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I bet your friend enjoyed the company, I'm sorry to say when I had Bill I really didn't think about other gals that were alone. I guess sometimes you have to experience it to realize the difference you can make in someones life.


The part went good, one of the gals picked me up so we rode together and got there together so other things to talk about right away. There were 11 of us there, had some appetizers first and then dinner. Got home around 11 and seemed that the fog had gotten a little better.


Went to church this morning now trying to decide what to do with the rest of the day.


Tomorrow I have one more lunch with three of the zumba gals even though I haven't been going. Maybe I will start again since there is no Forever Fit class during the winter this year.


What does that mean if your boss doesn't pay for everyone, they won't come? Seems lots of things and people change when someone dies.


Almost 60 here today but cloudy and dreary, with a little sprinkle once in awhile.

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Sharon, you got it. He was paying for everything, flights, hotel, so with him not paying anymore after this, I doubt that everyone will come back again.


It rained all afternoon yesterday and it has been raining on and off all morning long. I can feel the temps dropping now. So it should be a miserable rest of the day. We put up our outside garland on the front porch and we also bought one of these star burst to shine on the front of the house.


We are leaving for Shipshewana, IN Saturday seeing an Amish play at the Blue Gate Theater. Staying over night and returning Sunday morning.


We see each other at least once a week, mostly I travel to her place or in that area to do something. Even though it is raining on and off today, I hope you will enjoy getting out to lunch this afternoon. Temps will be a roller coaster this week with up and down temps.




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The sun was out part of the time, but while we were in the restaurant it rained for a while, stopped by the time we left. One of the gals had a terrible cold and said she was just so sick over the weekend almost went to the emergency room. Now this is only Monday and now she was saying she doesn't think she is contagious anymore, although she also said she couldn't taste her food at all. None of the rest of us wanted to catch it! Another one of the gals said she did go the the ER room on Saturday because she woke up and her eye hurt then realized she couldn't see anything out of it. It did come back but she had looked it up on the internet and thought she had had a stroke in her eye. I know Bill had one in his eye and he said it was like someone pulled a shade half way down his eye, he could only see out of the bottom of it, but it was permanent, it did not come back. So anyway she was going to a specialist today to see if there is any chance of it happening again. The other two of us were ok.


I did talk to my sister and she did not want to go to Florida right now, like I said she has an appmnt with the cardiologist on the 17th and not sure what he will say. She says she doesn't feel real welcome where is is at, but has no idea what else she can do. She says she doesn't know if she is able to live by herself health wise, and would need to get help with the rent since she only has social security for income, if she could live alone. I said maybe she should talk to her sons and see if she could stay in Florida for the winters and up her for the summers. But she said she doesn't know what she wants to do. She has two sons in Florida, one has a whole slew of kids and they are all looking forward to seeing her. The other son only has one daughter and she is grown and has her own house. She is leaving on Saturday and really wants me to go with, but I do not like her son with all the kids, he took advantage of everything my son had and sold it while he was sick. I also don't like to be around that many kids all the time. She said I could stay at a motel but I know they would want me to come to the house and I don't want to, so better I don't go at all.


Sounds like you have a nice weekend planned, so nice you can get away every once in a while.

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Sharon, so am I to understand that your sister is leaving this Saturday for FL? I am sure she can find a Dr there to take care of her. I would think she would be better off staying at the son who does not have any kids living with them. I also agree that I would not feel comfortable with what you have described going and staying with them. So best for you to stay here.


About the same was true here as far as the weather went yesterday. Now it is just overcast and not clear at all. I also remember you telling me last week when you got together with the gals and 1 had a cold and you were staying away form her. So I do not know if this lady was the same 1 as last week. I would not want to be around anyone who had a bad cold either.


We enjoy going there periodically to see their plays. The theater is not all that big and not being too big is an enjoyable experience. Plus I enjoy shopping for their food an also looking at Amish creations. Plus it is not an entire weekend only 1 day and a overnight. So just a short and quick getaway.




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Yes, my sister is leaving this coming Saturday. I am going over to pick her up tomorrow and we will go to lunch, it will be the last time I get to see her for a while. She is not sure how long she will stay, wants to see how it goes, but will definitely be there till after new years.


The gal who was so sick Monday was a different one, seems so many people are sick. You go in the store and everyone is hacking and coughing. Sure hope I don't catch it, feel a little funny like a runny nose today. Took a Coldeeze, supposed to prevent or shorten a cold.


Got a gourmet cake from one of Bill's daughters, not the "bad" one. I text here and told her thank you for still thinking of me. She text back she had been having really bad migraines and was going to go to the University of Wisconsin hospital soon for some tests. I text her back if she needed someone to go with I was available. She is the one that owns 2 assisted living homes.


Maybe your trip is only a night away, but it's still nice, enjoy! Did you get all over your cold?

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Sharon, like you have said about all of the people who are hacking. That is what I am doing. So not totally over it, most of it except for the coughing.


Well hopefully your sister will stay there through the winter and that she enjoys herself. I think it is the best for her just now to be getting away.


It is good that the 1 daughter is still on good terms with you. I remember you telling me how she was always inviting you to their place for various events, and that she also helped you out in transportation of Bill around when he was sick.


It rained around here this morning and now the sun is out bright. But the temps are headed to freezing temps tonight.


Yes, we enjoy going to that area and they put on great shows during the year. But it seems like the holidays are the best time to see 1 of their performances. So we leave Saturday morning and the performance is at 7. Then we return home on Sunday morning. I think they are 1 hour ahead of us.




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Just got home, 10:30 pm, and its only 32 degrees and very windy. Brrr feels cold out. Our Wednesday group was there, we all brought something to eat this week since next week one of the gals is having Christmas Eve at her house and needs to be home to get stuff ready. The owner made us all pork chop sandwiches on French bread with either bbq or honey mustard sauce. I took some Filo cups filled with vanilla pudding and cherry topping.


I picked up my sister today and we drove to the next big town from her, DeKalb. It has a whole big long strip of all kinds of stores since it has a college in town. We were kind of looking for a Chili's to eat at so drove till we ran out of stores then I made a left turn and headed back down the same way we came. My sister got sick to her stomach with me making that turn and felt as though she was going to throw up. Luckily she didn't. Couldn't find a Chili's so went to Ruby Tuesdays since they have a very nice salad bar. She still didn't feel good so ordered chicken noodle soup and only ate the broth. I had cheesy broccoli and the salad bar. Afterwards we looked through Kohl's but she wasn't into it so I took her home. She took her blood pressure to see if that was the matter, since it can cause you to feel like that, but it was 165 over 85. So it sure wasn't too low. I called her after I was home a while and she said she had laid down for a while and felt a little better. She has a cardiologist appmnt tomorrow. I really don't think she is able to fly on Saturday. She has trouble walking very much and is supposed to also consult with a radiologist to see about getting radiation or not. They are taking her to the airport but I think she would need a wheelchair to get to the gate since they are all such a long walk. This is not the best time for her to go, wish they hadn't gotten her that ticket. Maybe they want to be alone for Christmas? I told her to write down all of her dr's phone numbers to take with just in case something happens down there. Better to be safe than sorry.


The weather is suppose to be good this weekend so should be smooth sailing for your "outing"

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Sharon, I did see how the temps are going up and down. Yes, it was very cold last night.


I agree that your sister should get a wheelchair for going and getting one in FL as well. It will make it much easier getting around. She should find a Dr there as well if something happens while there. It does not sound like it was an enjoyable experience yesterday taking her out to eat with you. But it is good that she was feeling better once you took her home.


So that was good that you had a nice night out with the group. So are you saying that next week 1 gal is having the gathering at her own house? That sounds like a good plan for next week.


The jerk is in STL now and the pl;an is for him to be leaving for good next week. Right now he is planning driving to FL next Wednesday. So I can't wait for him to be out of here.




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No the one gal is having her family over to her house Christmas eve. The rest of us Wed night gals will still meet at the regular place.


Havent heard from my sisrer yet to see how the cardiologist appmt went. Hope ok!


Good your boss is going to be gone again, lots nicer when he's gone for you.


Had a friend call today and tell me her and her husband had received free tickets for one of the boats on Lake Geneva on Sunday. They had an extra ticket did I want to go with, I said sounded like fun. I usually ride at least once a summer but of course didn't this year. Will have to dress warm as the water is pretty cold, not anywhere close to frozen though. Will be nice to have something to do with someone. When I go to church at 8am the rest of the day is pretty long.

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Sharon, OK that sounds good that you still will be able to go with the regular crowd next Wednesday. So is the boat excursion enclosed with open decks? That sounds like a lot of fun. Downtown Chicago they make a big deal with tour boats going out and watching the fireworks on New Year's Eve. Very expensive though.


It sure has been real cold at night since we have had such mild temps. But next week the temps go up once again.


Hopefully the Dr gave your sister some good news today, and has cleared her to travel and to be away.


It will be good once the jerk is gone from here and down to FL.


Stay warm,




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They do have clear panels they put over the windows for rain or cold so it won't be too bad if we dress warm. Heard its supposed to be in upper 40's. I bought a new coat today, didn't really need it but it was on sale and I still had the 30% off at Kohls. It's a Columbia coat, they have been advertising how warm they are without bulk. I bought a red one.


My sister said the cardiologist said to take one water pill one day and two the next day and so on, for a week. Then she should be ok, sounds kind of goofy to me. She is all packed and is leaving on the plane at 7:30 am. Her son and wife are taking her in and she is getting a wheel chair. At Fort Myers another son is picking her up so all is set. Hope she has a good time.


Cold and windy with snow showers today, they were saying lots of accidents because of the slippery roads. Didn't think it did that much, but with a little and that cold guess it stayed long enough to bother traffic.


Have a good time this weekend,

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Sharon, so by now your sister is on her way. That was early for her to get up today to catch that flight. That does sound goofy about how she is taking her water pills.


So all that weather was up your way. We did not get any of that stuff. Just the extreme cold the past few days. Yes, I did hear that the temps will be going up starting tomorrow. But also that we will have high winds as well. It may be colder where we are going. I guess we shall see. We are leaving shortly as I think they are an hour ahead of us.


I know a few weeks ago I used my Kohl's coupon and bought some stuff on-line as it was getting to expire and I know I was not going to be able to get to the store. So I thought that was kind of cool to do that.




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How was the play and the weather? Was it a Christmas play?


The boat ride was very nice, it was closed in and heated. We went to the upper level and sat so we could see good. The captain did a running narative of who originally owned or built the houses. They provided hot chocolate, also had an open bar. There was ice built up along the shoreline, the captain said they lower the lake a foot to prevent any damage from it. Afterwards we ate lunch and they insisted on paying. They are leaving for Hawaii right after Christmas for 2 weeks then going to their home in Florida till April. They are both retired Chicago police. He led a swat team and she worked security at Ohare.


Talked to my sister, she said it was in the upper 70's today. She is enjoying herself and the grandchildren.

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Sharon, like you had said around you a few days ago, that it had snowed and there were all kinds of accidents. Well I feel it was the same thing where we went as well. We could see snow around South Bend and beyond. So it was luck we went Saturday, versus Friday, as that is when it snowed.


We left Saturday morning and it took us about 1 1/2 hours to arrive there. It was down right cold. So I did some shopping and then we ate an Amish dinner, and saw the show at 7. Yes, it was a Christmas musical play, and it was the very last play, and we enjoyed it very much. It was called My Christmas Dinner. All of their plays include An Amish theme in some ways.


So that sounds like you really had a great time on the boat ride. That also sounds good that they are leaving for Hawaii, and then to their place in Florida. Also that your sister is safe and sound in Florida as well.


Warmer temps around here but much rain. It will be mild all of this week. We will go out to eat on Christmas Eve. Then we will go to my # 1 daughter's on Christmas morning.




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Since I have no family, I have no plans for Christmas Eve, but Christmas day will go to the show with that other gal. At least its something to do besides sit home all day.


I had bought a thing you plug into a car's cigarette lighter and its supposed to start a dead battery within about 15 minutes. Since I only got the insurance on Bill car a couple of weeks ago it has sat since August so the battery is dead. The "thing" did not work so I also have a small battery charger. I got the hood open but there was a red plastic covering on the positive terminal that I couldn't get off. I came in and goggled it and found the answer, went back out and sure enough it worked. So I have had it on the charger now for several hours. If it doesn't work, it will mean the battery is too far gone and I will call the garage and have them come and do something to get it started and checked out.


Rainy all day off and on today, didn't go anywhere.

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Sharon, yes it mainly rained all morning yesterday, but the afternoon was clear around here, and the temps went to the 50's. Today temps in the 40's and rain again tomorrow.


So if the battery does not start, then you might have to get a new battery. So if you call the garage, they could put in for you. You just have to give them the make and model of the car so they can bring the right battery. I have seen those things you are talking about to start your car. So if it does not work you might as well send it back and get your money back.


So what show are you going to see on Christmas? We will eat out on Christmas Eve, and it will be just the 2 of us. Then on Christmas morning we will go to my daughter's house for the kids and then come back home as they all go to in laws the rest of the day.




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The car did not start so I called the service place this side of town, was going to call the dealership I usually go to but figured they would charge more. The guy came out plugged in a starter and said "try it now". I did and it started right up. I asked him how long I should run it so I would be certain it would start again. He said drive up to the next town and back then stop at the shop instead of back home and see if it starts again there. I did that and it did not start again when I turned it off, so he replaced the battery. Charged me $40 for coming out less than 2 miles, the total was $197.00. Oh well, it works good now I don't have to worry about it.


Went to Menards to look around, ran into the owner of the restaurant Bill and I used to go to every Saturday for cheese soup. She asked how are you and then how is your husband. I couldn't help it, just started crying, don't know if I'll ever be able to handle this. She said she missed seeing us and wondered what happened.


The movie we will probably see is either Sisters or that other one with Will Farrel they have been advertising. Either way it will be a comedy, need to lighten the mood for sure.


Did you make reservations for the hotel again New Years Eve?

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Sharon, Bill takes care of all of our reservations, and he usually makes them just after we depart in January. With him being retired from UAL, and working there for 35 years, he knows how to get discounts and do all of that stuff. So this has been an annual event for him for over 45 years. His Dad started this as they were married there many, many years ago when it was called the Steven's Hotel. We actually check in on the 30th, as that was the day they actually married, and check out on the 1st. Bill's son and GS stay there as well. We have a lakefront view and can see all of the fireworks going off very well.


Well let me know what show you end up seeing. I do not know of any of those you have mentioned. As we have never been to a show. Bill usually rents the first rate shows at a hotel or we see first running sometimes on an airplane.


Well for a service call and a brand new battery, I supposed that is not too bad. At least you have the piece of mind that the car will be running when ever you need to use it now.


So I guess it is supposed to reach temps in the 60's sometime today, and lots of rain later on. So we shall see.




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Rained tons today and now its very, very windy. Just got home from the Wed night get to gather with the girls. Tonight the first drink was free, I only have one so no cost. He also brought out chips and dip for us. We danced a couple of line dances and visited. Will also meet next Wed even though it will be New Years Eve, Eve.


That is a nice tradition you have for New Years Eve, even more special since it honors the wedding. Good thing he keeps booking the room right away as I'm sure someone would jump at the chance to get it.


I'll let you know which movie we decide on, the other gal mentioned she didn't think she wanted to see Sisters so hopefully the other one will be playing. I'm not into Star Wars, never seen any of them and have no desire to start now. Will also have to check if there will be any restaurants open so we can get a bite to eat, with it being Christmas might not be any.

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Rained tons today and now its very, very windy. Just got home from the Wed night get to gather with the girls. Tonight the first drink was free, I only have one so no cost. He also brought out chips and dip for us. We danced a couple of line dances and visited. Will also meet next Wed even though it will be New Years Eve, Eve.


That is a nice tradition you have for New Years Eve, even more special since it honors the wedding. Good thing he keeps booking the room right away as I'm sure someone would jump at the chance to get it.


I'll let you know which movie we decide on, the other gal mentioned she didn't think she wanted to see Sisters so hopefully the other one will be playing. I'm not into Star Wars, never seen any of them and have no desire to start now. Will also have to check if there will be any restaurants open so we can get a bite to eat, with it being Christmas might not be any.

Hi again. I saw the movie creed was good will see the movie Joy looks good I saw the movie sisters not so good. Going out today to buy a hughe teddy bear. Will be fun on the bus ride home. lol :)

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Sharon, that is just what he does as far as reservations. But the last few years the hotel was not even close to being full, most likely due to the economy. But there have been years when on the 31st the lines were out the door checking in.


Restaurants in your area there may not be a very good selection, but who knows. I agree about Star Wars, more geared to the younger crowd. But hopefully she will select a movie that you will enjoy.


Around here it just poured in the morning and the rest of the day was dry. But at night the winds were blowing very hard like you said. Thank God it was not snow, like some areas were getting.




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Hi again. I saw the movie creed was good will see the movie Joy looks good I saw the movie sisters not so good. Going out today to buy a hughe teddy bear. Will be fun on the bus ride home. lol :)


If you could take a picture riding home on the buss, I would like to see that.:eek:




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A huge teddy bear! Some one posted a picture of one on Facebook that they got from their boyfriend, looks cuddly and cute. Are you buying it for someone else or for yourself? I read the reviews about Sisters and it wasn't good either so maybe Daddy's home will be a good one. Didn't have too good a luck with finding an open restaurant any later than 3pm. Guess most people have family they celebrate with.


Talked with my sister earlier today, her one son is having everyone over and its going to be a pajama party. They had bought her two different ones so she could pick the one she liked the best.


I am pretty much tonight just playing a game on the computer and looking at Facebook to see what everyone else is doing or saying. This is not a good night, too many memories popping into my head.

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Sharon, just the same a very Merry Christmas to you today. It is just 2 friends exchanging blessing with each other.


There will not be much happening today, as I just returned from church and now I will be going to my # daughter's house to exchange presents mostly with GK's and then they all go to in-laws housed and we will come back and spend the rest of the day by ourselves.


Another day in the 40's. Oh, the jerk left for Indianapolis yesterday and after today he will be headed to FL until May. His 1 daughter lives in Indy.




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Sharon, just the same a very Merry Christmas to you today. It is just 2 friends exchanging blessing with each other.


There will not be much happening today, as I just returned from church and now I will be going to my # daughter's house to exchange presents mostly with GK's and then they all go to in-laws housed and we will come back and spend the rest of the day by ourselves.


Another day in the 40's. Oh, the jerk left for Indianapolis yesterday and after today he will be headed to FL until May. His 1 daughter lives in Indy.




Great you will have 3 months without him. That is a blessing.
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