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Posts posted by FireMedT

  1. [quote name='DGP1111'][COLOR=darkred]And I have done it as well ;), but I personally anticipate that will change [B]. . .[/B] eventually (as it already has with some other cruise lines).[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=darkred]Under the current CCL design you seem to be able to do with your money what [U]you[/U] wish.[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=darkred]First corrective step would be to disallow generic [I]CruiseCash[/I] funds to be used for gaming, and stated in the fine print. Second step would be to create [I]CruiseCash-Bet[/I] (like [I]Cruise Cash-Bar[/I], being for [U]specific[/U] onboard spending). Those who want to have pre-funded casino moolah would have this as their source.[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=darkred]Step three would be to have the initial amount coded as 'Promo', which can [U]not[/U] be withdrawn as cash, but [U]only[/U] used for betting [B]. . .[/B] any/all of the winnings on the Promo bucks would be available for withdrawal.[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#8b0000]Of course, if CCL decided to go this route, many would scorn about how NCL-ish they'd become (although it works pretty much without exception for NCL)[/COLOR]


    If it's someone's money that put into an account (cruise cash), then why should they not be able to use it on the ship as they wish and get it back when the cruise is over? Why make someone buy Casino Cash, Bar Cash, Cruise Cash and so on?
  2. That stinks that you can't get your money back, but on the Carnival site it's in plain view. I don't think I would ever purchase cruise cash just because of that last sentence. Why risk having to spend left over money on whatever I can think off to avoid leaving it behind? Just use a credit card. But I can understand that some people don't want to or can't.


    "Cruise Cash provides an immediate credit to a guest's Sail & Sign account. This credit is good for any charge made to their account including taxes and gratuity charges. Cruise Cash is valid for a single voyage and cannot be transferred to future bookings. Cruise Cash is non-refundable and any unused credits will be forfeited."

  3. Heya,


    I'm hoping to get some time of in January and I'm hoping to go on a cruise. Problem is, I'm gonna be all by myself...


    From my understanding - solo cruisers are at a disadvantage for 2 reasons

    1- Activities are primarily aimed at couples, or 2+

    2- Cruise prices themselves go up from 1.5-1.9x the price


    So I was wondering if anyone knew of any single friendly cruises (other than epic) - friendly (hopefully) in pricing then activities?






    Most lines charge a single supplement. If you go on a "singles cruise" you still have to share a room with a total stranger unless you pay to get your own room. It's the way cruising is. Unless you go on the NCL Epic or shop around and find a sale like Carnival was having that didn't charge a supplement. But those were at certain ports on certain dates.


    If you want to travel alone and not share a room with someone, then you will more than likely have to pay more. I look at is as a choice to have my privacy and have my own room.


    As far as activities. What activities are you talking about that are aimed at couples? Only one that is really aimed at couples is the love and marriage on Carnival. I can't think of anything else that's couples only.

  4. I also enjoyed the breakfast burritos from Blue Iguana Cantina on the Glory. I didn't even pay attention to the "fake" eggs. On the other hand I only had 1 Guy's burger during the entire 7 day cruise. Once was enough. I'll give them another try on my next cruise but as much as I love a good burger, I just wasn't too impressed to justify the calories.

  5. I should add that I was worried when I sat down on the first night and one of the married women said to me, after I told her I was solo, "bless your heart". Then she told the person next to her I was alone and the "wow, she's by herself" buzz passed around the table like that old game Telephone. One of the women who was traveling with her friend said "oh, I would never do that" as she stared at me. I felt like punching her (wouldn't that have been the talk of the cruise). She ended up being my least favorite tablemate; we just didn't gel.


    Maybe by saying "oh, I would never do that" she was saying that she didn't have the courage to do it or couldn't do it because of being in a relationship.


    I think I would have looked right back at her and said "Why thank you so much! It's great to be able to travel alone and be free to do what I want! You really should try it some time."

  6. I went solo on a Carnival 7 day cruise in March and the first day onboard was my birthday. I didn't reserve the cruise as a special occasion but while talking with the people seated at my table I mentioned it was my birthday and the server brought a slice of cake with a candle and they all sang happy birthday. It was a little weird but I had a good time. It's really up to you to let others know. But I would say go on the cruise and have a great time if the other option is to stay at home.

  7. Price on the Triumph was too good to pass up. So, I'm now booked for the Halloween cruise. Probably not the best cruise to go solo for the first time, but I'm going for it. Past cruises I ended up doing most things on board alone, so that won't bother me too much. How is dining alone in the MDR? Any problems or stares when sitting alone at a table reading? Any tips?


    On my last cruise I was solo for the first time. I was seated at a table with one married couple, 2 pairs of ladies travelling as solo friends. It was a little awkward sitting for a long dinner like that with so many strangers but we all chatted and got along well. There were nights that some people didn't show. People will ask why you are travelling alone. I was asked that several times on the cruise during the first dinner, at brunch, at the bar, and on shore. Saying something like "no one else could come and it was better on my own than not going at all." People react well to that.


    If you plan on sitting alone at the MDR, then that's your choice if that's what you want. I doubt that anyone will give you any disapproving looks. If they do, don't pay them any mind. But me personally, I would get kinda lonely sitting there for so long by myself. I would rather go to the buffet.


    Try the MDR and see how it goes. You can check to see what your table looks like as far as solos, couples, kids on the first day in the MDR. Me personally, I would avoid tables with families that have small children.

  8. I don't think anyone was asking for a justification on why we cruise solo. I think it was more of a conversation. In fact this very question has been asked before multiple times here. There are countless articles to be read on the very subject on blogs, magazines, and travel sites. I doubt anyone meant any offense.


    If you go on a cruise thinking that people see you alone and automatically think you are a creep because you are alone or that you are a loser, then you will more than likely not have a good time.


    I personally would love to go on a cruise with friends but I don't want to share a room. I like my privacy. I don't have a girlfriend and I'm not going to let that keep me from a great vacation. In fact it's no one's business why you are alone on a cruise. You are the one who chooses to share or not to share while making conversation with someone on the ship. This very question was asked during dinner, while I sat in a hallway, at shows, and on excursions. Not once was anyone rude. In fact several replies were "wow I wish I could do something like that" or "good for you!"


    Cruising alone you have the freedom that many people don't. You can do whatever you want and when you want it. I am the responsible one. If I go with a bunch of friends, I'm usually the one worried about schedules, keeping the drunks out of trouble, and other things like that. I would rather not bother with it. Cruising is an escape and I don't need the same bull I deal with following me on a vacation.


    So no one is asking you to justify your reasons, just to share and make conversations. Because in fact, you might encourage someone else to take the cruise they've always wanted to but haven't because they are alone.

  9. I am one that thinks that getting charged double because I am traveling alone is unfair. But I will tell you what made it a little easier to pay for two while cruising solo. My first cruise was supposed to be 4 friends from work. By the time the cruise went 2 had backed out so I went with one other friend. We had fun but every night I had to hear his horrible snoring. Earplugs and even trying to listen to music with those inside of the ear head phones didn't work. I was miserable every night.


    My second cruise I went solo and slept in peace, did what I wanted when I wanted. So the way I think about it is, I guess I am paying to have my own room, my privacy, and freedom. Yes, it sucks that Carnival and others may charge double. But I try to find the lowest price I can and deal with it. If I had a significant other to cruise with then I would love cruise with her. But being single now I'm not going to skip a nice cruise. I just try to make the best of it. But my next cruise I will be going on the EPIC in one of the studio rooms.


    I don't think the number of solo's is enough that if we all stopped cruising on lines that charged 200%, that they would notice the difference. And yes we have a choice. Either we pay and cruise or we avoid them and make a point. I don't think they'd care really.

  10. I have a question for you solos who have cruised on both lines. I have cruised twice on Carnival before. For my next cruise I'm tempted to try the studio cabin on the EPIC. The idea of having a place to gather with other solos is a plus. Also the Epic seems to have a lot more variety in all areas compared to say Carnival Liberty or Glory out of Miami.


    So here's the deal. I live in Miami and I am looking at a cruise in Novermber. Carnival's 7 day cruise has 4 ports and Norwegian's has 3 ports. With Carnival's current sales I can get an inside for about the same price as a studio on the EPIC.


    So I guess my question is what seems the better choice?


    What did you guys/girls enjoy about the EPIC compared to Carnival?

  11. " They told me it was because I was by myself. Apparently, customs agents see a solo cruiser, and think "drug runner" or something like that. It happened in Port Canaveral. "


    The first time I cruised from Port Canaveral I got a letter on the last night telling me that all Canadians and other "aliens" must report at 6 AM sharp for pre-clearance with US Customs. The Americans could sleep in and disembark, without this hassle, at their leisure. I didn't mind getting up early but I resent being called an "alien". I wanted to tell the agent that I was from the Canada galaxy, Toronto quadrant, but I didn't.



    I'm curious. Why only Canadians? What about people from other countries?

  12. Don't even worry about what people may think. It doesn't matter and shouldn't affect your vacation. There are many people who travel solo. There are sites, blogs, Youtube channels just for solo travelers. Go and enjoy your trip and don't pay anyone any mind who has any judgement on you.


    Not all friends can schedule vacation time together. Not all families can get together to travel. Not everyone can get days off from work at the same date. Some of us like to have a room to ourselves. Some of us can't sleep with someone who snores.

  13. I booked my first ever solo cruise. Im a mid40's, married, mom to 3 beautiful girls. Im very excited to try this new adventure.


    I've been reading the solo boards for a while now and thank you so much for all the information.


    I feel pretty comfortable with my decision, just a little nervous about dining, which seems to be a common theme.


    It's easy to understand the jitters about dining and actually going alone. But let me tell you that I have had good experiences cruising alone. During my excursions other people asked me to join them, during shows people asked me to sit with them, at dinner I had a good time making conversation with the table mates. People will ask questions and wonder why you would go alone on a cruise. When they would ask me I would tell them that I needed a break from work, had some vacation time and no one else could come with me so instead of sitting at home and wasting it, I decided to cruise! Sure there can be some close minded, insecure, or ignorant people who might react negatively but all I got was "wow you are so brave!" or "That's great, good for you!"


    I think the important thing to remember is that you are doing this for you and why stay home when you could be having fun and experiencing new things. Alone? So what? You are free to do whatever you want. You don't have to compromise and miss the things you want to do.


    I would recommend not to sit at a table with a just couples or families with kids if you can avoid it. Better to sit with other solo travelers or group of friends. If you feel like you can't handle it, or can't get moved, then there is always the buffet option.

  14. As I once read somewhere, an extrovert gets his energy from being around others. For an introvert, being around others robs him of his energy, and he must have time alone to recharge.


    Very interesting. All this time I never really realized that. Cruising for me gives me a chance to escape and it does wonders for me. Until I come back home that is. lol. Coming back home and back to work stinks.



    One of the women stands up and loudly states "we are not comfortable with THAT at the table!". The Maitre D who was a major jack'**s the whole trip just kind of rolled his eyes and said "well I have to sit IT somewhere". I seriously wanted to crawl under the carpet and go back to my room. Instead I just sucked it up with out telling them all to collectively go ***K themselves or something equally harsh.


    Wow! I cannot imagine anyone actually acting this way because they are sitting with a person traveling alone. In all my travels via cruise, land, and air I have never experienced this. That is just ridiculous and I think I would have definitely told them all to go *($# themselves and the maître de also.

  15. I really enjoyed all your photos but I have to tell you that reading this review at this time was a big mistake for me. I'm on a diet!!!! And looking at all that food has me craving all the things I've been skipping and specially missing from the ship. Like eating desert 3 times a day!!! :eek:


    But seriously awesome work on the review.

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