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help? what am i doing wrong??


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i have been at my weight of 135 since january 25th! i am exercising everyday! but yet the weight wont come off.. i figured out that if i lose 2 lbs a week i'll get to 123 by my cruise, and 120 was my goal!.. i need major help bc i know i can do this if i set my mind to it.

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Well, first, 135 sounds pretty good unless you are 4 feet tall, so you probably won't get much sympathy here, LOL! How old are you? As we age, we replace lean body mass with fat, thus our metabolism becomes slower. If you've dieted all your life or been on crash diets, you may already have that problem. The best strategy for achieving the body you want is to stop looking at the numbers and find a workout plan which works for you. I suggest a moderate, varied diet which is low in refined carbs, has a moderate amount of lean protein and good fats, such as fish oils and olive oil. Throw away sodas and sweet drinks. Say no to processed and fast foods. Have you read Eating Well magazine? They have some great ideas and recipes. (Thanks to Pam, I get it free from freebizmag.com )

Start writing down a plan for your workout which includes resistance or weight training. I have cut a deal with myself- while waiting for the water in the shower to get hot, I do 25 pushups. How much cardio do you do and at what level? You can get lazy and not realize it if you do the same fitness routine daily. Try a circuit-type workout where you do 15 min on treadmill, 15 on bike, etc. Check your heart rate.Try to add more natural activity to your daily routine. Diet alone doesn't produce a healthy body, you must invest some sweat equity. Do I practice what I preach? Yes. Still, it's a daily struggle. We aren't all blessed with skinny genes and great metabolisms. Be consistent and hang in there- it will pay off! BTW- it's pretty tough to lose 2 pounds of fat in a week for a small woman. Think 7000 calories- that's a deficit of 1000 per day. Starving only makes matters worse. Much easier to shoot for 500 with a good hour of cardio and try to lose 1 pound per week of fat. Remember, you may add muscle weight, so forget the numbers and just trust the mirror! Best of luck!

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Well, first, 135 sounds pretty good unless you are 4 feet tall, so you probably won't get much sympathy here, LOL! How old are you? As we age, we replace lean body mass with fat, thus our metabolism becomes slower. If you've dieted all your life or been on crash diets, you may already have that problem. The best strategy for achieving the body you want is to stop looking at the numbers and find a workout plan which works for you. I suggest a moderate, varied diet which is low in refined carbs, has a moderate amount of lean protein and good fats, such as fish oils and olive oil. Throw away sodas and sweet drinks. Say no to processed and fast foods. Have you read Eating Well magazine? They have some great ideas and recipes. (Thanks to Pam, I get it free from freebizmag.com )

Start writing down a plan for your workout which includes resistance or weight training. I have cut a deal with myself- while waiting for the water in the shower to get hot, I do 25 pushups. How much cardio do you do and at what level? You can get lazy and not realize it if you do the same fitness routine daily. Try a circuit-type workout where you do 15 min on treadmill, 15 on bike, etc. Check your heart rate.Try to add more natural activity to your daily routine. Diet alone doesn't produce a healthy body, you must invest some sweat equity. Do I practice what I preach? Yes. Still, it's a daily struggle. We aren't all blessed with skinny genes and great metabolisms. Be consistent and hang in there- it will pay off! BTW- it's pretty tough to lose 2 pounds of fat in a week for a small woman. Think 7000 calories- that's a deficit of 1000 per day. Starving only makes matters worse. Much easier to shoot for 500 with a good hour of cardio and try to lose 1 pound per week of fat. Remember, you may add muscle weight, so forget the numbers and just trust the mirror! Best of luck!


well 135 is kinda bad.. actually now this morning i weighed myself and it was 137.5... i'm 16... yeah 2lbs / week is tough but if i only loose 1 lb a week then ill only get to 131.. by my cruise... but for the exercise... i run around 2-3 miles a day, for track.. and.. im thinking its maybe muslce because i eat a good diet? and doesnt muscle burn fat?.. my fat isnt burning lol... and its hard to eat a lot anyway, i burn a lott off from track practice.. 330-530.. then come home eat dinner, i only usuaulyl then eat 1 or 2 snacks bc im trying not to eat after 730 even though its hard.. does that make a diff.?... yeah im tryin to forget the numbers..but i just dont wanna get SO much muscle i wont fit into these new jeans i got.. they dont fit me yet bc theres a lott of fat hanging out

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Did you measure yourself when you started? You'd probably see some change there. Even if you are not losing pounds, you are most likely losing inches. At your age, you should be able to burn the fat relatively fast so my guess is that you are added muscle weight while you are losing fat. I remember you said you are on the track team and running every day. Just keep it up and you'll get the results you are after. Don't be too hung up on the numbers on the scale. If you haven't measured yet, do it now and then re-check in 2 months and you'll see a loss!


You are very smart to get a handle on your weight now at such a young age. Keep at it and you'll never have a weight problem when you get to be older (like most of us on this board!) :D



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In order to get to your goal, which you can, you just need to REDUCE your calories, go to the website, www.caloriescount.com and imput your info and it will tell you how many calories you need eat per day. I am at 1200 calories per day and will make my 15 pound goal by my April 23rd cruise! So you can do it.

I do not get much exercise, due to health problems, so that is why my calories are low, you exercise, so you will get a few more calories. You can get to your original goal! You have my support! YOU CAN DO IT! IT is all about the calories!

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In order to get to your goal, which you can, you just need to REDUCE your calories, go to the website, www.caloriescount.com and imput your info and it will tell you how many calories you need eat per day. I am at 1200 calories per day and will make my 15 pound goal by my April 23rd cruise! So you can do it.

I do not get much exercise, due to health problems, so that is why my calories are low, you exercise, so you will get a few more calories. You can get to your original goal! You have my support! YOU CAN DO IT! IT is all about the calories!

thank you! .. also, i havent even really been eating 1200 calories, bc track burns a lot & its hard to go home and eat, and be full & then not eat after 7:30.. and still eat 1200 calories.. ive been having 900, is that all that bad for you?
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Did you measure yourself when you started? You'd probably see some change there. Even if you are not losing pounds, you are most likely losing inches. At your age, you should be able to burn the fat relatively fast so my guess is that you are added muscle weight while you are losing fat. I remember you said you are on the track team and running every day. Just keep it up and you'll get the results you are after. Don't be too hung up on the numbers on the scale. If you haven't measured yet, do it now and then re-check in 2 months and you'll see a loss!


You are very smart to get a handle on your weight now at such a young age. Keep at it and you'll never have a weight problem when you get to be older (like most of us on this board!) :D



nope, i didnt measure myself..should i use a certain measuring tape, like a one for bodies? .. i think you're pretty right about the numbers, im gonna ignore them and rely on the mirror! :)
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You need to eat more than 900 calories. That is why you aren't loosing any weight. Check out that website that 2bcrewzn posted. Enter your info and check that you are at least moderatly active. It will show you how many calories you need per day to maintain your weight, and then how many you should have to reach your weight loss goal. I entered my info and it gave me a good realistic number (1600 to loose). You need to be eating 1200 calories a day at the very least. You really need more since you are running everyday and are an active teenager.

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Results: Diet Assessment


Current Weight:

Healthy Weight Goal:


For those who want to lose more than 20 pounds, please note that this can be accomplished with the CaloriesCount.com plan. However, to keep you from getting discouraged, your first goal will be to lose 20 pounds. Additional weight loss can be obtained by continuing with the plan and working toward additional weight loss.




Healthy Weight Range: -

You should aim to fall within a healthy weight range. Please do not attempt to obtain a weight below this range with this plan.






If you are a 4'10" or 4'11" woman, your healthy weight range is:

4'10" - 92-119


4'11" - 94-122




Current BMI:





Healthy BMI range: 18.5 - 24.9

A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight


A BMI of 30 and above is considered obese



* Please note that BMI does not account for increased muscle mass and is not an appropriate tool for those who are pregnant or nursing. BMI is merely a tool used to determine if your weight places you at risk for various diseases.



Note: It is the policy of CaloriesCount.com to offer sound, safe weight loss and weight maintenance plans. If you are pregnant or nursing, under the age of 18, have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 17 or less, have cancer or other serious illness or are shorter than 4’10,” we are unable to provide you with a weight loss or weight maintenance plan at this time. Please speak with your physician or health professional regarding an eating plan that will meet your physical and nutritional needs.


Calorie level to maintain current weight: 2481

"); Calorie level to lose weight: 1981

All calorie levels are based on a healthy weight range and calorie levels are not meant to bring you below a healthy weight range. If you are already at a healthy weight, your plan will be to maintain your current weight.

To lose one pound a week, a person must burn 3,500 calories more than are consumed (500 calories per day over the course of a week). For example, reducing calories by 300 per day and increasing daily activity to burn off an additional 200 calories should result in a weight loss of one pound per week.

Activity level: heavy

Overall Goal: lose weight


i just did it, and thats what i got, i dont understand though how i can lose by eating almost 2000 calories.. i thought that was gaining/maintaining.. i can hardly eat 1200 calories..


and i cant sign up for it since i dont have a credit card..

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You need to eat more than 900 calories. That is why you aren't loosing any weight. Check out that website that 2bcrewzn posted. Enter your info and check that you are at least moderatly active. It will show you how many calories you need per day to maintain your weight, and then how many you should have to reach your weight loss goal. I entered my info and it gave me a good realistic number (1600 to loose). You need to be eating 1200 calories a day at the very least. You really need more since you are running everyday and are an active teenager.
yeah but i cant eat if im not hungry.. i try to get 1200 though,.. and i did that but it gave me 1981 calories to eat per day.. there is no way im eating that much
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What do you normally eat each day? It's pretty dangerous to dip below 1000 calories per day unless you are being supervised by a doctor. If I were you I would try to get at least 1200 a day, but try and shoot for closer to 1500/1600. And make healthy food choices. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables. Try to stay away from more processed foods. And drink lots of water.

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What do you normally eat each day? It's pretty dangerous to dip below 1000 calories per day unless you are being supervised by a doctor. If I were you I would try to get at least 1200 a day, but try and shoot for closer to 1500/1600. And make healthy food choices. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables. Try to stay away from more processed foods. And drink lots of water.


i usually eat around 1300-1400..


i eat for breakfast, cereal, a healthy cereal, cherrios, go lean, or special k, or something of the kind.. & usually with a fruit if we have them.. then for lunch i get salad, a fruit, sometimes a soup, and a fat free skim milk.. then dinner whatever is cooked.. and then snacks usually fruits, granola bars, prextles, stuff like that.. i always eat whole grains, i cant eat white bread it disguists me.. except like italian bread with spaghetti.. i drink about 64oz of water a day, i try to... what exactly are processed foods?

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Oh, I thought you said earlier that you were only eating 900 a day. Processed foods are stuff you buy premade at the grocery store. Stuff like forzen dinners, hot pockets, cookies, snack foods, etc. Your diet seems pretty solid. You might need some good fat though, like butter, olive oil, whole milk, full fat yogurt, eggs. Try to have at least one good fat food per day. I know how frustrating it is to work so hard to se minimal results. I'm not sure if you stated this before, but how tall are you? Maybe you really don't need to loose any weight. And I also agree that you should pay less attention to the number on the scale and more attention to your measurements and how your clothes fit. Squats and Lunges also work miracles on your body shape :)

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Sarah, are you measuring your food? The calories really add up, the portion sizes are no bigger than the palm of your hand. Use that as your guide and you really have to watch the carbs. Get rid of the pretzels, try not to snack at all and good job on not eating 3 hours before bed.

Just aim for 1200 calories at least a day.

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Oh, I thought you said earlier that you were only eating 900 a day. Processed foods are stuff you buy premade at the grocery store. Stuff like forzen dinners, hot pockets, cookies, snack foods, etc. Your diet seems pretty solid. You might need some good fat though, like butter, olive oil, whole milk, full fat yogurt, eggs. Try to have at least one good fat food per day. I know how frustrating it is to work so hard to se minimal results. I'm not sure if you stated this before, but how tall are you? Maybe you really don't need to loose any weight. And I also agree that you should pay less attention to the number on the scale and more attention to your measurements and how your clothes fit. Squats and Lunges also work miracles on your body shape :)


ohh yeah, sometimes 900.. but i try really hard to get to at least 1200.. oh sometimes i eat frozen dinners, not hot pockets though.. i dont eat cookies much.. snack foods, like are those prextles, granola bars and stuff like that?... its hard for me to eat whole fat stuff though, it disguists me. lol.

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Sarah, are you measuring your food? The calories really add up, the portion sizes are no bigger than the palm of your hand. Use that as your guide and you really have to watch the carbs. Get rid of the pretzels, try not to snack at all and good job on not eating 3 hours before bed.

Just aim for 1200 calories at least a day.


yes i definitley measure my food, and it helps a LOT! .. how much carbs should i eat a day? .. im trying to get rid of the pretzles, esp. the stick ones i keep eating & eating them which is bad. its hard not to snack at all though bc i get hungry lol.. and if i dont snack i wont get to 1200 calories

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First, I'm not a dietician so take this with some amount of salt, but...


You need to eat more, you need to eat lots more. 900 calories is not enough for anyone to live on. It's certainly not enough for you to be running track on.


The reason you're not losing weight is that your body is in a starvation mode and your metabolism has slowed way down to maintain basic functions on extremely limitted calories.


I bet your times on the track have suffered or stopped improving as well.


You're an athlete, the goal should be lean, strong and fast. To do that you need to fuel the engine and train the engine. Track practice and some side sessions should train you, but you need the fuel.


Cut out everything non-essential (cokes, sweets, dairy fat) and add a bunch of the good stuff. Try to eat lots of whole grains, tons of fruit and mounds of vegetables. Don't worry so much about calories. If you're out there hammering 5-6 times per week on the track and stick to good foods, you'll get into good shape--there's no such thing as a bad piece of fruit or bad vegetable, eat as much of them as you can hold.


Make yourself a big smoothie (1.5 cups soy milk, 1.5 cups fruit juice, 2 cups frozen fruit and .5 cups of non-fat yogurt) and drink the whole thing immediately after track practice--its about 5-600 calories and makes sure you restore your systems after a hard practice.


You lose weight by taking in slightly less than you burn. If you take in lots less than you burn you just wind up injured, sick and about the same weight that you started.


If you really can't eat more than 1200 cals per day you need to talk to a nutritionist or a doctor to find out how you can avoid getting injured or sick.

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you know I am not don't know much about calorie counting and all that stuff...too time consuming for me but I will let you know what works for me to lose weght. I averaged 135 since I was your age and then about 3 yrs ago I got down to 118lbs. I gained it back last year because change in jobs and I work shifts so I was eating a lot when adjusting. I went back to my regular eating and workout in January and have gotten back down to 122lbs. here is what worked for me.


I spent 5yrs in the army and was never able to lose weight with running. The only way for me to see results is resistance training and weights. Not heavy ones though. I can do cardio for days without weight loss. Although they say it works i was not able to break 135lbs until I started doing the other stuff.


I would cut out pretzels..i generally will have a yogurt or cheese or something if I want to snack but have learned if I snack more than twice it is better for you to just have small portions of food every couple of hours. Calories do add up when you snack and you may not realize it. I will have either 3 meals in a day with no snacking or I will eat small portions of fruits and vegetable every 3 to 4 hours. In the morning also i do not eat cereal. Although they say they are healthy they are loaded with bad carbs and sugars. I will eat eggs with ham/fruit and cottage cheese or something like that/


As they say not eating at all will only make you gain more in the end. It better to learn portion control and what is healthy for you. I am 30 and now weight less than I did all through my high school years. My biggest problem then was portion size and not understanding what was healthy or not. I eat little carbs now..although I do let my self have a cupcake or some kind of junk food every couple of day...I also love my wheat tortillas and english muffins...but i make sure it is always whole grain wheat when I eat breads...


Good luck with your diet..jsut don't get discuraged.

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