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Posts posted by lylone

  1. Regarding the toilet paper just double it use more lol I use charman and yes, I have to agree the toilet paper is very fine, perhaps a reason so it doesn't clog in the toilet but nobody is telling you how much to use lol


    Please don't use Charmin on the ship. We had our toilet in our room stop working twice. Once was in the early AM because of our neighbors and the other was a whole day because the whole system was clogged. Both from what we were told was because someone was using something other the thin toilet paper to flush. The toilet tissue is thin because it is biodegrades easily.

  2. My husband played a game called lucky lemmings and won $300 off of $20 on the Glory in November. We were shocked that the game just kept going. He decided to cash out and kept $40 for the next day. $40 on the same game the next day was handed back to Carnival. But $260 off $20 is still not bad!

  3. We have yet to actually see true chair hogs on cruise. We have seen many chairs saved but haven't sat and watched the chairs to see if they are at all used.


    We did see a group of 8 chairs hogged at Disney World. We asked a couple who were there if we could have two of remaining 6 that didnt have butts in them. They removed the stuff and said sure. From 10a to 4p we never saw all 8 people even near the chairs at any given time. Maybe one was in a chair and two were in the pool but never saw all 8 butts in chairs at the same time. Throughout the afternoon one or two would come along and take items off the remaining 6 chairs. One picked up a magazine off the chair and gave it to another woman in another row of chairs, teenager would grab sunglasses and a lady would grab t-shirts...then finally the one woman in a motorized scooter came at 4p and removed the remaining one item off each of the six chairs. Told us to have a good day and left.

    Now that is totally chair hogging! Items on chairs all day but only putting one or two butts in the chairs at a time. Yep they needed all 8 to hold their 8 items!

  4. Carnival's insurance has minimal coverage for evacuation and medical care. It also does not cover pre existing conditions at all.



    Does not cover pre -existing "at all"? That is not what I am reading. Sounds like only if that pre-existing condition changes 60 days before the cruise.


    Per the vacation protection's information:

    Pre-Existing Condition means an illness, disease, or other condition during the 60-day period immediately

    prior to your effective date for which you or your Traveling Companion, or Immediate Family Member who is

    scheduled or booked to travel with you:

    1) received or received a recommendation for a diagnostic test, examination, or medical treatment;


    2) took or received a prescription for drugs or medicine.

    Item 2) of this definition does not apply to a condition which is treated or controlled solely through the taking

    of prescription drugs or medicine and remains treated or controlled without any adjustment or change in the

    required prescription throughout the 60-day period before coverage is effective under this Policy.

    If you have any questions concerning this exclusion, please call 1-800-331-2796 for further clarification.


    So if no changes in the 60 days prior to cruise then pre-existing conditions don't exist the way i read it.

  5. FTTF was worth it for us on this last cruise. After being on hold on the phone for 20 minutes and then the line dropped, it was nice to walk right up to GS and be helped instead of waiting in the long "argument" line. Our toliet in our room stopped working and 20 minutes had already gone by. I will spare you the details but you can guess why it wasn't good to wait longer...

  6. We got a call a week ago from the upsell fairy for our 11/14 cruise on the Glory. $400 from OS to GS. Jumped all over that since it was less than 1/4 the price it would be to get into the GS from an OS.

    This will be my 3rd cruise and 2nd upsell. Don't think that being a certain VIFP status makes a difference.

  7. Just back from our Glory cruise. The upgrade fairy called at 4 pm the day before our cruise and we got the Grand Suite for 650 extra, glad we did, had an extra sea day.

    However, after sailing we called to have the temperature checked and were told it was operating according to Carnival standards.

    I know they keep it warm to save on fuel costs, but that doesn't fly in the face of today's fuel cost being so low.

    So wanted to suggest a fan if you are going.


    BEST food ever!


    We will write a review latter.

    Which GS were you in? We just got a call from the upsell fairy and upgraded to a GS for our 11/14 on the glory. Would be upset if the room was warm!

  8. I was not putting you down because you plan ahead, and considering your condition it is a good idea. It read as if you were scolding people for not picking up money, credit cards, etc, but only their cell phones. I was simply trying to inform you, in case you had not had the time to read the entire thread, that people did not have the chance to go back to their cabins. The passengers in this situation already had an unpleasant time, to say the least, and did not deserve to be told they should of done something differently.


    I rarely post on Cruise Critic, with the exception of Roll Calls, because it irritates me to see people say 'you should have done it my way'. For me and many cruisers I have spoken to they do not carry much around with them on the ship, and this freedom is part of the appeal of cruising. If it had been me I would not even had a phone, as my flip phone costs too much to keep on while out at sea, and it does not work in most ports (except continental U.S.)


    Saying "I plan ahead", and "People want to take chances...they can" just sounds like you feel you are superior to most people in this unfortunate situation. I hope nothing bad ever happens to you in which people scold you, rather than have empathy.


    I was just stating that maybe this situation is a reminder to all of us to take some extra steps in case of an emergency.

    After all it was the OP that stated they were off the ship with no ID and no money.

    Yep, and you know me all so well. I have had the same life experiences as everyone else and should be ever greatful that people point that out that I have no empathy.

    Wait.. I am the one who has had to live with a heart condition since I was 19. I am soooo high and mighty. Thanks for reminding me of that!


    And thanks for reminding me why I don't post often. Because instead of opinion posts the boards are full of attacks!

  9. If you had read the whole thread you would know that they were sent off the ship without the opportunity to "plan ahead....essentials together....grab in an emergency".


    I enjoy the freedom, as I know many others do, of being able to walk around the ship with just a sign and sail card in my pocket, or on a lanyard. Some people also carry their phones to have the time, send or receive a quick message, or take pictures. No one said people went back to their rooms and only grabbed their phones.


    I have really enjoyed this thread because Pauley gave us info without opinions on what others should do or not do.


    Sorry, but I do plan ahead whenever I walk out the door or go anywhere and have cell, ID, one credit card and medical cards in cell phone case. Having a heart condition that likes to rear it's ugly head at the worst opportune times has taught me to always be prepared. There may be times when you don't have the opportunity to go back to the room, go to your desk at work or etc. Hence I am always prepared. People want to take chances.. they can.

  10. I wonder.. So OP posted they were evacuated off the ship with no money and no ID?

    If you can grab a call phone always grab money and ID. ID, credit cards and medical cards are always in my possession no matter what. We have become a warped society to always have a cell but not ID and money.

    This is just the case to plan ahead for and all essentials together in one spot ready to grab in an emergency.:D

  11. Every state has different laws. In GA it is a "work at will" state and companies can fire and let you go for any reason.

    If I was told I couldn't go on a previous approved vacation, I would go anyway and tell them to fire me and then apply for unemployment.

    I have had to move personal plans many times this year during non business hours for my current company and enough is enough.

    I don't live for work!

    I even missed a family reunion this year and was told a week and a half before it happened. I am quite sick of companies taking advantage of workers!

  12. We each have one bag with wheels and then a back pack. We always self assist. If you can carry your items off easily I would do it. I have seen some pretty small but proud kids walking with a rolling suitcase behind them.

  13. We got a call 4 week before we sailed on the Legend in April last year. We went from an OC to a GS for $600 total. "Its the largest room on the ship" blah blah blah. It was more room but for two of us it wasn't worth it. If we were sailing with family and friends it may have been worth it. It was the first time I used a bidet. But still not worth the money.

  14. We were on the Legend last week and they did have the Foster's "oil cans" but they were not available in a bucket. We also didn't see any Sam Adams on the ship. We did see Blue Moons in Serenity but they were in glass bottles and hence had to be poured in a cup.

    You may want to say what ship you are looking at sailing on because it seems like the availability is based on the ship.

    I am not a fan of Fosters but the Red Frogs were awesome :)

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