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Posts posted by sarawithanh

  1. The return Charlotte flight has another flight that evening at 10pm. Should we book that or just wait?


    This is all so confusing and I know grandpa "wasn't aware" that he has to pay deviation fee....so of course that argument will be taken up with TA or Regent knowing him. Sigh.


    Things got a little loud on the phone last night between my mom and grandpa as she was trying to relay the information to him. My dad was texting me letting me know situation lol

  2. Hellooo


    So we got our tentative flight itinerary. and like I said before, our TA sucks. She is an older lady but she forwarded the itinerary to my mom (not my grandfather) and didn't even put a comment or anything.


    6/20 6:30PM IAD ---> Heathrow 6:40AM 6/21 (8hour flight)

    5 hour layover in London


    6/21 11:40am London ---> Nice, France 2:40pm


    I guess this gives us time to get our bearings, a nap, shower, late dinner/casino if we feel up to it.


    The return flight is a bit hairy.


    6/29 2:30pm Barcelona --->Charlotte NC 6:15pm


    7:49pm Charlotte---> Dulles 9:07pm.


    I'm worried about that 45min layover to get through customs and onto our connecting flight. That is so not enough time - is it?

  3. oh my god. I'm knocking on wood but I've never had lost luggage.


    that being said, thanks to the suggestion above about splitting clothes up between suitcases - I always do hubby in one and mine in the other, but it makes sense to mix them up.


    I think I will try to do that with mine and gramps luggage in June. We are definitely going to have 1 stop for our flight to France. eeeeeeek.


    I was trying to see if I could pack in a carryon - but I don't think I'm physically capable of that for a cruuuuuuuise :D

  4. Do not buy a disposable. The quality sucks.


    You can find plenty of waterproof digital cameras for $100 or less.


    I personally love my Olympus Tough camera.


    I know Fuji has something cheaper than $100.


    I use it at the pool when we go on beach vacations and I bring it to the beach too.

  5. Patiently waiting for your next update :) :)


    Hope you are feeling better.


    Also - maybe I missed it - but what is the brand of champagne beer? I've never heard of it, but I"ll have to try to find it on Summit in January I guess. Maybe sooner if I can find it in the grocery store here.....I bet either World of Beer or Total Wine would have it in my neck of the words.


    brand and pic or link would be much appreciated ;)

  6. Being in Northern VA i've only heard/read about the shortage.


    I have a lime sitting in my fridge, we had fish tacos the other night :D


    maybe i'll pay attention at the grocery store this week and check out the lime situation


    no bigs, hopefully they are back in business for my june sailing to med :)

  7. make sure you back the ipad up before anybody does anything to it!


    if you can make it to an apple store before your sailing, i highly recommend that.


    i had an issue with my phone, walked into the store, and walked out a mere 5mins later with my issue fixed.


    but if you can't go to an apple store - i'm sure the techie's on board will be able to figure it out too

  8. Are they really getting rid of the sea day grand brunch????


    gahhhhhhh this is what was getting me excited for Summit in January!


    I know they did away with the grand midnight buffets years ago, but I liked the idea of a sea day buffet.


    I love a good ice carving and the artistry of setting up/displaying foods.

  9. Thanks for the tip! Removed the dry erase board from my "packing pile" :D I've save it for the Celebrity cruise I'm going on in Jan with my parents and husband instead - probably will be useful there too!


    Lightens the load a bit for Regent trip!


    Thanks for the tip about Monocao - I was hoping to get some nighttime photos - we depart at 10pm so I'm sure I can sneak up on deck to watch as we leave.

  10. The "gain" is mostly water weight and normalizes after a week of being back to your regular routine on land.


    Keep yourself hydrated.


    If you are really worried, stick to low carb diet on cruise. or do Paleo on cruise.


    I will come back after a cruise and "gain" 10lbs on the scale, but after a week back at home, its mostly gone.

  11. Thanks new London! I'm sure the torus are fine. I'm kind of looking forward to relaxing on this trip and spending the morning doing excursions and the afternoon working out or sunning on the ship while he naps


    I'm easy to please :) And it takes a lot to really make me angry


    Anywho. Looking forward To it - just need to get through 6 more weeks of school. I asked my mom where the fast forward button for life is. Teehee!

  12. Thanks!


    oooh the pool grill has energy bars to grab and take with us??? SOLD!!!


    I usually just pack my own from the states (clif bars, trail mix etc) for any trip I take.


    LOL my family had lunch in Costa Rica of clif bars, trail mix and fruit b/c we didn't feel like sitting down and eating overpriced food at one of the tourist traps ;)


    excellent, thanks for the info. I'm just not ready to bug the TA - she'll get a lot of bugging once the flights are released 7 weeks prior ;) and I find I get better info here on the boards.


    yeah for water bottles too - I usually bring my own bottle and refill with water. my water bottle goes with me everywhere, night stand at home, desk at work, car, inside next to tv. everywhere.


    mom said I have to be "delicate" pushing my grandfather to drink water, he doesn't like water. :cool:

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