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Posts posted by CTH

  1. Direct link to the large version of the fleet photo here https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bs_vjpBIQAAU78e.jpg:large

    I wonder what the role of the sailing yacht KIDAN is in this convoy. Does anybody know? How practical is a sailing vessel in such a convoy?

    I was wondering about KIDAN aswell. Maybe she belongs to Nick Sloane or Captain Hans Bosch, who wants his own sleeping accomodation nearby during the 5 day trip to Genoa? She's moored up in Giglio harbour at the moment.


    Edit: She was in the harbour as of yesterday afternoon according to Vesselfinder.com

  2. A fairly large Italian patrol vessel called CP941 U.DICIOTTI now sitting just beyond the 4 tugboats in the mist.


    Assuming she will escort CC on her final voyage to Genoa on Tuesday?


    Thanks to everyone for all the links/photos over the last few days!

  3. Hadn't noticed it yesterday, but the vertical mast on the ship's bow is now clearly a few feet above the waterline. Think I'm correct in saying that the ship's bell hung from this mast, of course before some thieving monkey stole it in the early days!....


    The bow can now be only a few inches from breaking the water surface, been comparing the two live feed pictures to library photos of CC.

  4. Something is going on with Concordia.


    At about 2:30 (Italy time) there was a couple of large flashes of red that came out the side. Then there was a lot of smoke and red embers falling out. If you look at the front sponsons, next to them there are 6 white pole looking objects. Whatever took place was above the 2 on the left.

    If you look at today's http://www.kielmonitor.de/kino.php?cam=concordia there is some flashing light during hours of darkness in the area you mentioned, looks like welding work?


    They appear to be continuing with threading the chains between the 2 platform cranes on either side of CC's stern this morning.


    The crews of the 4 tugboats constantly pulling against CC's port side must have some serious amounts of patience! Some of them have been there for 4 days now, constantly chugging away day and night, but without going anywhere!.... They obviously don't trust the idea of using anchors and chains at the moment.

  5. I'm finding this to be the best picture, lots of zooming in & a sharp focus!


    CC's bow appears to have moved across towards the sea.


    Glad to see that a lot of the media are still remembering Russel Rebello, the Indian waiter who is the only victim still missing, I so hope they still manage to recover him.

  6. theparbucklingproject.com tweeting that "the Concordia has detached from the platform. Refloating".


    I'm seeing on the Giglionews Porto Panoramica webcam that there is froth coming from the sterns of tugboats Garibaldo & Red Wolf, ie they are under propulsion but without moving forward. I'm therefore assuming that they are gently pulling on CC's port side with long cables to stop her drifting into shore now that she's afloat.


    CC's now leaning the opposite way towards her starboard side/shore side.


    I totally agree with you iMicki, its so very sad to see such a lovely ship in this state.


    How many of you will be watching in the morning??

    I'll certainly be watching on whichever livestream is available!


    Just had a quick look at today's http://www.kielmonitor.de/kino.php?cam=concordia . At around 3mins 5 secs the two vessels (I think!) Garibaldo and Red Wolf both fire great water cannons into the air, Red Wolf has 2 & Garibaldo has 1 with a longer reach. Not sure if they are dispersing surface oil etc at that time, or testing them ready for next week for dispersing surface pollution (or Greenpeace!!....)?

  8. Still no update from Reuters regarding a live feed, have noticed on the http://www.isoladelgiglio.net/webcam.html that there are 5 media vans with satellite dishes on their roofs, plus what looks like 2 marquees/tents next to them, located near the end of the harbour wall next to the beach (bottom left hand corner of the frame looking down on the marina). Hoping one of these vans is Reuters!


    Tugboat Resolve Earl now approaching Giglio from mainland overnight stay.

  9. Its hard to believe that Reuters wont have a camera there after the great job they did on the parbuckle.

    Does anyone know if there will be anyone aboard CC on the day??

    I updated Reuters 2 days ago with the revised start date of the 14th & asked if there was an update re the live feed. They replied saying; "Thanks again. I know that Reuters will cover it, or it is expected to. I still do not know if we are running a live stream." So, none the wiser!


    If you click on the http://www.isoladelgiglio.net/webcam.html and wait for it to zoom right in on CC, you can see the 3 portacabin style containers on top of CC, which I'm assuming are the same ones that were on the barge infront of CC during the parbuckle and provide the control room as Telken mentions.


    I'd be ever so slightly nervous being in the control room on the day!! However I do recall there being quite a few workers clambering around the caissons adjusting the strand jack cables during the parbuckle. Very brave people!...

  10. I emailed Reuters earlier today asking if they're providing a live feed of the refloat, as they kindly provided one last year for the parbuckle.


    The Editor at Reuters Global Editions has replied saying he doesn't know yet, but will find out and tell me.


    They are apparently extremely busy at the moment.

  11. You are correct Mike, the crane is scheduled to go either today or tomorrow.

    Meanwhile Blizzard is now in the Straights of Gibraltar and due in Piombino on 12th. I don't think it is needed for the re float is it?

    I would love to know what arrangements are being made for the webcam coverage for the refloat. Wasn't it Reuters who provided the coverage for the parbuckle?

    You're correct Clive, it was Reuters who covered the parbuckle, hopefully they will cover the lifting aswell.


    If I'm reading the latest 7 day lookout correctly on the weekly report, they are planning on being ready this Friday (11th July) to be in a position to start the first stages of the lift, weather pending?


    Blizzard has increased her speed very slightly, maybe she's re-aiming to arrive on Friday rather than the scheduled Saturday.


    Tugboat Resolve Earl now moored up in Piombino, tugboat Blizzard cruising round the NE tip of France, she's not covered much distance since last night, so maybe she dropped anchor overnight.

    Sorry, ignore the last bit, I had the map on the wrong scale!! Blizzard's actually covered a couple of hundred kms since I checked yesterday!....


    Blizzard is also classified as an 'Anchor Handling Vessel' according to Marine Traffic. I assume 'it does what it says on the tin'?!

  13. Just looking at the site today I notice that Conquest has lowered the big crane. As BE said the other day perhaps its work is done and perhaps she is preparing to leave the site.

    I can't remember how they assembled the 'T' crane sitting on top of CC. They may need Conquest's large crane to de-assemble the T crane in the next week before re-floating?


    Glad to see Reuters are now reporting updates on CC, hopefully they are polishing up their live camera lenses ready for us to look through in the next few days! The BBC here in the UK have been reporting updates in the last 24 hrs.


    Tugboat Resolve Earl now moored up in Piombino, tugboat Blizzard cruising round the NE tip of France, she's not covered much distance since last night, so maybe she dropped anchor overnight.

  14. Well Mario B after kidding us that she was on her way to Giglio spent the night sheltering from the wind down the east coast.

    She has now cleared the island and is heading towards Giglio.

    Clive, think she's still kidding us!


    She's showing up on Vesselfinder as stationary, approx 5km off Elba's East coast, been there for a little while now.


    Guessing she'll head towards Giglio overnight for a morning arrival.

  15. Mario B looks to be heading for the North side of the Island of Elba, presumably to take shelter from the wind.


    I did a very rough guestimate when Mario B left Livorno & thought she would arrive at Giglio around lunchtime today (local time).


    So there is a delay for whatever reason, hope everything is ok & still on schedule!

  16. I am keeping my eye on Mario B which is still docked in Livorno. I am guessing she will bring P1 & P2. Perhaps it will be a sign of some urgency if she leaves tomorrow for a Monday morning arrival.

    Or perhaps I have got it wrong again.

    Afternoon Clive,


    Just had a quick look at Vesselfinder.com, Mario B appears to be on the move, slowly navigating her way along the channel heading out of Livorno docks. Anyone know of any webcams in the area?

  17. This morning Voe Earl has returned to the wreck site and Mario B is doing laps off the coast of Elba.

    Might just be my imagination but I think Mario B might finally be on the move, heading back towards Giglio (been watching VesselFinder.com).

    Mindyou, now I've posted this she'll probably do a U-turn and add another lap off Elba!

    Can't find any resort webcams to 'spy' on Mario B.

  18. Just played catch up for the day by watching the Kielmonitor link posted earlier on, they've lifted the damaged S13 out of the water & onto the barge with 1 sponson already on board, then towed that barge away & brought the other barge in with the 2 new sponsons on board, they're preparing to lift one of them at the moment.

  19. Just in case anyone doesn't have the link below....you can choose any date and watch the whole day's activities around the ship in 4 or 5 minutes. I clicked on April 30th and watched the tug with the caissons go back and forth allllll day long.



    Must admit I'm finding this link very useful, thanks CruisersNC!


    Just watched yesterday's video & saw that they moved the crane barge back to the dis-lodged sponson last night, assuming they are righting it at the moment, looking at the webcam at the present moment the crane appears to be holding it in position.


    Also if you look at today's video using the above link, I think you can see a barge in the far distance moving across the water from left to right with 2 structures on it? I'm guessing this is a barge being towed by the tug Garibaldo mentioned by B.E. with another 2 sponsons on board? Garibaldo is now sitting just off the mainland according to Vesselfinder.com

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