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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Good morning ladies!! Another beautiful sunny day here in Texas!


Loribel, all I can say is what a nice surprise from your husband!! Is there any way that you can just stop now and resume when you get back from your cruise? I don't see any realistic way to stay on protocol while on a 7 day cruise. Are you following Dr Simeons' protocol or something else? Would it be possible to talk to the clinic where you are getting your injections and pause your program until you get back? You want to be able to enjoy yourself on the cruise, and I personally wouldn't be able to relax if I were worried about my very strict diet. And as far as water, I just drink it cold and plain, in an insulated cup with a straw. For coffee creamer, I started with using the allowed 1 tablespoonful of milk, but changed to fat free french vanille coffeemate. It is the one thing not on Dr Simeons protocol that I have used throughout my P2. I have one week left of shots, and have lost 29 pounds. I use stevia packets for my sweetener in my coffee also.


Disney, I haven't seen any additional hair loss. In fact, I was losing quite a bit before, but blaming that on perimenopausal hormones. It has slowed down quite a bit lately, I was thinking due to protein intake and more sleep while on the protocol!


Janet, get more water on board and those rings will be loose again!


Terri (did I ever know that was your name???), have a safe trip. And many thanks for all of your advice and help! You are always a big help with questions, not only from me, but all of us. Says a lot about the kind of person that you are!!


Dawn, where are you??


The scale was kind today, down 0.8 this morning! Just a few more days, and I want a few more pounds off of this body. :)


Have a great FRIDAY all!!

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Hi girls! Here I am :)


Jennifer - Congrats on the loss - that's great!! Your kids sound amazing by the way. Sounds like you did a great job raising them.


Loribel - Welcome! I can't believe you are going on a cruise while on the HCG diet - that's brave! I am going to be the best i can onboard the ship so I don't gain weight back but I don't see how I could survive just eating the 500 calories. As for exercise, I hear that walking is ok - just don't do anything too strenuous. Like I love zumba but that's way too much when only consuming 500 cals a day.


Terri - Thank you for all of that information on P3! So, I took my last shot on Wednesday. Do I start eating more Saturday or Sunday? Technically I'd hit 72 hours on Sat morning. I'm confused about that....


Janet - That sodium in the chinese sounds like it's still getting to you. Hopefully it comes off by tomorrow. Drink lots of water!


Disney - I'm sorry you are losing your hair. :( That's a crappy side effect. Thank goodness it didn't happen to me because I am not sure I could part with more hair. I went through a phase a few years ago where I was losing my hair, I blamed it on hormones but I'm not anywhere near menopause age - yet!!


So, I lost 1.2lbs this morning!! I'm down like 3lbs just in the last two days so that's pretty cool!! I feel great today too - got my hair done last night and today I've had a few compliments on my hair and my weight. I was able to put on a shirt that's been tight. It kind of hugs the body more so I think it really shows how much weight I've lost. Loving the compliments!! Wishing you all a great day and good weekend in case I don't get back on soon. :)

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Here is something I swiped off another site...shhhhhhh


One of the concerns that HCG dieters have is hair loss. Because our drops are homeopathic and have no side effects, any loss of hair is not from our HCG formulation. However, hair loss is common with any diet program or an increase in stress on the body. Don’t worry, the hair loss is temporary and will grow back once you hit your target weight.

Hair will naturally fall out after 4-5 years before cycling and being replaced with and a new hair. During diets or times of high stress the hair follicles stop growing to conserve body resouces. Once you reach your target weight or stop over stressing the body the new hair growth pushes the old hair out of the follicle. You may have just as much hair as before but the new hairs are short and will take time to grow. This process occurs constantly throughout our lives but goes at a more rapid pace during weight loss or times of high stress.


According to Lisa Shea (BellaOnline Low Carb Editor), three key nutrients and vitamins recommended to help your hair are protein, iron and zinc. Supplementing them will not STOP the temporary hair loss while you diet since the hair loss is a normal part of your body’s reaction to losing the weight. However, it can help the hair grow in more fully and more healthy once you stop dieting/stressing the body.



Hope this helps. Thank you Jennifer for the nice comment. I must admit, I went way overboard on researching this (nurse in me) and wanted to be sure it was safe, effective and not a FAD. Great loss too...nearly a pound! I am maintaining and that is what I need to do.


Loribel...if you are following Dr. Simeons protocol, the exercise can actually interfer with weight loss on the 500 calorie part of this diet. Fluid retention for one and then also damages or uses muscle instead of the fat. P2 is 21-40 days, I am not sure with the injections if it is shorter period of time. P3 is as many days as you were on shots or injections. This is *MY* idea of what it involves. I know some people stay on P3 longer to get stabilzed if they have a hard time introducing foods. P4 is maintenance...and should be three weeks or more before you do another round, or continue P4 for life. P4 can be anything from low carb/low sugar/ low fat or combo of all to keep the weight from coming back. You have to have a plan and change from your old habits to be successful in P4.

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Dawn, congrats on the nice loss the past couple of days!!


Hi girls! Here I am :)


Terri - Thank you for all of that information on P3! So, I took my last shot on Wednesday. Do I start eating more Saturday or Sunday? Technically I'd hit 72 hours on Sat morning. I'm confused about that....



And I'm not Terri, but I did confirm this info yesterday with my doctor. My last shot is on Wednesday as well. That day doesn't count as far as 3 more days of VLCD. You start eating more on Sunday:D


Keep up the good work, girl!!

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Terri - Thank you for all of that information on P3! So, I took my last shot on Wednesday. Do I start eating more Saturday or Sunday? Technically I'd hit 72 hours on Sat morning. I'm confused about that....


Oh, forgot to answer....

If you hit the 72 hours Sat. You can start adding. I am not sure how specific I was on that part, I was biting at the bit to get some more choices. LOL

Just be careful not to go overboard on adding foods, some may cause gains, due to water retention, or like me and the oatmeal...bloating, gas and binding. As far as foods you have been on, like meats, I would think you could double or triple those quanities without gains. Meats that you will introduce that are higher fat, use with caution, small portions to start. Be aware of what your LDW is and allow yourself 2-3 pound gain/loss window before doing a correction. Good luck to you in P3! I loved it.


One thing for evryone to think about, it takes 3500 calories to put on a pound, so if you are gaining 2-3 pounds and you are doing what you should, it is water weight. Crazy as it sounds, flush that water weight off with MORE water. It should come off in a day ot so.

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Everyone's losers today ...YIPPIE

I learned my lesson from eating chinese food...down 2lbs this am. Thank goodness. I'll keep up the water.

Thanks for the info Terri..now I have another thing to hush up the naysayer.

Hcg was mentioned again this am on GMA.

It is a beautiful day here on Long Island...UGH , so nice almost 80 degrees. I hope it stays in the 60's till I leave for my cruise...it can be iffy traveling from NYC.

I started to pack allready...I had a messy pile of things I was taking with me and it was getting in the way so I threw it in a suitcase. And bought some Easter Candy for DD...( I swear for her)

Enjoy the weekend Ladies..It sounds like its off to a good start .

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Thanks girls for the information it is much appreciated!!


Terri says to eat Saturday. Jennifer says Sunday and so does the lady I get shots from. LOL Ummm...hehehe


Thank goodness I drink water on a consistent basis with no problems. It'll be my friend!!


Janet - Hooray for losing that weight!!

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Thanks for all of the information, Terri! That was so sweet of you to do all of that research for me. I'm still trying not to freak out about it, though. My DH says that he can't tell, so that's good. I think I will start taking my vitamins again just in case. Have a great time on your trip!


Congrats to all of the losers! ;) I'm still holding steady...one lb up then 1 lb down (dang P3...UGH!).


Have a great weekend everybody!!

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Thanks for all the info. You all have given me more info than the clinic I went to... which, by the way, is 4 hours from my home, so they gave me 40 syringes premeasured. I will follow the paperwork which gives me the list of veggies, fruit and proteins incl. measurements. Without oils, butter, sugar and carbs, it will be a challenge but I do not feel it impossible to do. I will enjoy the ship and excursions and know it is not "just the food" that we are going to enjoy. Treadmill and spa massages......love the slots, too. Still not clear on P1-P3 but will read up on all this....

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Great! Hope you have a wonderful cruise...like there are bad ones? I never had one yet. Keep in touch and we'll help you along, we are in this together!



OOh Terri , I have had a bad cruise ...2 years ago carnival triumph to Canada...Brown stuff coming out of shower.:confused: DD2 Throwing up sick with ear infection...and it was cold and couldn't use the pool..

I would not choose to re live that again.LOL.


I will not step on the scale this morning....I was so thirsty when I woke I drink a big big Iced tea.... I will do it tomorrow, I think the only way to keep this in check is be on the scale everyday. I keep mine in the laundry room down stairs....so I have to go out of my way to get to it. Bathroom is to small.

I have to work today ..not to happy. I would rather spend my time planning DD 4th birthday party. Or rake up the yard and get it ready for Spring Tomorrow !!!!


Have a good day ladies !

Must of us just need to stay on track, thanks to P3 ! ;)


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Dear OP, I am taking the sublingal drops, once a day under my tongue - I don't do needles very well! I was VERY nervous at first, but as week once passed, etc., not only did I see the weight come off - but the inches as well. People just don't understand how the HCG diet works. Yes, we are limiting our caloric intake, but taking the HCG - if anyone would take the time to read the website, would see that you are not starving yourself. Yes, if you were only limiting your caloric intake, sure you would lose weight. The HCG's job is to then take our stored fat and convert it into engery instead of attacking our muscles with food deprivation. I've been on the diet for 3 weeks not and feel great. I have to admit I cheat one day a week, and just recently my husband had surgery which put a hiccup in my diet. BUT I am so happy to say, I have not gained one pound back!!!!! We are taking our cruise next Saturday, of course I am nervous, but the HCG truly prevents the hunger and gives us the engery we want. I have to tell you, I never thought about doing the Atkins diet while on the cruise. What a great idea!!!!! You know, even if we should happen to gain a few pounds while on the cruise, think about it - we know a way to take it off, effortlessly!!!


People, don't knock it until you try it.

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Oh crap I just had some natur peanut butter and I'm thinking that was a mistake...had it with an apple. Today is my first day of eating on p3.


I do that to satisfy my sweet tooth, No sugar in the peanut butter Right? Then it should be fine. You will notice your weight going crazy at first..don't get alarmed you body is just adjusting..I was beside myself with grief for gaining 3 pounds.LOL. But now I'am down 3 from my ending weight... It feels good to eat a little different but scary not having that rope. You'll do fine !!!

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Morning ladies!! Had a busy weekend, and like Janet said, spring has sprung at my house! We did a lot of errands on Saturday, then spent most of the day yesterday cleaning out the shop. Made a bigger area for me for grooming the dogs, installed some nice shelving, and cleaned out a bunch of stuff that's going to go into a garage sale next Saturday. :)


I hit the 30 pound loss mark this weekend, hoping for another 1 or 2 pounds before I'm done - 2 more shots left, then on to phase 3 Sunday. Dawn, I'm watching you closely this week, please let me know how it goes for you!!


Janet, what's up with you and the Chinese food?? :) I love it too, just looks like I'm gonna try to stay more with sushi when I can have carbs again - a local place here is making theirs with brown rice now. Hopefully that will help!


Hope everyone has a good Monday!!

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Good morning ladies!!


I did some shopping over the weekend for some clothes for my cruise. It was nice to be able to fit into new sizes!!


I lost .3 this morning so I guess the peanut butter wasn't too bad for me. I tell you yesterday was hard trying to eat. I still haven't had breakfast this morning, I better get on that! So can I eat normal salad dressing again? I'm craving blue cheese dressing on a salad.


Jennifer - Congrats on the 30 lbs!! Is that all in your first round of HCG? Good job! Oh good another newbie to P3. :) Yeah I'll try to help you as much as I can. For breakfast I'm having greek yogurt with blueberries. I'm having a salad for lunch and not sure about dinner yet. Bought in some almonds and cheese to snack on today. I thought for sure i'd be hungry w/out the shots but I'm not at all.


Janet - You and your chinese food!! What did the scale do this morning?


Hope everyone had a good weekend!! It is quiet here this morning!!

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