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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Well my scale decided I was way to happy and gave me a little weight slap this a.m. 1 pound up but still in my window. I ate late and kinda heavy last night, so maybe that is why. Will get the water in mega loads today.
One of my client's son backed into my car today, crunched it to the tune of $2000. I felt so bad for the kid cause he had been sick, it was dark out still (stupid daylight savings time) and he didn't want to miss anymore school. Things happen.
Kdh and Jen...congrats on the losses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dawn...I know that bloated feeling is awful, makes my pants tight and I HATE that:~) You can do it though...lose that 10 pounds, mini goal...5 per week and then off to that
It amazes me the preconceived notions that people have about HCG. I even googled and searched for anyone who has died from this. The worst case scenerio I have even heard about is some hair loss that is not permanent. People need to research it and there are supplements that can be taken to take care of some side effects. My sister told me everyone she had seen on this diet looked greyish and unhealthy. I took some supplements, mainly B vitamins and potassium, but ended up stopping the potassium. Made my heart race and you do have to be careful about some supplements. She said I didn't look bad though...hahahahaha
Some people who do this diet, do not follow protocol and do have some increased problems, and please note I am not against people who choose alternative methods of HCG. I just chose to follow protocol cause I need structure. I have become more outspoken about HCG, now that I have the proof in the pudding so to speak. But I was very quiet about it at first because people were SO negative about it.
Anyways, enough ranting from me today. Off to the treadmill to get that darn pound off.
Have a great day everyone.
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[B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]Hi Girls,[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4] Weight the same this morning...thats my goal as I'm in p4 !!! [/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]Naysayers:mad: Just leave me alone, you do your thing I'll do mine...I tend to not even tell people about the diet...Just let them think I'am just dieting....I'm not looking to recruit anyone..I just want to do this for ME. [/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4] My Dh is also a DR. (DC) and he says it makes sense...And as long the drops homeopathic...and from a good source then its fine...[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=4]Off to eat a porkchop and salad !![/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
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Way to go Janet! I hope P4 goes well for you...are you going to do another round?
Have you added any starches or sugars in yet? I am trying really, really, hard to lay off as much sugar as possible, as I know that is where I lose my self control (what I have of it anyways) I have added some starches but have not yet eaten, rice, potatoes or pasta. I am going to make an effort to have those very rarely.
Have a nice evening everyone.
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Terry, I will definatley do another round ! Id like to loose 20 more lbs. I have to wait til after my cruise and then after Mother's Day weekend. I cruise on April 17th 7 days from NYC on NCL-Jewel to Florida and Nassau. Mother's day... a girls weekend (DD and BF) to Disney ! Disney has a ghiradelli ice cream shop that has dark chocolate hot fudge...I might make those my loading days. I have lots to look forward to. Summer is around the corner and I want to loose some more before then.

I have started to eat some carbs ...like you not pasta,potatoee or rice ...but maybe a 1/2 slice of bread or a breaded cutlet...no sugar ..I think that makes me crave sugar even more so I'm best to stay away from it...I did have that cupcake the other day. I can't say I enjoyed. I have had a french fry or 2 and onion rings the other day. I stay away from lots of starches and sugar and watch my calories..like NOT drinking them. (coco-cola)

My family doesn't live close by and they haven't seen me since I lost 28lbs...so it will be intersting to see if they notice my weight loss. Again I haven't told to many people that I'm dieting...I hate the responses.

Good night!
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[B]Good Morning... Me again,[/B]

[B]I just stepped on the scale and I'm down 2 lbs from yesterday ??? Thats a total of 5 lbs since I started P3 (now P4) Does anyone know if that is fine in the next Phase...Hey I don't mind. I guess the porkchops weren't bad last night !! should I increase my calories to get back into 2lbs maintence ...or not bother ...[/B]

[B]Hope everyone else's day goes just as well !!![/B]
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Janet - Congrats on your loss! I don't think that its a problem you are still losing, I think it's awesome! Yeah I opened up to a friend this weekend about it and I swore her to secrecy. Her and I always discuss weight loss but now I'm starting to regret it. I just hope she keeps it to herself. I just don't want everyone knowing because I've had some people make it clear they think it's a hoax. Of course she said she knows people who did it and gained it all back. so I explained to her that yes, if they continue to eat like they used to they will gain it back. I understand I can't eat like I did before.

Bighorn - Sorry about your car! I feel your pain because this morning my lights down the driveway were not on and I backed into a big rock and have some scratches, so not happy about it. At least you are in that 2lb window. There are tons of preconceived notions about HCG. I have not had any issues with hair loss thankfully! HCG makes me feel so much better, my headaches have decreased, more energy, feeling happier and losing weight. That all sounds good to me!!

Good morning to everyone and hope you all wake up to big losses!!

So, I gained almost a pound. I'm so upset! The bloating feeling is all gone and I was for sure I'd lose weight but nope. So, I'm doing a steak day. I haven't had a stall in awhile and my weight has been up and down the past few days so I think I need to do something different. I can't help but wonder if I just need a break for a few weeks from this. I have one more week of injections after this and then I'm starting P3. After Mother's Day I'll start it all over again. I figure I'll need another 2-3 rounds before I can get rid of all this weight. I'd love to be down 10lbs before my cruise but not so sure now. :(
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Morning ladies!!

Dawn, sorry to hear about the scale, but with the bloating gone, how are your clothes fitting? I found this weekend that even though I wasn't seeing movement on the scale, that my clothes were really fitting differently. Hope that holds true for you as well!

Janet, nice to see an unexpected loss! DH and I were talking about P3 last night, and he was saying that he doesn't see how we can help but lose a bit on it if we are eating basically a low carb Atkins style diet during that phase. I understand that they emphasize that you are supposed to just maintain you weight during this phase, but i don't see how some might continue to lose a bit more.

Bighorn, so sorry about your car. Even though you're not upset about it, it's still a pain to deal with repairs and all of that. Good for you for being understanding about the young man that hit it - it really doesn't do any good to get all upset about it, does it?

Scales were good again today, lost 0.6. I was hoping to lose 5 more by next Wednesday, but I'm almost half way there already, so maybe it will be more than 5 more at the end!!

Dawn, I'm like you and don't tell a lot of people how we are losing weight. I just don't need the negativity! :) We know what we are doing and it's working. Period.

Well, my daughter came home last night (she's on Spring Break) so we are off to spend the day together! I hope that you all have a wonderful day today!!
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Jennifer - have a great time with your daughter!! Yes, I am definitely noticing a difference in my clothes, finally!

Ok, so after talking with the lady I get the HCG from she has advised me to start P3 now. I've been on the low cal diet for 47 days now and it's possible that my body is just getting immune and it's best to just stop. So that means today was my last injection and I have to do the 3 days of VLCD. I'm SOOOO scared to do P3. I plan on just following SB guidelines but definitely staying away from any type of starchy food. It'll be weird to eat more....
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Dawn, it's most definitely time for you to move to P3! I was told if you are doing injections, you should only do 40 days of VLCD. My last injection will be next Wednesday (if my vial lasts that long, fingers crossed that it does). I'm looking forward to eating a few more things, some more variety will be nice. I haven't done SB before, but very comfortable with Atkins, so I'm going that direction. :) Not a lot of difference, but some.

I have had a wonderful day with my baby girl today, she's out helping her dad in the shop right now. I just finished cleaning up the kitchen after dinner - we had crispy garlic shrimp, it was wonderful.

See you ladies tomorrow, hope the scale is kind to all of us in the morning :)
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My scale will be angry tomorrow...I ate chinese lunch and dinner...with spinach salad just vinegar for dressing ...and lots of water. I attempted to make corned beef and cabbage but forgot to turn the crock pot ON...

Jennifer, How did you learn of HCG Diet...Being a pharmacist I'm interested to know your thoughts...what you tell people about the diet? Do people accept it better coming from someone with your background ?

Terry, How was the scale this am ?

Hope everyone had positive day !!!
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[quote name='Jifner']Dawn, it's most definitely time for you to move to P3! I was told if you are doing injections, you should only do 40 days of VLCD. My last injection will be next Wednesday (if my vial lasts that long, fingers crossed that it does). I'm looking forward to eating a few more things, some more variety will be nice. I haven't done SB before, but very comfortable with Atkins, so I'm going that direction. :) Not a lot of difference, but some.

I have had a wonderful day with my baby girl today, she's out helping her dad in the shop right now. I just finished cleaning up the kitchen after dinner - we had crispy garlic shrimp, it was wonderful.

See you ladies tomorrow, hope the scale is kind to all of us in the morning :)[/quote]

I've never done Atkins. I understand it to be the same but you can eat foods higher in fat right? For instance, I'd choose the fat free cream cheese and you would eat the regular stuff? Is that correct? Btw, I can handle FF sour cream but cream cheese just has to be low fat!! Some FF stuff is just gross to me.
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Janet...the Chinese meals may not cause you a gain...but if they do I'll bet it is the sodium. The scale was down, .6 So the teeter totter begins...no really it is fine as long as I am in my window. It is just hard to get over not losing anymore in P4.
Jennifer, enjoy your daughter's visit, hope you gals have some fun.
Dawn! Look at all of us who have made it or making it through P3, you will do fine, and enjoy some more food freedom.
Have a great day tomorrow!
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[B][SIZE=4]OOOh 3lbs up this AM....Has to be salt..I can't budge my rings....Drinking lots of water today.[/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4]Today is MY friday !!! although I must fill in for my boss on Saturday. When is vacation ?? I need it now. I want suntanned skin. [/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE=4]Hope you all have losses today and stay on track !![/SIZE][/B]
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Good morning losers!! Well I'm down a little over a pound thankfully. Finally nice to see that scale move down. Crossing my fingers it continues.

Janet - I'm sorry about your 3lbs. I'm sure it was all the sodium in that Chinese. You didn't eat any rice did you? That's a bummer you have to work. Vacation is soon I promise!! I leave in 22 days - Woohoo!!

Bighorn - Not sure why I'm scared because you girls are all doing great!!

So my P3 people - did you increase calories by increasing your protein? I have been eating 4oz of protein through the vlcd. I can't picture eating more but I know I have to. Do you snack on nuts, cheeses? I'm just trying to think about how I'm going to plan my menus now. Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks :)
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[quote name='block']

Jennifer, How did you learn of HCG Diet...Being a pharmacist I'm interested to know your thoughts...what you tell people about the diet? Do people accept it better coming from someone with your background ?


Janet, I really don't discuss the diet with many people other than a few co-workers here at the hospital that are doing it also. I tried to tell my sister about it, but she just freaked when she heard 500 calories. Since that, I haven't told anyone else even in my family. My mom did mention my weight loss when we went by to see her yesterday, though. :) I heard about the diet from a coworker who was also struggling to lose weight. There is a doctor who is starting to run a HCG clinic and is using us employees here as "test" patients. He is a super nice man, and is helping so many of us here to become more healthy. I feel blessed to have found this diet!

I did have a great day with my daughter yesterday! I miss her so much, but she's very busy going to college full time, working, in a sorority (and even fostering a dog for the local humane society!) I am so very proud of her, and enjoy just spending time and talking with her. And I will get to go visit my son next month (also full time student + working + fraternity!). Both of my kids are doing well in school and well on there way to becoming great young adults!

Well, the scale was the same for me today, but I know I didn't drink enough water yesterday, and I'm starting to think I'm constipated again (TMI):( Has anyone else struggled with this? It's the only unpleasant side effect that I have experienced, and it began a couple of weeks ago. I didn't have any troubles the first few weeks, wonder why???

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
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Dawn...I upped my protein, started eating breakfast for one thing, eggs and sausage or bacon. Added all the vegtables I wanted, except peas and corn...or any other high starch veggies. Added some dairy (yum cheese!)nuts and that old favorite of mine...OATMEAL! But I will warn you to add 1/2 servings of dairy, oatmeal and even fatty meats, see how you react. I went straight up to 1500 calories and have increased my calorie intake to about 1800-2000 a day. Some people gradually get the calories up but not me...LOL Who am I to deprive myself? LOL So the goal is to start adding some foods (no sugar-no starch) and maintain the LDW with a window of 2 pounds, although I allow myself a 3 pound window. I added in some protein/fiber bars for snacks and I will tell you, it is like candy for me. The guidelines in my book for snacks like trail mixes, snack bars or granola is.........Carbs 20 grams or less Fiber 2 grams or more Sugar 10 grams or less and protein 4 grams or more. I limited these snacks to see how the weight did. I found that in my physically active job, I can do 1-2 a day. The books also says Fiber One creamy Non fat yogurt or Dannon Light and Fit are ones they recommend.

All of these mentioned above are used with caution for 1st three weeks of maintenance.

I know when I don't drink the 60-80 oz of water a day, I have gains...must not be getting the sodium flushed out and therefore retention and weight gain.

I also found I had to count the calories (still do) to make sure you are getting at LEAST 1500 or you can gain by shorting yourself.

Jennifer...you sound so proud of your children! And well you should be, that is great that you have a great relationship with them. :~)

The constipation hits me too, and I NEVER had those problems before. I use Smooth Move tea, and generally works but I have had to take a little milk of mag a couple of times. If I don't get the water down, I can expect to "retain".

Back down to LDW this a.m. Headed to Nevada for the week-end so I hope I can find a scale in their gym, I am tempted to take my own, but I have to quit being so fussy about some things. My pants should tell the story and help keep me in line.

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I embellished alot of meals that I was allready eating...Add peanut butter to my apples with a cup of tea...makes you full. Also started eating breakfast- greek yougurt plain with oranges or berries. I don't use any artificial sweetners....no diet sodas....no corn or peas either. I stopped the melba toast thing in p3 wasn't working for me anymore had to cut it out. I very rarely use dressing..still just using white balsamic vingear. NO condiments aside from salsa. added more fruit. Larer portions of meat...and maybe a breaded cutlet too. No sugar . Cheese , jarlesburg lite swiss...mmmm I have that with salad...I'll make sausage and peppers or meatballs and melt mozzarella on top...very filling with the cheese.. The cheese (dairy) can really add the calories..good calories.


Good luck.

I ate a little corned beef today...I know the scale will stay the same tomorrow. I will be very busy tomorrow ..my only day off.

Good night ladies, Janet

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I began the HCG injections 4days ago and in 9 days will be going on a 7 day cruise. I need some suggestions. I will bring my injections, will exercise, stay off carbs, drink as much water as possible, but what will happen if I drink an occasional glass of wine? I will discuss choices with the dining staff and ask for balsamic vinegar over dressings, protein without sauces and vegetables without butter and oil. The difficulty I am also having is how to flavor water....My dr. said I could drink propel but any other suggestions? What should I bring to help me stay on the program as it is costly and I do not want to waste the week. stevia? I don't seem to have lost anything yet but did need to take smooth move tea for constipation. any suggestions also for coffee creamer?

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Jennifer---I am doing a happy dance for you and me. I am down another pound today.:D That means I might reach my mini goal of losing 3lbs this week. Today is only Tuesday so that is only 2 more pounds. I will have to drink lots of water, water, water. It is a good thing I like water.


Dawn---I am on P2 right now. I will do 1 more round of P2 before moving on to P3.


Any suggestions on how to get it down? flavorings?

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The worst case scenerio I have even heard about is some hair loss that is not permanent. People need to research it and there are supplements that can be taken to take care of some side effects.


It's weird that y'all are discussing this because I am experiencing some hair loss! I have been suspecting that I am losing hair for a while now, but tried to ignore it. I have VERY thick hair and am always "shedding", but it has been more than normal lately. It definitely feels thinner to me now when I'm washing my hair. When I put it in a pony tail holder, I have to twist the pony tail holder four times around my hair. It used to only go around it three times. I'm trying not to get freaked out about it, but I'm too scared to try another round of HCG. :(

During P2, I took vitamin B12 drops and whole food vitamin pills, but I discontinued them when I went to P3. Should I start them back up?

I'm just very thankful that my hair is so thick because I think it would be noticeable to the eye if my hair was thinner to begin with.

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Disney, No hair loss for me ??? I don't have much to begin with anyway. Maybe you should go back on the vitamins.


Welcome loribel, Why did you start so close to your cruise ??? You must be committed. Well, if your biggest struggle is flavoring water you could use lemon's, limes with stevia. Unsweetened Iced Tea was my favorite..just brewed and chilled. I also love the bubbley feeling of soda. I craved it.. I needed it and luckily I do like seltzer. My favorite is a vanilla seltzer mmm like cream soda. As far as creamer for coffee ?? I don't like coffee so that was not an issue for me...My protocol said I could have 2 tablespoons of milk a day...I didn't use it though. Every once in awhile in a smoothie with strawberries and ice.

Bighorn with give you her website for recipes !! It's great.


Good luck ladies...I dreading jumping on the scale again. My rings are still tight from the Chinese food. Yesterday had corned beef. I'am sure that didn't help.

Have a good day...ITS FRIDAY !!!!


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I began the HCG injections 4days ago and in 9 days will be going on a 7 day cruise. I need some suggestions. I will bring my injections, will exercise, stay off carbs, drink as much water as possible, but what will happen if I drink an occasional glass of wine? I will discuss choices with the dining staff and ask for balsamic vinegar over dressings, protein without sauces and vegetables without butter and oil. The difficulty I am also having is how to flavor water....My dr. said I could drink propel but any other suggestions? What should I bring to help me stay on the program as it is costly and I do not want to waste the week. stevia? I don't seem to have lost anything yet but did need to take smooth move tea for constipation. any suggestions also for coffee creamer?


This is a tough one Loribel, for me timing was everything to start this program. But since you are in and appear committed, if you can follow the food protocol, that is 1/2 the battle. There are many kinds of flavored Stevia in packets and drops to flavor the water. Lemon juice is allowed (1/2 lemon a day) and I used dry packets of lemon and also lime flavored packs for on the go called..True Lemon and True Lime. Look at your local health food stores for these and the Stevias. There is also a cream caramel or vanilla packets and drops of stevia for the coffee, is it like creamer? No, but it was better than black coffee for me.

You shouldn't have the wine, but I know that people that have and have done ok...you just aren't going to lose as much as fast.

How long is your cruise? Some people can stop for 4 days and then resume. If you have anyone in your area that sells the drops, maybe you could go and talk with them. Some naturopaths are into this.

The phase you are in now, (500 calorie) you shouldn't exercise but if your Dr. ok's it, I am not going to say you can't.

Good Luck and let us know if there is anything else we can help with.

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It's weird that y'all are discussing this because I am experiencing some hair loss! I have been suspecting that I am losing hair for a while now, but tried to ignore it. I have VERY thick hair and am always "shedding", but it has been more than normal lately. It definitely feels thinner to me now when I'm washing my hair. When I put it in a pony tail holder, I have to twist the pony tail holder four times around my hair. It used to only go around it three times. I'm trying not to get freaked out about it, but I'm too scared to try another round of HCG. :(

During P2, I took vitamin B12 drops and whole food vitamin pills, but I discontinued them when I went to P3. Should I start them back up?

I'm just very thankful that my hair is so thick because I think it would be noticeable to the eye if my hair was thinner to begin with.


This is a problem that is quite common and not permanent. I always take a mega B-12 supplement, helps with my carpal tunnel and muscle issues. I would follow through with all the vitamins that you normally took, just to help supplement, but especially in the P2.

You may not lose hair if you go another round. I will do some checking and see what I can find out for you. I will try to get back on later as I leave for 4 days tomorrow. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Don't freak out, it doesn't become your new face and body girl!

Good Luck everyone...Terri

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Disney, No hair loss for me ??? I don't have much to begin with anyway. Maybe you should go back on the vitamins.


Welcome loribel, Why did you start so close to your cruise ??? You must be committed. Well, if your biggest struggle is flavoring water you could use lemon's, limes with stevia. Unsweetened Iced Tea was my favorite..just brewed and chilled. I also love the bubbley feeling of soda. I craved it.. I needed it and luckily I do like seltzer. My favorite is a vanilla seltzer mmm like cream soda. As far as creamer for coffee ?? I don't like coffee so that was not an issue for me...My protocol said I could have 2 tablespoons of milk a day...I didn't use it though. Every once in awhile in a smoothie with strawberries and ice.

Bighorn with give you her website for recipes !! It's great.


Good luck ladies...I dreading jumping on the scale again. My rings are still tight from the Chinese food. Yesterday had corned beef. I'am sure that didn't help.

Have a good day...ITS FRIDAY !!!!


The reason I started it so close to the cruise......I went to the dr., got the injections, and was surprised the next day by DH saying, I just booked a cruise for spring break (I am a Teacher)! Always an excuse NOT to start a diet.......I have lost weight on cruise ships before by exercising and eating spa plans (Celebrity) but this is our first NCL and notice the vast choices of restaurants. I hope they adhere to my requests of no oils, butters and sugar added.....I guess my splurge will be the sugar free desserts.

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This is a tough one Loribel, for me timing was everything to start this program. But since you are in and appear committed, if you can follow the food protocol, that is 1/2 the battle. There are many kinds of flavored Stevia in packets and drops to flavor the water. Lemon juice is allowed (1/2 lemon a day) and I used dry packets of lemon and also lime flavored packs for on the go called..True Lemon and True Lime. Look at your local health food stores for these and the Stevias. There is also a cream caramel or vanilla packets and drops of stevia for the coffee, is it like creamer? No, but it was better than black coffee for me.

You shouldn't have the wine, but I know that people that have and have done ok...you just aren't going to lose as much as fast.

How long is your cruise? Some people can stop for 4 days and then resume. If you have anyone in your area that sells the drops, maybe you could go and talk with them. Some naturopaths are into this.

The phase you are in now, (500 calorie) you shouldn't exercise but if your Dr. ok's it, I am not going to say you can't.

Good Luck and let us know if there is anything else we can help with.

Why shouldn't you exercise? I guess that is why my dr. said to walk only.....How long is phase 1? I have a 7 day cruise but will still take the shots...not doing drops......

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