on the places I want to see in a port and have a choice of tour operators, I consider going outside the ship offerings. HOWEVER, I need to know the city map well and read the local language since I may need to get a cab to get back to the ship in time.


    If my boat was pulling into Hong Kong, I would NEED the assurance of a ship excursion to know I could talk to the guide in English and get back to the boat on time.


    For a new cruiser, I suggest starting with the ship excursion for their rather boring security and on later cruises move on.

  15. We were married in May and cruised in July. I just explained how I did the

    wedding photos in the 'Wedding Forum' should you jump over there to look.


    I am being a bit political in posting about my SSM from Canada in that forum as

    it is dominated by the male-female couples. I am not hoping but draw fire but we

    shall see.


    Besides, my idea saved me perhaps $500 on my wedding. And the whole event

    is fully paid off.




  16. We were married in May and took a cruise in July. I chose to try something to

    save some coin. I did not hire a photographer for the day. Instead, I invited all

    my guests to share their photos after the day. I know these would be candid shots

    but would document the people and the event. I also have never understood

    shots of the couple getting dressed. I wanted the ceremony and reception and my

    friends came through. I also knew a few of the planned guest were the dSLR

    types. One of those tossed 309 photos back to us.


    We are not rich and also felt a need to have a modest wedding. I planned and

    pulled it all off in one day in one building. The plan was for $4500 but it actually

    ran to $5200. Those of you who have hired a photographer know it would be a $500 to

    $1000 choice or more.


    We bought matching suits for the wedding and packed them up for the cruise

    complete with the same lapel pins. On the formal nights, we toured the

    photographers and the various backdrops. We were on Princess and found the

    chemistry with a male couple was better with a few of the photographers than

    others. I mentioned this over supper and a mixed couple said they found much

    the same. Sometimes, the photographer and you click.


    Over the next few days, we sifted through the photos and bought the 'winners' as

    decided by a select committee of US. Between the two formal night, we bought

    ten couple shots and one solo for each of us. So formal portraits for our wedding

    cost us about $250 and it was done when rested and relaxed.


    I am not saying anybody copy my plan, but if it is an idea you like, give it a try.


    And also, CONGRATS!!




  17. If the cruise is 2 weeks, check at the mid-point. If shorter, check the second last night or even night before. The last night is BUSY with those closing out accounts and it is a bit late to get the ship to reverse an errant charge. They can adjust a charge but need time.


    Of course, this is for checking if the charges are your own. It is not a way to keep your expenses under control if you are the type to over buy compared to your budget.


    Have fun and save your receipts.


  18. Wow - someone did some planning, and actually made a port that connects to something other than working docs??

    I wonder why we are so far away from anything in some of the ports we go to - do they not realize if you put a cruise ship with 2 - 3000 people on it close to the main city - we may get off and spend some time and money!!!



    Many places do not have a deep water dock for the ships. Frankly places

    become tourist/cruise stops well after the events which were the germ of the city

    or town. Or you limit which ports you can call on.



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